Thursday, 21 December 2017

Last Post of 2017

I just want to thank everyone for all their support this year.  Your children are amazing.

Most of the class would like to do something 'special' on the last day (tomorrow).  The voted to Dress Up in their P.J.'s and bring a stuffed animal.  We'll watch a movie and enjoy each other's company.  Hopefully I'll remember to bring some popcorn.

Kid's do not HAVE to dress up, totally optional. 

I hope everyone has a safe, and relaxing holiday break!

See you in the new year.

Mr. Cross

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

December 20th

2 more days left!

Today we finished up our art from yesterday for Red Light.  Then we worked in partners on a 'shared reading' presentation we'll be doing on Friday.

Period 2 we had our 'reader's writer's' workshop.

Period 3 we had the computers.  We enjoyed some free time.

Period 4 Mrs. Smith took the kids to the gym for a great big sing along.

Period 5 Mrs. Djonovich taught music.

Period 6 we finished up some 'time work' and some artwork.

Things are a little chaotic these last few days before the break.  Please excuse me if I don't get around to blogging Thursday and Friday.

I'd just like to take the moment to thank everyone for a terrific year so far.  I hope you all have a restful and relaxing holiday.  Be safe, have fun!

Make sure you read lots over the holidays...write if you can.  We'll be finishing up our unit on time when we get back.  I'm hoping everyone can read an analogue clock by the time they get back.

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

December 19th

Here is my attempt at a period 2 blog!

First period we finished up some math for RED light.  Then we read more for A Tale of Desperaux.  Then the kids had some time to read independently.

Period 2 Mrs. Smith is carrying on with some science.

Period 3 We'll have our Writer's workshop...the mini lesson will focus on reasons to start a new paragraph.

Period 4 we're going to look closer at analogue clocks...using the telling time 'every hour has it's own room' technique:

Period 5 and 6 we're going to attempt to do some holiday art.

Monday, 18 December 2017

December 18th

Trying to blog on my lunch.  This should be a great week.  I always enjoy this time, having fun with kids before the holidays.

Period 1 we had Maanit and Yousif share some games they they created on Scratch.  Then we walked down to the lost and found to look for any lost items before they're donated.  Then we came back upstairs and did our weekend round up.

Period 2 we read a couple of chapters from the Tale of Desperaux.  Then it was kids choice for reader's writer's workshop.

Period 3 we're going to revisit the calendar, and look at these worksheets: A B

Then we have library.

Period 4 Mrs. Smith is teaching the kids something...Science related, I believe.

Period 5 and 6 we're getting into our panther packs and creating christmas cards for people who don't get many of them (Seniors I think?)

Friday, 15 December 2017

December 15th

An eventful day for sure!

We had a blast at Ireland House.  We got back with enough time to eat, enjoy the computers, and enjoy some 'exploration time'.

Please Note...this coming Monday (the 18th) is a spirit day.  Apparently it's comfy clothing day.  Which sounds pretty awesome.

Have amazing weekends.

Thursday, 14 December 2017

December 14th

Another great day (almost) in the books.

Here is what we did.

For Red Light, we looked at a picture of Charlotte holding scrambled eggs, toast and tomatoes.  We had to 'infer' what was happening in the picture and what clues we used to figure it out.  We came up with:
Charlotte made dinner for her family last night
-She's holding a plate of food.
-She looks like she's in a kitchen.
-Our Random Act of Kindness yesterday was to help make dinner.

Then we read from The Tale of Desperaux...possibly my favourite book.  Then the kids had their own time to read independently.  

Period 2 we continued our 'writer's workshop'.  Our mini lesson today focused on 'eliminating filler'.  

Period 3 we had 'gym' but the class voted that it was too cold to go outside, so we stayed inside and did some go noodle (  We also had a little free time.

Period 4 we answered did a couple of activities on 'flipgrid'.  This one was about smart thinking while reading (listening to Desperaux).  I haven't had a chance to check them all out yet, but enjoy!

Period 5 and 6 were rehearsal/assembly for the holiday concert.

Reminder...Tomorrow we're away all day on a field trip to Ireland House in Burlington.
We won't be outside, but the kids are to wear boots as they are travelling between buildings.
Also, we'll be meeting in the front office at 9:15 so we can leave ASAP. Don't be late!

And tonight, the concert starts at 6:30, but I think the doors open at 6. There should've been a
email sent out yesterday? All the Grade 3's are meeting in one room (I want to say room 120) but
that information will be posted in the hallway when (if) you arrive.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

December 13th

We started today off by looking closely at the list of items from the Holiday Hampers....thinking about which gift we'd like to give most to the women and children at Halton's Women's Place.

Then we went to Mrs. Hayes' Grade 3 class to practise for the concert.

When we got back it was already period 2.  We read a little from the Tale of Desperaux.   Then the kids had their choice to read or write for the remainder of the workshop.

Period 3 I introduced the kids to our next unit in math, time.
We looked at the 2018 calendar:

We talked about a counting by days and weeks.  Some kids need a little extra practise with this.  "Example, what day is 2 weeks after your birthday".

Period 4 Mrs. Smith is teaching science.

Period 5 Mrs. Djonovich is teaching music.

Period 6 we're going to do a giant desk clean out, finish up some work and practise our poem for the musical.

Random Acts of help make dinner? (good luck)

Some things to note:
-Tomorrow is our concert (2:00 PM during the day 6:30 PM at night)
-We have gym, but the gym is unavailable, so we'll be going outside for gym tomorrow....dress appropriately
-Almost everyone has paid, but I'm still missing a few permission forms for our Ireland House trip on Friday
-On Friday, we're leaving right away.  We're going to meet in the front hall, by the office so we can catch the bus right away.  The trip will be indoors the whole time, other than a short walk between buildings ...wear boots, but you probably don't need snow pants!

***  Please consider donating to the Holiday Hamper we have set up in the class

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

December 12th

It's only period 2...but here we go!

Period 1 we finished up some work from yesterday for Red Light (if we were done, we made Lena's sister a birthday card).  Then we started our new read aloud, The Tale of Desperaux.  Please don't let your kids watch the movie before we finish the book...PLEASE!  Then we had the last 20 minutes to choose to read or write during the reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 2, it looks like the kids are continuing some science experiments from yesterday with Mrs. Smith.

Period 3 and 4 we have the computers.  I've got 12 patterning questions on Math Prodigy that the kids must answer.  After that, I'm going to give them some time to code on Scratch (or if they prefer).

Period 5 and 6 I was planning on doing art work that focuses on the style of Laurel Burch ... However, Mrs. Djonovich has put out an email to all teacher's looking for decorations for the gym for Thursday night's Performance.  So, we're going to switch the plans and try to make some Holiday, festive art. 

***  We got our 'Holiday Hamper' to donate to Halton's Women Place... I very worthy cause.  Please consider donating!  Here is a link to the 'synervoice' that has/is (?) going out.

Monday, 11 December 2017

December 11th

This is going to be a busy week I think...before I forget, here are a few items to note:

  • Our Random Act Of Kindness for today - to pick up garbage
  • Please send indoor shoes (if you haven't already) -our carpet is going to look pretty yucky soon if we keep wearing our boots inside the classroom
  • The holiday performance is on Thursday - so the gym will be unavailable for use -I'll be taking the kids outside for Gym on Thursday (Dress appropriately)
  • We have our field trip to Ireland House on Friday -we're leaving right at 9:15 - so don't be late!  Also, I have no idea if there is an 'outdoor' component to this trip, so please also dress appropriately
Ok, now for the day.

We welcomed our newest student, Jacob, to Orchard Park this morning.  We began with a circle introducing ourselves, and sharing the highlights from our weekends.  Then we finished Camp X.  Then the kids had a chance to read or write in today's reader's writer's workshop.

Period 3 worked on number patterns using dice.  The kids got a chance to really challenge themselves.  It was fun to watch.  We also did a number talk to begin the class.
Period 4 Mrs. Smith is doing some exciting science challenge with kids.  

Period 5 we're going to do Drama, and head to the Library for our book exchange.
Period 6 we're going to finish up our math, and maybe have a little 'free time' to relax on this snowy Monday.

Friday, 8 December 2017

December 8th

Happy Friday.

Happy Birthday Lily!

I'm going to try to post this BEFORE I have no preps on Fridays.

Period 1 we're going to do a little read aloud and some independent reading/guided reading.
Period 2 we'll do our Writer's workshop - today's mini lesson focuses on using similes in our writing. (improving word choice).

Period 3 the kids were so into the Scratch - google doodle creations from yesterday, I'm hoping we can all create our own accounts and continue working (and this time saving) our creations.
Period 4 we have gym, and we'll be getting fit, using the drums.

Period 5 we're going to do a little math.  Looking at number patterns, and using dice to create our own.  Sort of like this:

Period 6 we're going to relax, finish up some unfinished work, and hopefully enjoy just a bit of free time before the weekend!

NOTE:  We are all out of Kleenex in our classroom.  Halton has some 1 ply/sandpaper we are able to use, but if you care about the condition of your child's upper lip, please consider donating a box?

Thursday, 7 December 2017

December 7th

Another great day...almost in the books!

Period 1we finished up some unfinished art for Red Light.  Yousif shared his Dogman 2 comic he worked on with Lena.  Our RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS for today, is to use our manners.  Then we had independent/guided reading.

Period 2 we had our writer's workshop, with a mini lesson focusing on describing settings using all 5 of our senses. 

Period 3 we got to do 'Drum-Fit' in gym.

Period 4 we worked on In/Out machines in math...this sort of thing.

Period 5 is Mrs. Smith for science.

Period 6 we're going to try and 'code' our own Google doodle:

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

December 6th

Happy Wednesday.

Today has been great so far! 

Period 1 we came up with 'back up' acts for our Random Acts Of Kindness chain for red light.  Today's random act: Leaving nice notes around the school.  Then we proceeded to work on some unfinished work while I read aloud.  At 9:45 we got together with the other Grade 3 classes and practised our song for the musical in the library...sounding great!

Period 2 we did some shared reading of the poem  we'll also be performing at the concert:

Then we had our Reader's Writer's workshop.  The kids worked well.

Period 3 we looked at 'in/out' machines in patterning.  Then, the kids logged into Math Prodigy and did some 'in/out' machines online.

Period 4 (now) Mrs. Smith is teaching science.

Period 5 Mrs. Djonovich is teaching music.

Period 6 we'll spend finishing up all our unfinished work: OP art, Picasso art, Tessellation work, and Name patterns.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

December 5th

It's only period 2...but here is my best guess on what will happen today...

Period 1 - Trying to solve the pentomino puzzle for Red Light...still no success.  Our random act of kindness is to 'share a toy with someone else'.  I'm not sure if we'll be able to execute that act here at school....Then we did some independent/guided reading.

Period 2 -Mrs. Smith to teach science.

Period 3 -we're going to do our writer's workshop.  Today's mini lesson will be about creating fictional characters that the readers will care about.

Period 4 -we'll be doing math. We'll begin with another number talk, then we'll be looking at tessellations, first by using pentominoes, then by creating our own. 

Period 5 and 6 I have devoted to art (even though many STILL haven't finished last weeks art...).  Today we'll be sticking with MC Escher and his tessellation work.  We're going to attempt to create our in this video:

Monday, 4 December 2017

Monday December 4th

I can't believe it's already December!

Today has been great so far.  Period 1 we started with the Great Weekend Round Up.  Lots of kids went to the parade apparently, and set up their trees.
Then we pulled a link off the chain.  Today's random act of kindness is to use nice words!
Period 2 the kids could choose between reading or writing (or both) for the reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 3 we did a quick number talk on using doubles/near doubles to help us add.  Then we went to the library.
Period 4 Mrs. Smith is teaching Science.

Period 5 we have the computers...I'm hoping to use flip grid to share our weekends...and respond.

Check out our Flipgrid at:

Period 6 I'm planning on showing the kids pentominoes, and get us set for tessellation art tomorrow!
Pentomino games:

Friday, 1 December 2017

December 1st

Another great day...have to keep it quick.

Period 1 we did the 'Great Big Seat Switch Up'...that took most of the period.  Yousif shared with us his green belt, and Zane shared a cool code!
Period 2 we worked on our Reader's/Writer's workshop.

Period 3 we made a chain of kindness...littered with random acts of kindness... each day we'll break off one chain and attempt to complete that act of kindness...parents, watch for kids doing chores without being asked.
Period 4 we had gym.
Period 5 we had computers.  Mrs. Labelle and I introduced the kids to 'flip grid'...check out some of these hilarious results...check it out...kind of silly, but we're learning the program.
Period 6 we fished up all of our unfinished work...hopefully.

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...