Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Wednesday February 24th

 Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 we'll talk about pink shirt day and what it's all about.  Then we'll do reader's workshop.   The mini lesson will focus on paying attention to HOW it's said, when we're reading.

Period 2 is writer's workshop.  The mini lesson will focus on 'imagining your audience and consider your purpose' to help you focus your writing.

Period 3 and 4 is Math.  We'll continue to work on the concept of division (splitting things into equal groups).  We'll eventually get to doing these worksheets:

As a class:


Period 5 is gym.  If we have enough (properly inflated) balls, I would like start teaching the students basketball.

Period 6 is French/Health with Mr. Woolley.

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Tuesday February 23rd

 Here is the plan for today!

Period 1 is reader's workshop:  We'll talk about making our pauses match the meaning while reading.

Period 2 is write'r workshop:  We will discuss writing down questions to keep us focused.

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We'll start by doing an Esti-mystery on the chromebooks...then I've assigned some division work on Google Classroom.  Then there is a few prodigy questions to answer afterwards.  

Period 5 Mr. Butt has them for technology.

Period 6 depending on the day...we might hold onto Mr. Butt's computers and use them to finish math...or perhaps take a tech-break, and do some science (the life cycle stuff I never get to).

Monday, 22 February 2021

Monday February 22nd

 Here is the plan for today

Period 1 is 'weekend round up' and I'll continue reading The Nose from Jupiter.

Period 2 is student choice, reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 3 and 4 is math.  I still haven't made it around to conference with the class, so hopefully I can do that today while they're working on a variety of Times Tables Activities (filling out their own multiplication chart, array art, flash cards).

Period 5 we'll do an Esti-mystery and some Science (life cycle of a plan)

Period 6 is music.

Friday, 19 February 2021

Friday February 19th

 Happy Friday (which is really a Monday Schedule)...

Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 reader's workshop.  Mini lesson on "snapping your eyes to the next line" (looking ahead while reading).

Period 2 is writer's workshop.  Mini lesson focusses on writing pebbles, not mountains (Pebbles are small moments, mountains are too big topics).

Period 3 and 4 we are going to do some 'array art'. Sort of like this...but I bet we can do better!

I'm hoping to get around and conference with most of the students while they are 'art-ing'. 

Period 5 we're going to do some more 'Esti-mysteries' (activities that help us with our estimation skills).  We tried 2 yesterday and they were a big hit.  Here is an example:

Period 6 is music with Mrs. Haynes.

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Thursday February 18th

 Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 reader's workshop.  We'll work on fluency using partners.

Period 2 is writer's workshop.  We'll talk about using strong leads (like our read alouds).

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We're going to do a fun estimation exercise to begin.  Then we'll finish off the last few multiplication facts.  I'm hoping to conference with each student just to see what they know..while the kids are making flash cards or array art.

Period 5 is French with Mr. Woolley.

Period 6 is Gym...we'll play a few more cooperative games of skittles.

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Wednesday February 17th

 Well...happy Wednesday everyone.  I sure enjoyed my extra long weekend.

Here is the plan for today.  

Period 1 - we have a new seating arrangement...we'll settle into our new spots...see how they work out for us.  We'll share highlight from our weekend and start our new Read aloud.

Period 2 we're going to talk about using partners to help us practice fluency.  Then it will be student choice (reader's /writer's workshop).

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We're going to look specifically at the 9 times tables and all the tricks that go along with it.

We'll play this game and do the following worksheets:



Period 5 we have the gym...Hopefully play another round of Indiana Jones.

Period 6 is French with Mr. Woolley.

Friday, 12 February 2021

Friday February 12th

 Happy Snowy Friday.

Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 is reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 2 is Mr. Butt for technology.

Period 3 and 4 is art.  We'll look at the artist Jim Dine and do some valentines inspired art.  

Period 5 we're going to try and do our 5's and 10's times tables (we didn't get to yesterday).

Period 6 we'll hopefully play a whole lot of seatball!

Have a safe weekend everyone!

Thursday, 11 February 2021

Thursday February 11th

 I didn't realize today was a 'Friday Schedule'...I'm scrambling to rework things...

Period 1 is reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 2 is Mr. Butt for technology.

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We'll play Multiplication Scoot (we didn't get to it yesterday) and practise our 10's and 5's times tables.


5’s -


Period 5 we'll stay outside a little make up for the Gym I thought we had (we do on Thursdays normally).

Period 6 we'll come in and do a little science, looking at the life cycle of plants.

Tomorrow really will be a Friday schedule...I hope.

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Wednesday February 10th

 Yikes...super quick blog...I'm running around today....scattered!

Period 1 reader's workshop:  Practising reading like a story teller.

Period 2 writer's workshop: Talking about using 'conflict' in our writing...specifically people vs. nature.

Period 3: is Science, we'll work on naming the parts of a plant.

Period 4 is Math, we'll work on a game of multiplication scoot (a fun (socially distanced) scavenger hunt around the classroom)

Period 5 is gym.  We'll work on some co-operative games (if I can find any balls in this school)

Period 6 is French with Mr. Woolley.

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Tuesday February 9th

 Let's see, yesterday I forgot to bring our read aloud book to school and today I forgot my water bottle.  Being back at school is a bit of an adjustment for everyone!

That being said, remember, Wednesdays and Thursdays are gym, so students need their indoor shoes in order to participate.

Period 1 is reader's workshop.  We'll look at reading some 'warm up phrases' to get us ready for reading.  

Period 2 is writer's workshop.  We'll look at exploring unfamiliar topics...and using that to help us with our writing.

Periods 3 and 4 are math.  We'll continue working on strategies to help us multiply numbers.  Today we're going to look at the 8's times tables...and talk about how it's just doubling the doubles. (e.g., 2 x 6 = 12...which is a double, so 4 x 6 = 24 (we doubled 12) then 8 x 6 = 48 (double 24)). Hopefully I can explain it clearer than that!

Then try these worksheets: A B

Period 5 Mr. Butt has them for technology.

Period 6 we'll be looking at the different parts of a plant in science.

Monday, 8 February 2021

Monday February 8th

 Welcome back everyone...

Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 we'll just get acclimatized to being back at school.  Talk about what school looks like now.  We'll share highlights from our weekend.

Period 2 is reader's/writer's workshop: Student choice.

Period 3 and 4 is Math.  We're going to continue on with multiplication.  We'll look specifically at some tricks to master the 2's and 4's today.

Period 5 we're going to start our next science unit on plants.  We'll talk about what plants need in order to survive. 

Period 6 is Mrs. Haynes for music.  

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...