Today we had fun!
I hope to see everyone in the new year.
Stay safe!
2nd last day of school in 2020! Woo hoo! We made it!
Here is the plan for today.
Period 1 we'll do reader's workshop, I'll give the kids the option of reading on RAZ kids...or old school books, like the pioneers used to read.
Period 2 is writer's workshop, we will try writing in our Literacy folders on google doc's.
Period 3 and 4 we are going to make Christmas/Holiday Cards and watch the more modern release of The BFG.
Period 5 Mr. Woolley has them for French.
Period 6 we have gym...hopefully we'll get a little more time to play some of the cooperative games from yesterday!
Here is the plan for today....
Period 1-Reader's Workshop -mini lesson is 'making the bumpy smooth' by re reading sections.
Period 2 is Writer's Workshop - we'll try and see if we can make 'found poems' around the room.
Period 3 and 4 is math. We'll be looking at creating nets from this website:
Period 5 we have the gym. We'll play a couple of 'co operative' games in the gym.
Period 6 Mr. Woolley has them for French.
Here is the plan for today.
Period 1 -Reader's workshop, mini lesson on using an interesting voice while reading non-fiction.
Period 2 -Writer's workshop - a lot of the class has been into creating their own word we'll work on creating our own.
Period 3 and 4 we have the chromebooks. I have a quiz on 'quiziz' about Camp X. Then we have some 3D solids questions on Prodigy and I've posted a website to some 'shape games' on Google Classroom.
Period 5 is Mr. Butt for technology.
Period 6 we'll continue finishing up our 'holiday crafts'.
I just finished moving all the desks around for our new seating arrangement....
I'll also apologize for possibly missing some blogs this week...the last week is always a little chaotic...I'll try my best.
Period 1 is Read aloud, get used to our new seating arrangements. Weekend round up.
Period 2 is readers/writer's workshop, student choice.
Period 3 and 4 is math. I'm hoping to construct our own 3D solids using play doh and straws...or toothpicks...
Period 5 we'll continue working on our Holiday crafts.
Period 6 is Mrs. Haynes for music.
Hey everyone, I wasn't here yesterday (hence the no-post).
I'm back today, and here is the plan!
Period 1:Reader's /Writer's workshop - student choice.
Period 2: Mr. Butt for technology.
Period 3 and 4 is art. We'll be making simple Christmas Cards for seniors.
Period 5 and 6 we have the Chromebooks. We'll continue exploring Tinker Cad and Math Prodigy!
Here is the plan for today!
Period 1 is read aloud and reader's workshop. The mini lesson focuses on reading words across a break li-ne (see what I did there?)
Period 2 is writer's workshop. Our mini lesson will be about 'borrowing a 'spark line'' to help us get started.
Period 3 and 4 is math. We'll review the names of 2d shapes. Then we'll start learning about 3D shapes.
3D names prisms and pyramids
Hopefully we'll get to this work:
Period 5 we'll have our first 'gym' time. We'll talk about how 'gym' will look this year and go over some of the routines and procedures.
Period 6 Mr. Woolley has them for French.
Here is the plan for today!
Period 1 is reader's workshop. Our mini lesson will focus on 'Unpacking Words' do they 'sound right'?
Period 2 is writer's workshop. The mini lesson will be looking through our writer's notebooks to discover new 'genres' (e.g., maybe that story might make a good poem).
Period 3 and 4 we have the chromebooks. I've put up 24 questions on prodigy to really see what we know about 2D shapes.
Period 5 is Mr. Butt for technology.
Period 6 we'll hold on to Mr. Butt's computers and hopefully finish up our math and dig deeper into 'tinker cad'.
Happy Monday!
Here is the plan for today.
Period 1 is read aloud and weekend round up.
Period 2 is reader's/writer's workshop (student choice)
Period 3 and 4 is math. We're going to look a little more at 2D shapes and their various properties. And get to these worksheets.
Period 5 we'll save for a 'finish up' period. We'll do some Go Noodle activities and finish up our Mondrian art from last week.
Period 6 is the Mrs. Haynes Music show.
Please see the message from our Parent Council. It's an amazing cause.
Glenview School
December Food and Necessity Drive
Our Food Banks need our support!
Glenview will be running a Contactless Food Drive for the Compassion Society of Halton next week.
Date and Time | School Day Locations |
Wednesday December 9th 8:45am-9:20am Thursday December 10th 8:45am-9:20am Friday December 11th 8:45am -9:20am |
| |
Saturday Location | |
Saturday December 12th 10am-12pm |
Compassion Society Most Needed Items: (All non-parishables welcome)
Together, we can do great things!
Our Glenview Eagle Goal: Two full vans
Happy Friday!
Here is the plan for today.
Period 1 - Is reader's / writer's workshop, student choice.
Period 2 is Mr. Butt for technology.
Period 3 and 4 is art. We'll be looking closely at Piet Mondrian. (shared reading) - video
Period 5 and 6 is computers. We're going to do a couple of things.
1. We're going just to practise logging into a google 'Hang Out' using Google classroom...just in case we have to do some learning from home in the future.
2. We'll finish up our Science Vocabulary posters.
3. We'll continue to explore 'Tinkercad' (carry on Mr. Butt's work from the morning).
Have a great weekend everyone. Stay safe.
Here is the plan for today.
Period 1 -reader's workshop. Our mini lesson will focus on 'unpacking words to see if they sound right'.
Period 2 -writer's workshop. Our mini lesson will be on 'Touring your home' (using setting to help us write).
Period 3 and 4 is math. We'll start our next unit on 2D and 3D shapes. We'll talk about classifying 2D shapes by various attributes (length of sides, number of sides, parallel sides, angles).
Worksheets - angles - parallel
It's a Friday schedule today...
Here is the plan for today.
Period 1 is reader's/writer's workshop (student choice, as per Friday's schedule).
Period 2 is Mr. Butt for technology.
Period 3 and 4 is math...we'll stay outside for a little longer. Then we'll come in and finish our unit on time. I'm hoping the kids can get to these worksheets:
Period 5 is Science, we'll look at fiction vs. non fiction. Then read a non fiction article about Soil.
Period 6 we finally got our Rubik's cubes I'm hoping a can show the kids the first step to solving the cube!
we ended up playing outside building cool snow creations...I thought I'd share the photo's with you...hope this works!
Happy December...and snow to celebrate!
Here is the plan for today:
Period 1: We'll do weekend round up and start our new class novel, Camp X.
Period 2: Student choice "Reader's/Writer's workshop".
Period 3 and 4 we have the chromebooks. I have an activity on Google Classroom. The kids are going to design their own 'soil vocabulary posters'.
Period 5: Mr. Butt has them for technology.
Period 6: We'll hold on to the Chromebooks to either finish our posters or work on some Math prodigy or some of these soil games:
Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization. I rea...