Monday, 30 October 2023

Monday October 30th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 is read aloud and weekend round up.

Period 2 is reader's/writer's workshop.  I'm hoping to teach the kids how to access Epic books (online reading website).

Period 3 and 4 is math -we're going to learn all about ratios.  I have a worksheet then a game they can play online:

Period 5 Is french with Ms. O'Neil.

Period 6 I'm hoping to get the class on to do some more coding.

Friday, 27 October 2023

Friday October 27th

 Thank goodness it's Friday!

Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 and 2 is reader's/writer's workshop.  I like keeping Fridays the kids will have the option to read or write with a partner during this literacy block.  I also am going to teach the kids how to play Boggle...I played a few rounds with a small group last week and they liked it.  So I'll explain the rules to everyone today and we'll play a class game online:

Period 3 I have a math challenge for the class about how to arrange square tiles into different sized rectangles.  Then, if we have time, we'll begin to learn about ratios.  

Period 4 is gym/health with Mr. D.

Period 5 and 6 is Art.  I have an art activity where the kids draw their own monsters after listening to my should be spooktacular. (we'll listen to this book first)

Thursday, 26 October 2023

Thursday October 26th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -reader's workshop - mini lesson focuses on "thinking while reading" (re-reading to ensure understanding).

Period 2 is writer's workshop -mini lesson will focus on using important people in our lives to generate ideas (same as yesterday).

Period 3 Math.  We'll look again at counting money and specifically adding and subtracting money amounts.

Period 4 is gym with Mr. D.

Period 5 we'll use the chromebooks (buddies are away on a field trip) to begin coding on  I'm hoping the kids will code their own 'flappy bird' game.  

Period 6 we have library/book exchage.

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Wednesday October 24th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 reader's workshop.  Mini lesson to focus on 'slowing down, to help us make sense'.  

Period 2 writer's workshop.  Mini lesson to focus on 'finding important people' to help us trigger memories and material for writing.

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We'll be looking at money.  Reviewing the name of coins and their values.  We'll do some work where we count up money and compare sums.  We'll look at these games in class:

Period 5 is Mrs. Haynes for Drama/Music.

Period 6 is Science.  We'll investigate the natural force of 'Gravity'.  

If you haven't contacted me to let me know you've picked up your pumpkin...your child is supposed to come home with a pumpkin today.

Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Tuesday October 24th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -reader's workshop -mini lesson is on how reader's try more than just one strategy when trying to solve unfamiliar words.

Period 2 is writer's workshop - mini lesson is about using strong emotions (happy, sad, scared) to help us generate ideas for writing.

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We're still working on subtracting and with and without regrouping.  We'll do some work, then I'm going to post a few different 'subtraction games' websites on google classroom:

Period 5 we have an assembly at the church all about bus safety.

Period 6 is drama with Mrs. Haynes. is the day parents are encouraged to pick up pumpkins from outside the school to take home (instead of trying to get your child to carry their pumpkin home.  

Monday, 23 October 2023

 Today we had terrific weather for our field trip to the RBG!

When we got back, we snacked and watched a couple of episodes of Wayside.  

Check out some of our nature inspired art:

Thursday, 19 October 2023

Thursday October 19th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -read aloud and reader's workshop.  Mini lesson focuses on how 'to coach your partner' when reading.

Period 2 is writer's workshop.  Mini lesson is about being realistic...realizing writing doesn't have to be perfect, or finished today...just get some words down on paper.  

Period 3 is gym with Mr. D.

Period 4 is math.  We'll look a little closer at subtraction with borrowing/regrouping.  I think we're starting to get the hang of it.

Period 5 we're going to do our first session of 'computer buddies' with Mrs. Ever's class.  It should be fun.

Period 6 is Library book exchange...maybe a little free time after that.

I will be away tomorrow (and all weekend)...Just a reminder, Monday is our Field trip to RBG.  Check the weather.  Dress appropriately, bring a litterless lunch.  

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Wednesday October 18th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1-Reader's workshop.  We'll look at listening to ourselves read, and asking 'does it sound like the book'...and if it doesn't, going back to re-read.

Period 2 is writer's workshop.  We'll look at using writing to help us vent...when we're feeling frustrated.

Period 3 we have a 'Scooby Soccer' workshop.

Period 4 is math. If we're in good shape...I might begin the process of teaching them how to subtract with 'borrowing' (the standard algorithm).

Period 5 is Drama with Mrs. Haynes.

Period 6 I'm hoping to get outside and create some Andy Goldsworthy inspired art using nature.  

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Tuesday October 17th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -reader's workshop.  Our mini lesson will focus on using words we know to solve words we don't know

Period 2 is writer's workshop.  Mini lesson will focus on making writing a habit.

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We'll review the counting up and counting back strategies from yesterday when subtracting.  We'll also go over the 'standard' algorithm for solving subtraction questions (no borrowing/regrouping).

We may play some subtraction games (as a class) - on this website:

Period 5 we'll hopefully do some a little about objects at rest.

Period 6 is Music with Mrs. Haynes.

Monday, 16 October 2023

Monday October 16th

 Happy Monday!

Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 we'll do a subtraction activity for red light.  Then we'll share the highlights of our weekends during 'Weekend Round Up'.  I would like to start our next Read aloud 'The Tale of Desperaux'. 

Period 2 is student choice (to read or write, or both).

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We'll be looking at some simple subtractions strategies (counting up, or counting back).  After we do some work, we'll answer some questions on math prodigy.

Here are some videos that explain the strategies.

Grade 2 Math 2.15, Counting up to subtract

Subtraction by Counting back - Grade 1

Period 5 is Music with Mrs. Haynes.

Period 6 I'm hoping we can finish the animated version of The BFG we started on Friday.  

Still need a few permission forms for our RBG trip next Monday!

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Thursday October 12th

 Happy Thursday, but it's a Friday schedule....

Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 -reader's workshop.  We'll focus on reading slowly, to make sure we really 'hear' the story of the book we're reading.

Period 2 -writer's workshop.  We'll focus on asking our selves the question...why are we writing? who is our audience?  The idea being, when we have a purpose it will help guide our focus (we've got some writers in this class that loose focus fairly easily).

Period 3 is math.  I'm hoping to practise adding...with regrouping.  We'll go slow and attempt to do this work:

Period 4 is gym with Mr. D.

Period 5 I'm supposed to have a pie thrown in my face.  Then we'll review erosion and watch a few videos about landslides (natural forces causing movement).

Period 6 we'll hopefully sneak into the library (assuming picture day is done) and do a book exchange.

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Picture day tomorrow...(Oct. 12th)

 Make sure you've wiped those Terry Fox tattoos off their faces...tomorrow it picture day!

Wednesday October 11th

 First off....permission forms for the RBG trip went home last's coming up quite fast.

Here is the plan for today.

Period 1-Reader's workshop.  We'll talk about 'regaining' focus by setting goals when we are reading.

Period 2 -Writer's workshop.  Our focus will be on using 'partners' to help us write ...the idea is to 'phone a friend' to ask for assistance.

Period 3 and 4 is math.  Yesterday we conquered addition without regrouping.  Today we're going to use the standard algorithm (the we we learned back in the day) to add numbers and re group. -video -game

Period 5 is French with Mme. O'Neil.

Period 6 I have down for Science, but we'll see what our energy level is like at that time of the day.

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Field trip...RBG!

 Hey parents...there is a field trip form coming home tonight for our upcoming trip to the RBG on October 23rd.  Please sign and return the form ASAP.


Tuesday October 10th

 What a nice relaxing long back to the grind!

Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 we'll do a simple adding activity for Redlight.  Then we'll share highlights of our weekend during 'weekend round up'.  After that I'll read a chapter of The BFG.

Period 2 will be students choice to read or write for the reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 3 is math.  We'll be looking at adding with NO regrouping.  I've got some worksheets to do.  It should be easy.

Period 4 we'll carry that math into Math Prodigy where I've assigned 18 addition questions that involve regrouping.

Period 5 we'll look at erosion (a natural occurring force) for science. 

Period 6 is music with Mrs. Haynes.  

Thursday, 5 October 2023

Thursday October 5th

Thursday!  We made it!

Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -We'll make birthday cards for my daughter for 'RED light' this morning (she turned 12 today).  Then we'll do reader's workshop.  Our mini lesson will focus on asking ourselves if our books 'engage us'. 

Period 2 is writer's workshop.  We'll talk about keeping 'side projects' and mixing and matching ideas to help us generate new ones.

Period 3 is gym with Mr. D

Period 4 we'll do the math we never started yesterday (because Mr. Cross kept blabbing on and on). Using mental math to help us add efficiently.

Period 5 we'll use the chromebooks to practise those adding skills with some assignments I set up on Math Prodigy.

Period 6 is Library...a nice calm end to the day.

REMEMBER- tonight is the open house/BBQ.  I'll be here all night, working the BBQ and chatting with parents.  

I know it can be awkward and scary meeting your child's teacher for the first time.  I've compiled a list of some Do's and Don't so we can skip any awkwardness...

DO: start with 'Hello teacher, thank you for giving my child the gift of knowledge'.

DON'T: start with ''s my child doing in Math?'

DO: say "nice shirt, it makes your arms look huge...have you been working out?'

DON'T: look directly at my braces and call me mean names like 'Brace-face'.

DO: say things like "my kids really enjoys school...all thanks to you.  I guess it's true, not all hero's wear capes"

DON'T: say "my hamburger was over cooked...I hope you teach better than you BBQ"

I look forward to seeing you tonight.

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Wednesday October 4th

 Here is the plan for this Wednesday.

Period 1 and 2 we did this red light activity...the goal was just to get the whole class to 'TRY'.  It's a big thing in our classroom this year...just trying.  We have a motto...'It's okay not to know, but it's not okay not to try'.

After that we had a fire drill, came in and did some reading until lunch.

Period 3 we had Blake, Catherine, Ava and Mason share some comics they've been working on...which then inspired us to do some writing.  Period 3 was writer's workshop. I"m writing my blog right now, and they're writing as well.  

Period 4 we're going to look at some more mental math strategies...including breaking numbers into place value and making doubles.  

Period 5 is Music with Mrs. Haynes

Period 6 we'll do our science experiment from yesterday that we never got around to completing.  

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Tuesday October 3rd

 Today will be a bit of a different day with many kids away for cross country. 

Period 1 is reader's workshop, we'll talk a little more about 'nouns' and hopefully play a fun game I found online on the Smartboard.  We'll also do a seating swap.

Period 2 we have a fire drill, afterwards we'll do some independent reading or writing. 

Period 3 and 4 we'll play some more 'battlemath' and hopefully talk about some other 'mental math' using doubles and breaking numbers apart into their place value.

Period 5 is Science...still learning about forces.

Period 6 is music with Mrs. Haynes.

Monday, 2 October 2023

Monday October 2nd

 Happy October everyone.

Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 we'll do a fun red light activity.  Then we'll share the highlights of our weekends during Weekend Round Up.  After that I'll read The BFG.

Period 2 I'm going to do some work with nouns and homophones.  After, I'll have them consolidate the learning on questions I set up on English Prodigy (for the first time).

Period 3 is Math.  We'll be working with 'making 10' strategy using whiteboards to play a game I call 'Battlemath'.

Period 4 is science.  We'll look at what exactly a force is and try to do a simple force experiment that involves moving a ball with a piece of string (pushing and pulling).

Period 5 is French with Mme. O'Neil.

Period 6 is a mindfulness/finish up period.  

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...