Sorry to all my faithful reader (that's right, singular, because I am not entirely sure anyone reads this)!
I forgot my phone the other day, and consequently, I've been locked out of everything...I need face ID to get into everything!
I'm back now...with my phone in hand.
Here is the plan for today:
Period 1 Red light, read aloud, reader's/writer's workshop...student choice.
Period 2 we'll use the chromebooks and will explore Gmail, and proper email/digital etiquette. We'll practice writing kindness emails to partners in the class.
Period 3 is math. We'll for fun, learn the 8 time table (even though we don't need to...but we'll just double our 4's) and we'll create our own 8 times table board games.
Period 4 is Music with Mrs. Haynes.
Period 5 and 6 is art...we'll be designing our own hearts with warm and cool colours....Hopefully they'll look something like this: