Friday, 22 June 2018

Good News/ Sad News

Good News / Sad News….

Hey everyone...I just wanted to pass along a little good news/sad news.  A letter is going home tonight letting the community know that some OP staff will not be returning next year.  Including Mrs. Perks, who is retiring after this year, and myself.

Mrs. Perks is an amazing EA who has a wonderful connection with all the kids in our class.  We’re so lucky to have her and wish her the best in her retirement.

I’m planning on telling the class myself this morning, before the letter goes home...I just wanted to give the parents that read the blog the ‘heads up’.

I’ve taken a position at Glenview Public School.  While I am going to be incredibly sad to say goodbye to the staff, students and families here at Orchard Park, I am excited to be working a little closer to my home.

I just wanted to thank you for raising such terrific kids.  I am really, really, going to miss them (like lots).

Thanks again for everything,


P.S. I’m away this afternoon to attend my son’s Kindergarten Celebration...see you next week!


  1. Good luck telling the class today -I have a feeling they will all be very sad! You've built such good relationships with your class and the students were so lucky to have you this year...and Glenview should brace themselves for the AMAZING teacher their about to get! Good luck with everything;the OPP community sure will miss you:)

  2. Mr. Cross, thank you very much and good luck to you in the new school. You did a great job in supporting my son's transition from other school to OP.
    Tatsiana Paliakova

  3. As those before me have said, you will be deeply missed.
    Glenview is very lucky.
    Your dedication and fantastic teaching style will be missed as well.
    Best of luck for your future endeavours. Enjoy being closer to home and your family.


Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...