Thursday, 28 February 2019

February 28th

Happy last day of February...and Dance-a-thon day.

I hope everyone enjoyed their snow day yesterday.

Here is what I am hoping happens today!

Period 1 Health with Mrs. Coric.
Period 2 Reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 3 Grade 4's french.  Grade 3's are doing some more multiplication practise on the chromebooks.

Period 4 we go to the Dance-A-Thon.

Period 5 we're going to look at a trick to help us with the 9 times tables (the finger trick).
Period 6 hopefully we can get the round 17 of the Connect 4 tournament finished.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

February 26th

Here is what today will hopefully look like.

Period 1 reader's workshop.  Mini lesson is on monitoring our reading stamina.
Period 2 writer's workshop.  Mini lesson on how to refocus on our writing.

Period 3 and 5 is math.  We'll be practising our 5's and 10's times tables. 5s

Hopefully we'll have some time to play some multiplication games.

Period 5 Science. Grade 3's are going to try and make their cubes more stable with ties and struts. Grade 4's are doing some more work with Pulley's and Gears.

Period 6 Music with Mrs. Haynes.

Pink shirt day tomorrow. Also, Dance A Thon i s on Thursday!

Monday, 25 February 2019

Februrary 25th

Busses cancelled...not sure how many kids we'll have today.  So the day may change around a little.

Here is what I have planned.

Period1 we're going to watch a movie that ties in with our art and Black History Month.
Then the kids will go to music.
Period 2 we'll continue working on our art with Mrs. Perks.

Period 3 we'll look at the 8's times tables (double, double, double).
Period 4 the Grade 4's are off to French.  Grade 3's are going to learn about ties and struts.

Period 5 we'll do weekend round up
Period 6 we'll do reader's writer's workshop.

NOTE:  Report cards are coming home tonight.

Friday, 22 February 2019

February 22nd

Here is what I hope today looks like.

Period 1 we'll fill out our blank times tables for Red Light.  Then we'll have reader's writer's workshop.
Period 2 we're going to do some science.  The Grade 3's will be learning about Ties and Struts.  The Grade 4's are going to do a Pulley activity.

Period 3 we have gym.  Hoping to play some more 'Bump' now that we know how to play.
Period 4 we'll do round 17 of the Connect 4 tournament.

Period 5 we have Library (again).
Period 6 is French with Mr. Woolley (again).

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

February 21st

Here is what I am hoping happens today.

First period (now) the kids have Mrs. Coric for health.
Period 2 we'll have our reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 3 the Grade 4's have French.  The Grade 3's will be teaching their Grade 1 buddies to code on
Period 4 we're going to be working on times tables some more.  The kids are going to fill out their own times tables charts.

Period 5 we're going to try and do a little 'cup' practise. 
Period 6 we'll hopefully play the next couple of rounds of our Connect 4 tournament.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

February 20th

So far, so good today.  Friday Schedule!

Period 1 we did a real logic based math problem about who brought what to a birthday party.  The kids showed a lot of perseverance attempting to solve this one.
Then we read the next chapter of Camp X.  Then we had the rest of the period to do our reader's workshop.

Period 2 we talked about what we need to do our best writing.  We came up with some notes and looked at this website.

Period 3 we have gym.  We'll continue to work on basketball.
Period 4 we're going to start our next math unit on Multiplication.  Any practise you can do at home will only help your children.  We'll be looking closely at the 2's and 4's times tables today, looking at the strategy of doubles (2's) and the double-double (4's).

Period 5 we have library.
Period 6 Mr. Woolley has both grades for French.

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

February 19th

Today should be a little unusual, as usual.

The Grade 4's have Scientist in the Classroom this morning...with Mrs. Sylvester's Grade 4's.

I'm not too sure if I'll be with the Grade 4's, or if I'll be here teaching the 3/5 split (Mrs. Sylvester's Grade 5's).  We forgot that today is actually a 'switch day', so we're operating on a Monday schedule. 

First period we'll do a quiet red light activity...we'll do some multiplication 'coloured square'.

Then Mrs. Haynes takes them to music.

Period 2 we'll do some independent reading, possibly some connect 4 with our Grade 5 friends.

Period 3 we have the computers.  The Grade 3's will hopefully begin presenting their famous structure slide shows.

Period 4 the Grade 4's are off to French class, the Grade 3's will continue on with their slideshows.

Period 5 we'll do a read a loud, and weekend round up.  After that it'll be reader's writer's workshop (Week B letters due this week).
Period 6 we'll have time to finish up, maybe even a little 'cup' practise. 

NOTE:  Still missing 5 of 6 Grade 4's permission forms (and $) for today's scientist in the classroom.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

February 14th

Happy Valentines Day!

Here is what today is going to look like...hopefully.

Period 1 - Health with Mrs. Coric.
Period 2 - We're headed to the Library for a book exchange. (Grade 4's are finishing up some social studies and starting some science).

Period 3 -Grade 4's are off to French.  Grade 3's are working with our Grade 1 buddies to make posters about Random Acts of Kindness.
Period 4 -is all about finishing up any outstanding work (letters, science, writing,).  If we're done everything, we'll have some Connect 4 time (unofficial games).

Period 5 and 6 we'll be handing out Valentines and I'll put on one of the Cross Families favourite movies, The Penguins of Madagascar. 

Reminder, tomorrow is a PD day.  Monday is Family day.  See you Tuesday.

Grade 4's, I still need permission forms for our Scientist in the Classroom (we have it on Tuesday).

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

February 13th

A bit of a different day today.

Period 1 we made Valentines Day bags to hold our Valentines and we read.
Period 2 we wrote.  Our mini lesson was all about eliminating filler.

Period 3 the Grade 4's are off to French and the 3's are working on their famous structure slideshows.
Period 4 we're going to have some computer time on Prodigy.

Period 5 we have the gym.
Period 6 we have music with Mrs. Haynes.

Remember, Friday is a PD day.  We'll do our library book exchange tomorrow instead.  Bring your library books. 
Note:  Grade 4's need to bring in their scientist in the classroom permission forms (and money).

Monday, 11 February 2019

February 11th

Here is what we're doing today...hopefully.

Period 1 we'll make Mateo 'belated birthday cards' for Red Light.  Then Mrs. Perks is back and she's going to help us make some 'Jim Dine' inspired artwork.

Period 2 we'll have 30 minutes of music and continue on with our art.

Period 3 we'll have our reader's/writer's workshop (Letters for week A).

Period 4 Grade 4's are off to French.  Grade 3's are continuing to work on their Stable Structures research slide show.

Period 5 I'm hoping to create some fun nets to 3D solids.

Period 6 Sarah is coming to help out with the guitars (we missed last week).

Friday, 8 February 2019

February 8th

Happy Friday...a bit of a wild week weather wise.

Here is what I hope today looks like.

Period 1 Reader's Workshop - focusing on finding reading territories (trying to narrow down, exactly what kind of books we like).

Period 2 is Writer's workshop - hopefully we'll have the chromebooks and we can work on the prompt from yesterday (thanks Mrs Alveraz).  I am hoping to pull the Grade 4's and work on some Landform regions of Canada mapping.

Period 3 we have gym.  We'll keep learning and playing basketball.

Period 4 we're going to visit the Grade 6 science fair and hopefully get in the next round of Scrabble.

Period 5 we have the library.

Period 6 we end with French with Mr. Woolley.

Have great weekends everyone!

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Valentines day- class list

I had a parent ask me for a class list in order to fill out Valentines.

Here it is:

Emma J

Lucas M
Lucas W

February 7th

No school yesterday, no busses today!  Who knows what today will look like.

Here is my best guess.

Period 1 - Health with Mrs. Coric
Period 2 - Reader's/Writers' workshop, hopefully we can track down some chromebooks and do another writing prompt activity that Mateo's mom sent us.

Period 3 - Grade 4's are off to French.  Grade 3's are going to research and work on a 'stable structures' slideshow.
Period 4 -I would like to take a look at 'nets' of 3D solids.

Period 5 & 6 - I think we'll try and do a 'round robin' connect 4 tournament and see who the best player is today.  I suspect we have a whole class, but who knows?

Dance A Thon forms going home today in the mailboxes.
Grade 4's have a scientist in the classroom permission form also going home today.

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

walk to school day tomorrow...

From our 'eco ninjas':

Our school has been registered for the province wide "Winter Walk to School Day" which is happening tomorrow (February 6th).   If teachers could please promote this with their students + families that would be great.  Not only is it a great way for kids to get extra exercise but we can use it towards an Eco Schools initiative.  

Tomorrow please email me numbers of how many "walkers" you have in your class.  The class with the most kids who walk to school win a  Golden Boot Award!

For more info, check out:

               The Eco Ninjas

February 5th

Here is what today SHOULD look like:

Period 1 - We'll read aloud another chapter from Camp X.  I'm going to share Lylah's awesome letter from Friday with the class.  Then it'll be 'reader's workhshop'.

Period 2 -We have an assembly to kick-off our Dance A Thon with Professor Jamz.

Period 3 -The Grade 4's are helping our Grade 1 buddies again with 'Math Bins'.  The Grade 3's will be watching a Bill Nye video on Sturctures:

Period 4 we have the chromebooks (I hope) to practise some of our math skills.  The Grade 4's are digging deeper into quadrilaterals and the Grade 3's are continuing on with identifying 3D solids.

Period 5 we'll play a round of Connect 4 and spend the rest of the time 'finishing up' some outstanding work.

Period 6 Mrs. Haynes has them at the end of the day for music.

Monday, 4 February 2019

February 4th

Here is what today is supposed to look like.  I just realized we're using a 'Friday Schedule' today.

Period 1 and 2 we're going to do some 1 point perspective drawing in art.  We'll use these YouTube videos to help us:

Period 3 we have gym.  We'll continue to develop our basketball skills.
Period 4 we'll do our weekend round up and the great desk swap.

Period 5 the Grade 4's are helping the Grade 1's with their math bins.  The Grade 3's have book exchange in the library.
Period 6 both Grades have French.

Friday, 1 February 2019

February 1st

Yikes...I forgot to blog yesterday...sorry!

It's a little busy these days with report cards...there may be one or two missed posts in the next couple of weeks.

Yesterday was great. 

Mrs. Coric for Health period 1. 
Period 2 we did a learning skills reflection sheet and reader's/writer's workshop.
Period 3 the 4's had french and the 3's had 'iPad' buddies with the Grade 1's.
Period 4 was Junglesport.
Period 5 we did math.  The grade 4's worked on quadrilaterals and the Grade 3's on identifying 3D solids.
Period 6 The grade 4's went to help the Grade 1's with 'Math Bins' and the Grade 3's finished their towers.

Have a great weekend.

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...