Monday, 30 September 2024

Monday September 30th

I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -We're going to do a lot of work on why we're wearing orange shirts and we'll talk a lot about the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation.  Some great resources here on CBC kids and TVOkids:

Period 2 I'm hoping to have a weekend round up sharing session.  Then the kids will get to read or write with a partner for however much time we have left over.

Period 3 Mrs. Haynes has them for Music.

Period 4 We have Math.  We'll do some more expanded form and skip counting work.  

Period 5 I'm hoping to do a little origami art...learning to make some tiny orange shirts.

Period 6 we have library/book exchange.

Friday, 27 September 2024

Friday September 27th

 Happy Terry Fox Run day!

Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -Red light, Read aloud, then a mini lesson on rhyming.

Period 2 -Since it's Friday, I'll give them the option to work with a partner to read or write.  But we need to go over what this looks like (there was a lot more talking than reading or writing last Friday).

Period 3 -Math - We'll finish up our 'expanded form work' and talk about skip counting...hopefully we'll get some time to log onto prodigy as I put a lot of 'skip counting' questions on there.

Period 4 -Music/Terry Fox...Mrs. Haynes will take the class out for their Terry Fox run.

Period 5 and 6 is Social Studies...Grade 2's to Mrs. Raspopov and Smeaton's...Grade 3's stay here to learn a little about Municipalities...

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, 26 September 2024

Thursday September 26th

Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -red light (set game), read aloud (Tale of Desperaux), and then I have a Terry Fox activity book we'll begin work on.  

Period 2 - We have a virtual meeting with a Terry Fox ambassador...I'm not entirely sure what it will entail, but we'll check it out.  Hopefully learn a little more about Terry.

Period 3 and 4 we have math.  We will look at expanded form (e.g., 423 = 400 + 20 + 3).  I've got some work for them to complete and we'll play these games as a class:

If it's nice we might go outside for a little bit too.

Period 5 we'll have the chromebooks.  I'm going to have the kids go to Dojo Island, the activity centre and make up their own expanded form questions.

Period 6 we have gym with Mr. D.

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Wednesday September 25th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1: Red light, Read book, The Tale of Despereaux.  Then we'll talk about filtering out what is important when reading non-fiction (e.g., using the text features to help...labels, captions, headings, maps etc..).

Period 2 we'll do a quick little Spelling inventory where I give the class 20 words to see how they spell.

Period 3 is Math.  I'm hoping to do the pre-assessment from yesterday I never got around to...then introduce the concept of expanded form.

Period 4 is a Bus Safety assembly in the church.

Period 5 Mr. D has them for Health.

Period 6 I'm leaving open to finish up and have a little fun before heading home.

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Tuesday September 24th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1-Red light, read aloud -hand out writer' notebooks....

Period 2 -French with Mr. Woolley.

Period 3 - Pre assessment in math about what they know about numbers.  Then we'll look at base ten they work and what they represent.

Period 4 I have some 'base ten' questions on Math Prodigy.

Period 5 and 6 is Social Studies.  Grade 2's to Smeaton/Raspopov -Grade 3's are going to stay here and work on researching a particular landform (what kind of jobs, weather etc...)

Monday, 23 September 2024

Monday September 23rd

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -Red light, Read aloud, Weekend round Up

Period 2 -we'll continue to work on adjectives....we'll use a graphic organizer to write adjectives to describe our favourite place and hopefully get started on a paragraph about that place.

Period 3 Mrs. Haynes for music.

Period 4 Math - we'll do our last patterning lesson.  We'll talk about pattern to figure them out.

Period 5 We'll have some free time on this rainy Monday....I suspect we'll be indoor both breaks because of the weather.

Period 6 we'll head to the library for our book exchange.

Friday, 20 September 2024

Just because...


During math class our whole room began to shake.  We thought it was either an earthquake or a heard of elephants running down the hall.  We went to the library to investigate.   Turns out it was just some construction...but I love this picture for some reason.  

We also did a quiet version of Willoughby Wallabee again...check it out:

Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday September 20th

 Happy Friday!

Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -Red light (Set game) - Read aloud - Sing along -Practice reading with partners

Period 2 -use our Snowy Owl adjectives from yesterday to help us write a paragraph.

Period 3 -Math - finish our patterning work from yesterday (figuring out pattern starts with 2 triangles and adds 3 each time.

Period 4 - Music with Mrs. Haynes.

Period 5 & 6 -Social Studies.  Grade 2's to Smeaton/Raspopov Grade 3's are going to use Google Earth to investigate cities located in each of the 3 landform regions of Ontario.

I'm also hoping to take the kids outside for a little bit too...if I can find some time!

Have a terrific weekend everyone!

Thursday, 19 September 2024

Thursday September 19th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -Red light (setgame), read aloud (Wayside),   Then we're going to talk a little bit about HDSB's bullying protocol.  Mostly we'll talk about what "bullying" is.  

Period 2 -we'll continue working on adjectives.  We'll watch and episode of 'Wild Krats' and look specifically at the Snowy Owl...we'll keep a list of adjectives while we watch.

Period 3 and 4 -we've got some more patterning work to do.  We'll look at how exactly to determine a pattern rule.  Then I'm hoping we can go onto Google Drawings and make our own patterns on the computer.  

Period 5 -I'm going to wrap up the rest of my HDSB mandated lessons by going over the HDSB's code of conduct.  I've got a fun game planned to that sort of just reenforces that we're all part of the school community and need to do our part to be responsible citizens. 

Period 6 Mr. D has them for gym.

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Wednesday September 18th

 Happy Wednesday!

This morning will be a little different, because I will be in the school doing some online training for a brand new reading assessment our School Board is rolling out for K-2.  So Mrs. Sylvester will be in for me this morning.

I'm tapping into her artistic skills (I used to copy her ideas before she retired).  She'll be doing watercolour self portraits with the class periods 1 and 2.  

Period 3 Mrs. Sylvester is going to continue working on patterning with the class.  Today we'll be looking at pattern rules.

Period 4 Depending on how we're doing I might take them outside or continue working on the math.  It will be a game time decision.  

Period 5 Mr. D will have them for Health.

Period 6 we will read some Wayside and use the rest of the period to finish up some unfinished work.

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Tuesday September 17th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -Set game, read aloud -finish up

Period 2 - French with Mr. Woolley.

Period 3 and 4 we'll spend some time outside before starting math.  We're continuing to look at both growing and shrinking patterns.  They'll find patterns posted around the room and try to see if they can figure them out.  When they're done that work they'll have some Prodigy time (I've posted 9 patterning questions).

Period 5 and 6 is Social Studies.  Grade 2's to Mrs Smeaton/Raspopov - Grade 3's with me...we'll be doing a job sort activity...(e.g., if you worked in a mine, then you'd probably live in the Canadian Shield somewhere).  If my Grade 2's come back early enough, I'd really like another crack at singing Willlouby Wallabee Woo....stay tuned.

Monday, 16 September 2024

Monday September 16th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1-Set game, Read aloud (Wayside School) and Weekend Round Up.

Period 2 -we'll talk a little bit about the adjectives, what they are and why they're important.  I have activity where we have to describe a picture to a friend using adjectives.

Period 3 -music with Mrs. Haynes.

Period 4 -is Math...we'll look at growing geometric patterns.

Period 5 - we'll do a little 'dot' activity to celebrate international dot day.

Period 6 - is library.

Friday, 13 September 2024

Friday September the 13th

 Already a busy morning for me!

Here is what I am hoping happens today:

Period 1 - Set game, Read aloud, Reader's workshop - focus on building stamina and ideal conditions for reading.

Period 2 -continue working on the snap shots from our summer vacation.

Period 3 -math -Review patterns cores and begin work on 'growing' patterns. 

Period 4 -music with Mrs. Haynes.

Period 5 and 6 - Grade 2's to go to Mrs. Smeaton and Raspopov for Social Studies, and Grade 3's stay here to do a landform regions job sort (e.g., The best place to live if you're airport security would be Great Lakes/St. Lawerence Lowlands).

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Thursday, 12 September 2024

Thursday September 12th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -we will do the set game to start the morning.  Then I'll read a couple of chapters of Wayside.  Next the kids will continue to build up their independent reading stamina.  Perhaps I'll impress them with another one of my 'wonderful songs'. 

Period 2 we'll continue to work on the 'summer snapshot' activity we started yesterday. 

Period 3 and 4 is math.  Today they'll work with big paper to make their own patterns using prompts I'll give them (e.g., make an ABAB pattern).  If we work hard I'll take them outside for a bit to enjoy this nice weather. 

Period 5 we'll log on to Class Dojo...on Dojo island I'll have each student make their own pattern and I'll snap a pic of it asking them to explain it to me "it's an ABC pattern".

Period 6 is gym with Mr. D.

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Wednesday September 11th

I just got a new phone and I am currently locked out of most of Halton's tech.   I'm busy trying to get that all sorted...but here is my plan...if it works?

Period 1 and 2 is language.  We'll play the set game.  We'll read some Wayside.  We'll practice Fire Drills.  We'll look into the HDSB code of conduct, with respect to behaviour (mandatory).  Hopefully we can start working on a little 'snapshot of summer' activity I'm hoping to hang up outside the classroom.

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We'll do some of the work from yesterday we never got to...all about changing attributes and we'll see if we can identify pattern cores.  Ideally we'll get some Math prodigy time in too...we need a lot of practice logging in.

Period 5 -Mr. D has them for health/gym.
Period 6 -we'll do some 'self portrait' art...that I can hopefully hang up as well!

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Tuesday September 10th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 - we 'crushed' the Setgame puzzle this morning...we finished it in one minute and 32 seconds!  Then I read some Wayside.  The kids had some time to read on their own...building up their stamina.  We even started to talk about fire drills.

Period 2 (now) Mr. Woolley took them to his portable for their first French class.

Period 3 -We'll start our first math unit on Patterning.  Today we'll be looking at attributes...and patterns that have changing attributes (e.g., colours, size, direction, shape).  I have one page of work for them to complete.

Period 4 -I've set the class up with a Math Prodigy account.  Today we'll hopefully learn how to log into Math Prodigy...and I've set up some more patterning/attribute questions on there.

Period 5 and 6 is our first Social Studies of the year.  My 10 Grade 2's are going to go to either Mrs. Raspopov or Mrs. Smeaton's room to learn with the other Grade 2's....and the Grade 3's will stay with me while we start our 'living and working in Ontario' unit.  Today we'll look at the 3 landform regions of Ontario (Hudson Bay lowlands, Canadian Shield and The Great Lakes/St. Lawrence lowlands).  

Monday, 9 September 2024

Monday September 9th

Here is my plan for the day....we'll see if it actually happens.

Period 1 and 2 - I like to start every Monday morning with a what I call 'Weekend Round Up'.  We'll sit in a circle and the kids will share 3 highlights (or lowlights) from their weekends.  A great chance to get to know each other and practice attentive listening.

After that we'll read a chapter or 2 of Wayside School.  The kids will have a chance to read on their own...we'll talk about picking just right books.  

Period 3 they have music with Mrs. Haynes.

Period 4 we'll talk about 2D shapes...naming them and such.  Then we'll look around the class for some 2D shapes. -names -scavenger

Period 5 if all goes well and the weather holds up, we might go outside to play for a bit.  

Period 6 we'll head to the library for our first book exchange of the year.

Friday, 6 September 2024

Friday September 6th

 I'm going to try and blog before the start of the plans may be subject to change!

Periods 1 and 2 - we'll start the morning with the set game....see if we can beat the 2 hours it took us yesterday.  I'll read the next chapter or 2 of Wayside School.  We'll have a circle to just to check in on how everyone is feeling and doing.  I want to give them some more time to use and organize the classroom library and finish up our 'First Day Jitters' and 'All About Me' pages.

Periods 3 we'll continue to work on the dice rolling game, Sum it Up.  Hopefully we can do a game as a class then they can play in partners. 

Period 4 is their first period with Mrs. Haynes.  She'll be teaching them either Music or Drama...I'm not sure. 

Period 5 we'll attempt to log into the chromebooks again and see if we can explore Dojo Island.  

Period 6 we'll have a quick circle, reflect on the week and enjoy a little free time...I've got a small group of kids intent on learning how to solve a Rubik's cube.  

Thanks again for a great week!

Thursday, 5 September 2024

Thursday September 5th

 2 days down...and I still love this class!  

Here is what we did today:

Periods 1 and 2 - we spent a lot of time learning how to play the set game...which we finally get and won!  Try it at home:

Then we started our new read aloud - Sideways Stories from Wayside School...the kids seem to really enjoy listening. Next we looked at my classroom library and found books and practiced reading and returning books from our library.  

Just before lunch we did a 10 word Gentry spelling developmental test.

Periods 3 and 4 we did a little 'Willougby Wallabee Woo' and recorded it...not the loudest version...but we'll get better! I think the link should work...hopefully.

Then we did some fun art where we hid cartoon eyes all around our classroom.  

We went outside for about 20 minutes.

When we came in we started a math game called 'sum it up'...the class was happy about beating me!

Period 5 -we logged into the computers for the first time.   I had big plans to do all sorts of fun things...but unfortunately it took us most of the period to figure out how to log in....we'll keep practicing. 

Period 6 -I just left Mr. D with the class trying to get the last few kids to log into the computers, join our Google classroom...and if there was time they were exploring Class Dojo (a fun collaborative block building website).

Wednesday, 4 September 2024

Wednesday September 4th

 What a great day so far!  I think I love this class.  Thank you parents for raising such well behaved, kind children.

Here is what we did today:

Periods 1 and 2: we had some popcorn in a giant circle and shared small kernels of information about ourselves to our classmates.  Then we listened to the book 'First Day Jitters' and drew pictures of how we felt this morning about school (most of us were tired but excited).   We worked so hard that we even got outside for a few minutes before lunch.  

Period 3 and 4 we started by playing the 'blanket game'...a fun quick naming game.  Then we tried to sing Willoughby Wallaby ...but it was a disaster.  Mr. Cross can't sing and play guitar at the same time...I'll practice tonight and hopefully get a recording out tomorrow. 

We also came up with some class rules...and signed the rules showing we agree to follow the rules.  

After our class rules we started working on an 'About Me' page where the kids tell me a little bit about themselves (e.g., favourite book, colour, family members)

Period 5 is gym/health with Mr. D.  I believe he's doing some sort of fun Health activity to start the year.

Period 6 we'll have another community circle.  I have sticker to give them for being such super stars.  We'll enjoy some free time...and practice putting things back where we got them from!

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...