Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Tuesday May 31st

 ugh...it's going to be a scorcher today...especially with the AC down!

Thankfully we do get to go swimming this afternoon for our last Swim to Survive day.

Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 Mr. Butt for technology/library

Period 2 we'll do our 'ball throw' tryouts.

Period 3 we'll keep it light, and cool before our walk.  Possibly watch a Bill Nye Video on Erosion.

Period 4-6 we'll be at Aldershot pool.  

Stay cool!

Monday, 30 May 2022

Monday May 30th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 is a fun red light activity.  Weekend Round Up and read aloud.

Period 2 Mrs. McHaffie is going to take the class outside for reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 3 we will be doing some Long Jump try outs for the Grade 3's that wish to participate.

Period 4 we'll come inside and practise drawing bubble letters.

Period 5 we'll watch episode 5 of Read All About It -no questions to answer this week.

Period 6 is music with Mrs. Haynes.

***Reminder - tomorrow is our last Swim to Survive session!  Pack accordingly!

Thursday, 26 May 2022

Thursday May 26th

 Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 we'll do a red light activity (https://www.transum.org/software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/starter_May27.asp) then we'll continue reading A Boy Called Bat. After that will be reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 2 we'll watch episode 3 of Read All About It and answer a few follow up questions.

Period 3 we'll have a mask break before we come in for the next round of Connect 4.

Period 4 we'll start our newest unit on Soils.  I'll introduce the unit by watching Bill Nye the Science Guy's video on rocks and soils. Rocks and soil

video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmIsBu3XOco 

Work: https://sciencewithmsbarton.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/bill-nye-rock-cycle-video-questions.pdf

Period 5 is music with Mrs. Haynes

Period 6 is gym.  I'm hoping to play some more cooperative games with the focus being on Sportsmanship.

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Wednesday May 25th

 Here is what we did today.

Period 1 was Reader's/Writer's workshop, with Ms. Pinnington.

Period 2 was French.

Period 3 and 4 we had a short mask break, where we harvested our radishes.  Then we came back in for some Math work on the computers.  We reviewed money AND those brave enough, tried tasing our radishes. Not a lot of radish lovers.

Period 5 we'll do a little social studies.  We'll learn all about how the Cree people used and honoured the Buffalo.

Period 6 we're going to watch episode 2 of Read All About It and answer questions afterwards.

*special thanks to our guest photographer/granola bar giver

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Tuesday May 24th

In case you've forgotten, today is our 2nd (of 3) Swim to Survive days.  Very exciting!!

Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 - Mr. Butt for library tech.

Period 2 -weekend round up/reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 3 -mask break and math, we'll be doing some rounding to the nearest 10.

Period 4-6 is Swim to Survive.   

Friday, 20 May 2022

Friday May 20th

Another day with a lot of missing students.  Only 12 kids here today.

Here is the plan.

Period 1 and 2 is reader's/writer's workshop.  We learned about antonyms, synonyms and homophones today.  Then we logged into Prodigy (English) and completed some multiple choice questions about antonyms, synonyms and homophones.  I think we actually get it!

Period 3 we'll do a mask break then come inside and watch episode 2 of Read All About It and answer some questions.

Period 4 we are having a special guest (a former parent who used to come in before the pandemic) come in and help teach some writing.  

Period 5 is Mr. Butt time.

Period 6 we'll take it easy before the long weekend and enjoy a little free time!

Have a safe and excellent long weekend everyone.

Thursday, 19 May 2022

Thursday May 19th

 Guess what's nicer than a foam party or swimming?

Teaching only half your class!  With relays and some people taking an extra, extra long weekend, we only have 10 kids here today.  Nice and quiet.

Period 1 we went outside and were interviewed by the Grade 6's about the new lines painted on the blacktop.  After that we of course had to play some 4 square.

Period 2 was reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 3 we stayed outside for an extra long mask break. 

Period 4 was math.  We did some rounding to the nearest 10 work...followed by some computer time (some kids wrote, some kids used Math Prodigy, other kids were playing the weave silk website (http://weavesilk.com/) creating some sweet rotational geometry creations.

Period 5 is Music...but I think Mrs. Haynes is away and we might be painting a tree stump (in the learning garden) instead.

Period 6 we have gym.  I'm not sure how many kids I'll have by then, or what exactly we'll do.  Might be the smallest game of dodgeball ever?

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Wednesday May 18th

 Well today was just a boring, regular, no swimming or foam party kind of day.

Period 1 we had Reader's workshop.

Period 2 was French.

Period 3 was a mask break.

Period 4 was math.  We talked about rounding to the nearest 10.  Then we did 16 questions on Math Prodigy.

Period 5 we did some social studies.  We listened to the First Nations story, the Drum Calls Softly and did some work on the significance of the Drum song and circles.  

Period 6 we watched one of my all time favourite shows, Read All About It, episode 1.  There were some questions we answered as a class, and we're pretty excited to watch some more.

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Tuesday May 17th -Swim to Survive!

Guess what is almost as exciting as a foam party?

Our first field trip to Aldershot pool for the Swim to Survive Program!

Period 1 -Mr. Butt has them for technology...which I can only assume means everyone will be talking about swimming.

Period 2- We have a special guest coming in from the Halton District School Board to talk to the class about Autism.  We'll try our best to listen, but obviously we'll be thinking about swimming.

Period 3 - We'll attempt to finish up our symmetry art from yesterday, but mostly we'll just be getting more and more excited for our field trip.

Period 4/5/6 - We'll be walking to and from Aldershot pool for Swim to Survive!

Wish me luck!

Monday, 16 May 2022

Monday May 16th

 Time to get back to a little more normalcy?  

Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 and 2 is weekend round up, read aloud and student choice for reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 3 and 4 is art.  We'll be looking at symmetry.  I'm hoping to use the Mirra's to help us trace reflections of pictures we find in magazines.

Period 5 we'll play a game of SKUNK and maybe some connect 4 before Music.

Period 6 music with Mrs. Haynes


Friday, 13 May 2022

Friday...foam party

Period 1- we were excited about the foam party, but tried to read and write.

Period 2 -we were excited about the foam party, but we tried to read and write some more.

Period 3 -we were really excited about the foam party, but we just watched (excitedly)

Period 4 - FOAM PARTY!!!!!!

Period 5 -we hung out with Mr. Butt remembering the foam party.

Period 6-we ate ice cream sandwiches, which look a little bit like foam in the middle, to celebrate the end of EQAO.  

Happy weekend everyone.

Thursday, 12 May 2022

May 12th

 Today is going to look pretty similar to yesterday.

Periods 1/2  -Finish up the language EQAO booklets.

Periods 3/4 -Finish up the last math EQAO booklets.

Period 5 -music

Period 6 -gym.  

Remember, tomorrow is the Dance-a-thon foam party...

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

May 11th

 Well I'm back, I'm finished my covid isolation and walked right into EQAO....

Good news, we finished the first two booklets of language this morning and most of the kids said it was 'better than they expected'.   

We'll do math in the afternoon (periods 3 and 4).  

After all that testing, we're going to keep our afternoon light.  I've got some art and outside time planned.

Looking forward to seeing most (some?) of you tomorrow night at the meet your Glenview community night.

Wednesday, 4 May 2022

May the 4th (be with you)

 Happy Star Wars day.

Here is today's plan.

Period 1 we'll do a little challenge to see just how big a wookie is for Red light.  Then it's reader's workshop.  We're going to do a little EQAO reading activity.

Period 2 is French with Mr. Woolley.

Period 3 and 4 is math, we'll begin looking/learning about 'probability'.  I've got a few activities planned, including teaching them the game of 'skunk'.  It's usually a big hit:  https://www.transum.org/Maths/Game/Skunk/

Period 5, if the field is dry, we'll continue with our 'track and field' try outs.  After that we'll do writer's workshop, continuing to look at writing proper paragraphs.

Period 6 I'm going to leave open. I've got a few 'star wars' themed activities to share with the class, or possibly work on round 3 of the connect 4 tournament.. 

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Pokemon/Rainbow loom

 While both our still banned IN CLASS, we can try again at recess....but I am implementing a 1 strike and your out policy.

If the kids are caught using these during class time, they can't bring them anymore.  

Let's see how this goes?

Tuesday May 3rd

 Sorry I forgot to 'publish' yesterday's post.  A little scattered these days, my apologies.

Period 1 -Mr. Butt for library/tech.

Period 2 -reader's workshop.  We'll look at an EQAO sample question and talk about how to answer it using the 'RAP' method (Re-state the question, Answer the question, Proof it from the text).

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We'll have a mask break (before the rain starts hopefully).  Then we'll come in and do a quick lesson on mass and capacity.  

Period 5 is writer's workshop.  We'll look at using the 'hamburger method' to write paragraphs and we'll practise writing one.  

Period 6 is gym, and we'll go back to playing and old-school game of Dodgeball.  

Monday May 2nd

 Happy Monday everyone.

Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 and 2:  We'll do our 'first of the month' desk swap.  Then we'll share the highlights from our weekends.  I'll read another chapter or 2 from a Boy Named Bat.  Then the students will be able to choose to read or write.

Period 3 and 4 is art (after our mask break).  We'll be looking at the art of Canadian artist, Ted Harrison.  We'll try to emulate his unique and vibrant style.

Period 5 we'll finish up some 'mixed number/improper fraction' work form last week.

Period 6 is Music with Mrs. Haynes.  

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...