Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Wednesday January 31st

 Last day of January!

Here is the plan:

Period 1: Red light, read aloud, reader's workshop: mini lesson focusing on snapping your eyes ahead of the words (to build fluency).

Period 2 Writer's workshop.  We'll focus on varying our sentence beginnings to make our writing more fluent.

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We'll finish up our last few multiplication facts, then we'll start to look at arrays (the visual representation of multiplication) and how they help us to understand multiplication.  Here are some games we'll play in class:

Period 5 is Music/Drama with Mrs. Haynes.

Period 6 is Social studies...hopefully we can finish up learning about the 3 landform regions of Ontario.

Tuesday, 30 January 2024

Tuesday January 30th

 2nd last day of January!

Here is the plan for today:

Period 1: Red light, read aloud, reader's workshop.  We'll build upon our fluency by reading some 'warm up' phrases (e.g., commonly used phrases)

Period 2:  Wafa, the CYC worker is coming into the class to run a 'personal space' workshop.

Periods 3 and 4 is math.  We may stay outside for a bit of extra time.  Then when we come in we'll work on our 9's times tables and play some more multiplication games.

Period 5 I'm going to say is 'writer's workshop'.  We'll continue the awesome work from yesterday where we learned how to properly punctuate dialogue with quotation marks and commas....the kids caught on to this concept quickly.

Period 6 is music with Mrs. Haynes.

Monday, 29 January 2024

Monday January 29th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -Red light, Read aloud, Weekend Round Up

Period 2 - Reader's/Writer's workshop - student choice

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We'll continue working on multiplication...we've mastered 0's, 1's, 2's, 4's, 5's, 8's and 10's.  -we'll just review those a few games to help reenforce them.  Maybe get on the computers to practise some more.  

Period 5 is French with Mrs. Coffin.

Period 6 is Social Studies...we'll continue digging into the 3 landform regions of Ontario....

Friday, 26 January 2024

Friday January 26th

 Here is the plan on this rainy Friday:

Period 1 and 2 is reader's writer's workshop.  Student choice and they can work with a partner!

Period 3 is math, we'll actually get to the 5 and 10's work I've been putting off for a couple of days now.

Period 4 is Health with Mr. D.

Period 5 and 6 is art.  Hoping to do some watercolor/rain inspired art.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone.

Thursday, 25 January 2024

Thursday January 25th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, reader's workshop: mini lesson is using quotation marks to help us to learn to read fluently (e.g., when to read like the character, and when to read like the narrator).

Period 2 -we'll continue on our 'sentence fluency' lesson from yesterday...combining short sentences to make 1 longer, smoother sentnence.

Period 3 is gym with Mr. D.

Period 4 is math.  We'll look at the 5's and 10's...we never got to it yesterday.

Period 5 is computer buddies - we'll work with our Grade 1 friends to finish their posters...when finished, we'll let them create their own poster, just for fun!

Period 6 is library/book exchange.  Hopefully if it's a good day we can enjoy a bit of free time in the library.  

NOTE: tomorrow is a 'spirit day'.  Each class is to wear a 'class colour'.  I decided that since most of the popular/most common colours were taken, our class is going with plaid!  Anything plaid will do.

Wednesday, 24 January 2024

Wednesday January 24th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 - Reader's workshop.  We'll talk about how using a parter to read can help with fluency.

Period 2 -writer's workshop. We'll start looking at sentence fluency.  We'll talk about connecting our shorter sentences together to make longer, easy flowing sentences.

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We'll review the times tables we've learned so far (0, 1, 2, 4, and 8).  Then today we'll start work on the 5's and 10's.

I'm hoping we can use the chrome books Period 4 to keep practicing online.

Period 5 is Music with Mrs. Haynes.

Period 6 I'm hoping to do the social studies we missed yesterday...reviewing the 3 land forms and talking about the ways we use the land in Ontario.

Tuesday, 23 January 2024

Tuesday January 23rd

 Here is the plan for this snowy Tuesday:

Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, weekend round up.

Period 2 - Reader's/Writer's workshop -student choice (treating today like a Monday)

Periods 3 and 4 is Math...but if it keeps snowing like this, we might have to go outside and play for a nice chunk of time.  But the plan is to review the 2's and 4's (the doubles and double-double) multiplication.  Then I'll blow their minds by introducing the 8's and telling them the strategy is the double-double-double!

We'll do this work:

Period 5 is social studies...we'll continue to look at the 3 different landform regions of ontario and we'll talk about the different ways we use land (e.g., conservation, commercial, agricultural, residential, tourism)

Period 6 is Music with Mrs. Haynes.

**update....we played out in the snow all Period 3...which means we didn't get to social studies...but I did post a blooket on google classroom they can play at home for homework??

Friday, 19 January 2024

Friday January 19th

 Here is the plan for today:

Periods 1 and 2 is reader's/writer's  workshop.  We'll talk about making accurate predictions with our reading and breaking words into syllables (to help us spell).  I've put some questions on English Prodigy all about these concepts. 

After they're done their work, they'll have a chance to read and write with a friend.

Period 3 is Math.  We'll continue to scratch the surface of multiplication, reviewing our 2's and 4's.  I've put questions on Math prodigy all about 0's, 1's, 2's and 4's. 

Period 4 is Mr. D for health.

Period 5 and 6 is Art- we're going to attempt to do the same 'snowmen at night' chalk pastel artwork that Mr. Butt's class did last week.  They look really good.

Thursday, 18 January 2024

Thursday January 18th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 as a class we came up with a list of songs we're hoping the DJ will play during the Dance-A-Thon.  I'm sad to report that I'm so old,  I didn't recognize most of the songs.  Then we had some independent reading time.

Period 2 was writer's workshop.  We talked about creating our own characters to help us write.  We used graphic organizers to brainstorm our main characters likes/dislikes, wants and needs, appearance and problems they may face.  

Period 3 was gym with Mr. D.

Period 4 I was in a meeting, but Mrs. Sylvester hopefully introduced the concept of multiplication (which is just repeated addition) and the class worked on the 2 times tables (which is just know your doubles) and the 4's times tables(which is basically just double your doubles).

Here is the work: 2 4

Period 5 we have 'tech buddies' with Mrs. Ever's class and we'll continue to help our buddies work on their safety posters.

Period 6 is Library.  I have another meeting, but Mrs. Sylvester will take the kids to the library to exchange their books and have a little free time

Wednesday, 17 January 2024

Wednesday January 17th

 Here is the plan for today...

Period 1 -red light, read aloud and reader's workshop.  Today we'll do some shared reading about the 3 landform regions of Ontario.  

Period 2 is writer's workshop.  We'll look at creating our own character to help us spur ideas for stories.

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We'll look briefly at line graphs and circle graphs, how to interpret them and then do some work on Math prodigy.

Period 5 is Music with Mrs. Haynes.

Period 6 we'll finish up work and hopefully enjoy a bit of free time at the end of the day.

Tuesday, 16 January 2024

Tuesday January 16th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 - Red light, read aloud, reader's workshop...we'll continue to look at punctuation within the sentence to build fluency.

Period 2 is writer's workshop.  We'll look at cutting out some of the clutter in our writing.

Period 3 and 4 is math.  Today we'll put all the parts together.  We'll ask a question, collect data and create our own Bar graphs.

Period 5 I'm hoping to talk about the 3 different landform regions in Ontario and do a Blooket that will help consolidate the learning.

Period 6 is Music with Mrs. Haynes. 

Monday, 15 January 2024

Monday January 15th

 Here is the plan for this chilly Monday.

Period 1 Red light, read aloud and weekend round up!

Period 2 I have a quick writing assessment to do where the kids will write a paragraph about having super powers, then the rest of the period will be theirs to read or write.

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We're going to investigate scale on Bar Graphs, do some work and hopefully log into prodigy to answer some more scale questions.

Period 5 is French with Mme. Coffin...who is back from maternity leave.

Period 6 I'm leaving open to finish up any unfinished work and maybe even have a little free time.

Friday, 12 January 2024

Friday January 12th

 Happy Friday!

Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 is red light, read aloud and reader's workshop.  We'll focus on punctuation in the middle of the sentence (eg. comma, dash, semi colon) and how we use the punctuation to help us read fluently.

Period 2 is reader's/writer's workshop - the students can work with a partner if they wish.  We'll play a quick game about prepositions.

Period 3 we'll do some work on the 3 major landform regions in Ontario.  We'll talk about where each region is and the distinguishing features of each region.

Period 4 is Health with Mr. D. 

Period 5 and 6 we'll end the week with some snowman huddle anticipation of the big snowfall that's about to hit us tonight.

Thursday, 11 January 2024

Thursday January 12th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -reader's workshop- mini lesson focuses on warming up with easy books to help us transfer to reading harding books more fluently.

Period 2 -writer's workshop - will finish up our sensory language poems from yesterday and have some free writing time.

Period 3 Mr. D has them for gym.

Period 4 is math.  I'll post several 'graphing games' on google classroom to continue developing our graphing skills.  I also have a Blooket planned.

Period 5 is computer buddies.  We'll help our buddies make 'safety posters'.

Period 6 is library.  We'll do our book exchange and hopefully finish any unfinished work we have on the computers (e.g., Social Studies title pages, prodigy questions, graphing games).

Wednesday, 10 January 2024

Wednesday January 11th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -Reader's workshop.  Mini lesson focusing on fluency is about looking ahead to ending punctuation to help us know how to read the sentence.

Period 2 is Writer's workshop.  Mini lesson will focus on using sensory language. 

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We'll do some work on Bar graphs.  We'll look at reading and creating them.  I've got some questions posted on Math prodigy...and maybe if there is time, we can try another Blooket.

Period 5 is music with Mrs. Haynes.

Period 6 we'll do a little more work on Living and Working in Ontario.  

Tuesday, 9 January 2024

Tuesday January 9th

 Looks like it might be a snowy day today...

Here is the plan:

Period 1 is reader's workshop.  The mini lesson will continue to work on building fluency.  We'll talk about 'scooping words into phrases' to try to eliminate 'robot reading'.

Period 2 is writer's workshop.  We'll focus on using context to help us figure out the meaning of words to help us with our reading and writing.

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We'll do a fin little math challenge to start, then we'll look at picto-graphs.  We'll talk about how to read and create horizontal pictographs.  They'll be some questions on Math prodigy to consolidate our learning too.

Period 5 we'll start our social studies unit on Living and Working in Ontario.  We'll just have general discussion about Ontario and work on little activity books I've prepared.

Period 6 is music with Mrs. Haynes.

Monday, 8 January 2024

Monday January 8th

 Here is what we did today:

Period 1 we got to meet our newest student, Rayan.  We shared highlights from our break during 'weekend round up' and we continued our read aloud, The Rats of Nimh.

Period 2 was readers'/writer's workshop, the kids could choose to read or write with a friend.  

Periods 3 and 4 - we stayed outside for a little 'extra recess'.  Then we came in and we learned about Mode and Mean.  They were tough concepts, but the kids worked hard and I think they've got it. 

Period 5 is French with Mme. O'Neil.

Period 6 I'm hoping to do some mean and mode work on Math Prodigy, then hopefully have a little free time.  

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...