Wednesday, 30 January 2019

January 30th

I hope everyone enjoyed their Snow Day yesterday...we sure did!

Here is what today looks like.

Period 1 we had reader's workshop.  Our mini lesson was about asking questions when you read.
Period 2 was writer's workshop.  Many kids were working on their letters that are due this week (A week).

Period 3 the Grade 3's are working on building the tallest towers they can with limited resources.  The Grade 4's went to French.
Here are some starting pictures of the towers:
Period 4 we have Jungle Sport.

Period 5 we're going to use to finish up our Mondrian art and hopefully have a little free time.
Period 6 Mrs. Haynes takes them for music.

Monday, 28 January 2019

January 28th

Here is what today is suppose to look like:

Period 1 we'll talk about drawing 3D solids and shading, and adding value to our drawings.  We'll watch these videos to practise to:

Then they go to music.

Period 2 we'll try and finish up:
A) our Mondrian Art from last week.
B) our amazing 3D solid sketches.

Period 3 we'll have our literacy periods.  Kids are now alternating between weeks their letters are due.  This week is an "A" week.

Period 4 we're at Junglesport

Period 5 -we'll have our weekend round up.

Period 6 Is math.  Grade 3's are naming and classifying 3D solids.  Grade 4's are identifiying properties of quadrilaterals.

Grade 3’s worksheet:
Grade 4’s worksheet: - quads

Friday, 25 January 2019

January 25th

Happy Friday!

Here is what today is suppose to look like.

For Red Light we're finishing up some math work (edges, faces and vertices for Grade 3, measuring angles with protractors in Grade 4).

Then we'll have our reader's/writer's workshop.  Lots of letters need to be handed in today.

Period 3 we have gym.  We'll take a little break from basketball and play some fun cooperative games.

Period 4 we'll do round 13 of the connect 4 tournament and use the rest of the period to 'finish up' any outstanding work.

Period 5 we have library.  Hopefully we can track down some iPads and continue doing some 'green screen' work.

Period 6 both Grades have French with Mr. Woolley.

Have terrific week we have Junglesport (everyday) and a PD day on Friday.

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Thursday January 24th

Here is what I think today should look like...I'm away this afternoon, Ms. Pinnington will be in for me.

Period 1: Health with Mrs. Coric
Period 2: Writing with special guest, Mrs. Alvarez.

Period 3: Grade 4's French, Grade 3's 'computer buddies'.
Period 4: Rounds 12/13 of the connect 4 tournament.

Period 5 and 6:  Finish painting our Mondrian masterpieces from Monday.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

January 23rd

Here is what we are doing today...hopefully.

Period 1 we tested our gummy bear bridges from yesterday.  Our most stable bridge held 166 washers...and our least stable bridge held 7. 

Anyone who wasn't testing was suppose to be reading or writing...but most were just spectating the collapsing bridges.

Period 2 we did some math.  The Grade 3's reviews 3D solids, focusing on the edges, faces and vertices.  The Grade 4's were introduced to protractors and how to use them to measure angles.

Period 3 the Grade 4's are off to French.  The Grade 3's voted for some fellow Glenview students movie that has been entered into a competition.   Then they continued to answer some Edges, Faces and Vertices questions on Prodigy.

Period 4 we're going to the Library to learn from Mrs. Pauls how to use the iPads and a green screen to create awesome media.

Period 5 we have gym.  Hopefully we can play some more basketball games.
Period 6 Mrs. Haynes has them for music.

I'm hoping to send home their 'gummy bridges' and ideal day work.  Unfortunately, many of these tasks were done in I'm not sure who or how they'll divide their work. 

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Stable Structures?

Here is a link to some photos of us working on our gummy-bear bridges:

January 22nd

Here is what today SHOULD look like:

Period 1 -Independent reading
Period 2 Writing - mini lesson is describing settings using the 5 senses.

Period 3 & 4 -we're going to be designing gum-drop bridges (The Grade 4's begged to do this too).  We'll see who can design the most stable structure.

Period 5 we'll continue to explore the various 'geometry' manipulatives we have in the room.
Period 6, Mrs. Haynes has them for music.

Monday, 21 January 2019

January 21st

Here is what I'm hoping happens today.

Period 1Mrs Perks is coming to help out with our Piet Mondrian inspired art.

Period 2 the kids have music.

Period 3 -we'll have our reader's workshop (many letters due this week).
Period 4 the 4's are off to French.  The Grade 3's will stay here for numeracy practise on the computers.

Period 5 We'll do our weekend round up and talk about the different 2D and 3D shapes.
Period 6 Sarah wasn't able to come in last Thursday (and I'm away this Thursday) so we're going to try and squeak in a quick guitar lesson today.

Friday, 18 January 2019

January 18th

Happy Friday!

Here is what today is supposed to look like:

Period 1 we'll read aloud from 'And Then It Happened'.  Then Grade 4's will be off to reading buddies.
Period 2 The Grade 3's are going to test their paper bridges...then hopefully we'll watch an episode of Magic School Bus all about structures:

Period 3 we have gym.  We'll continue to work on basketball skills.
Period 4 we'll play round 10 of connect 4.

Period 5 we have Library.
Period 6 both Grades go to French.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Thursday January 17th

Time to blog before we go.

Period 1-Mrs. Coric for heath.
Period 2 -Independent reading (or writing).

Period 3 Grade 4's to French.  Grade 3's Computer buddies with our Grade 1 friends.  Hopefully we can teach them how to play connect 4.
Period 4 we're going to use as a 'finish up' period.  Possibly start exploring 2D and 3D shapes.

Period 5 - we have the chromebooks to explore some more 2D and 3D games:
Period 6 we'll hopefully play a little guitar!

Thanks to Mr. Bayliss for helping set up our second guitar's a thing of beauty!

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Wednesday January 16th

Here is what today looked like:

Period 1 we read some 'And Then It Happened' about 'the hat'.  Then had some independent reading.
Period 2 we had our writer's workshop, and today's mini lesson was about using a graphic organizer to help us develop well rounded characters.

Period 3 the Grade 4's were off to see Mr. Woolley (finally!), the Grade 3's continued to work on their paper bridges after seeing how triangles help made things stable.
Period 4 we pretty much finished our 'ideal days' to wrap up our time unit.

Period 5 we had gym.  We practised lay ups and briefly touched on shooting the basketball.
Period 6 they're off to music.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

January 15th

Im going to try to do a quick post here....I trying to squeeze these in when I can.

Period 1 we're going to do independent reading.
Period 2 we're having our writer's's mini lesson is about using synonyms for 'said'.

Period 3 & 4 we have the computers.  I'm hoping to show the kids how to make a table and modify it in google docs.  Hopefully they can start making a 'ideal party' invitation.

Period 5 I'd like to do the next round of Connect 4 (round 10).
Period 6 Music with Mrs. Haynes.

Time for some good old fashioned parent shaming...I'm missing 10 reader's notebooks.  They went home before the holidays.  It's important to bring them back.  

The kids have '2 weeks' to do their 'weekly' letters because so many are missing.  Please return these books ASAP.

Still need a few Junglesport forms returned and Mrs. Haynes is collecting recorder money for the kids that need to buy recorders.

Monday, 14 January 2019

Jackson your heart out!

We created 2 they are.  

One is a 'positive' Pollock.  One is a 'negative' Pollock. 
Can you tell which is which?

The photos don't do these masterpieces justice.  They look amazing!  Hopefully they dry soon and we can hang them outside the classroom on the bulletin boards.

Monday January 14th 2019 are at music...about to attempt our own 'Pollock's'.  One mural is going to be positive, the other will be negative...wish us luck!

Here is the before picture while they're at music:

Period 1 is music.
Period 2 is Art ...gulp!

Period 3 is weekend round up (hopefully we get the room clean by then.
Period 4 is French for the Grade 4's, Grade 3's are doing lesson number 2 on stable structures.

Period 5 we'll have readers/writer's workshop (hopefully we'll start letters...although we're still missing a few books).
Period 6 we'll finish up our ideal day/elapsed time activity from last week.

NOTE:  Kidsential online orders going home tonight.
Also, Jungle Sport forms due back next Friday.
Recorder money needed (if you're buying one)
Please return your child's reader's notebook ASAP!

Friday, 11 January 2019


I forgot to mention it in my last blog.

This Monday (the 14th), Mrs. Perks has convinced me to try to create a 'Jackson Pollock-esque' mural with the class.

I don't know what's wrong with me, or why I agreed to this, but it's happening.

Consider this my warning! There is a high percentage that your kid may get paint splattered on them Monday morning.  If you have an old smock laying around, feel free to send it in.  You might not want your child wearing their nicest white clothing that day either.  The paint we're going to use is least it says that on the label.

If you have any old tooth brushes laying around that you don't want back, please send them in as an additional tool.

Wish us luck!

January 11th

Happy Friday everyone.

Here is what today looks like.

Period 1 we had a read aloud...The One And Only Ivan is almost over, and it's a little sad.  Then the Grade 4's went to Mrs. Ever's class to help while the Grade 3's had reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 2 we had the chrome books to work on literacy.  A lot of the kids are interested in a new reading website I showed them.  They can log in (if they remember their passwords) at:
Some students chose to work on their ideal day math activity from yesterday.

Period 3 we have the gym.  We'll continue working on our basketball skills.  Today we'll continue to work on dribbling and hopefully some passing.
Period 4 we're going to do round 9 and 10 of our Connect 4 tournament.

Period 5 Mrs. Tisdale is taking the kids to the Library.
Period 6 both Grades have French.

**Just a reminder...We're resuming our reading response letters next week...please make sure you child returns their reader's notebooks by Monday.

Also, Jungle Sport permission forms still need to be returned (I have about half).

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Thursday January 10th

Here is what today will look like (hopefully)

Period 1 -health with Mrs. Coric
Period 2 -reader's writer's workshop and read aloud

Period 3 -we have a mindfulness workshop put on by Aldershot H.S. students.
Period 4 we're going to try and finish up some math from yesterday, and possibly get into the connect 4 tournament.

Period 5 -we'll do some more math...making our ideal day (and calculating the elapsed time for each activity).
Period 6 -Sarah is coming in to help us learn the c chord on the guitar.  I think today we'll have 10 guitars going...gulp.

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

January 9th

** Jungle sport Permission Forms going home today**

Here is what today has looked like, and should look like.

Period 1 we answered the question of "if you could do anything with anyone, who would it be and what would you do?"
Then we read The One and Only Ivan.
Next, the quietest version of Island In The Sun you can imagine...followed by some independent reading. 

Period 2 we talked about varying the structure of our paragraphs, by adding questions and exclamations into our writing.  Then we had our writer's workshop.

Period 3 the Grade 4's are off to French.  The Grade 3's are staying here for the start of our Structures unit in Science.  We're going to look at some pictures and discuss what exactly a structure is. 

Period 4 We're going to continue working on elapsed time using time lines.

Period 5 we have the gym.  Provided the basketballs have air in them, we'll start our unit on basketball.

Period 6 Mrs. Haynes has the kids for 'performing arts'.

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

January 8th

Here's what we did today.

Period 1 we read a bit from The One And Only's getting really good!  We also did a little research on the up coming motion picture.  Then we had some independent reading time.  We discussed our letters.  A quick survey of the class showed only 3 parents wrote letters to their kids over the holidays...there's still time.  I'm asking everyone to bring back their reader's notebook by next week as we'll be starting letters again.

Period 2 we had our writer's workshop.  We talked about varying the beginning of our sentences to keep our writing more interesting.

Period 3 we talked about elapsed time and how to use a time line to calculate it.
The Grade 3's tried the first 2 pages of these worksheet:
Elapsed Time Worksheet With Lots of Examples: To the Quarter Hour
The Grade 4's (and some of the Grade 3's) tried the first 2 pages of these worksheets:
Elapsed Time Worksheet: To 5 minutes

Might not be a bad idea to practise these some more at home?  Some kids were a little 'stuck'.

That ended up going into period 4 too!

Period 5 we're going to relax a brain still hurts.  A little seatball, a little connect 4.
Period 6 Mrs. Haynes for music.

Monday, 7 January 2019

January 7th

Welcome back!

Happy New Year!

Here is what today is hopefully going to look like.

Period 1 -we watched a couple of videos about Jackson Pollock, and his techniques.
Period 2 we have music for 30 minutes (now).  Then we're hopefully going to start painting.

Period 3 we'll do our 'weekend round up' - extended edition.  Then the great seating swap will occur.
Period 4 The Grade 4's are off to French, the Grade 3's will stay here.  We'll reacquaint ourselves with Raz Kids.

Period 5 we'll review how to tell time and play a game of "I have, Who has".
Period 6 I imagine we'll all be exhausted...we'll relax with a little free time (try and catch up on some missed games from our connect 4 tournament).

Mrs. Perks has an awesome idea for next week's art (next Monday).  We're going to create a class mural in the style of Jackson Pollock.

We'll be using washable paints...but you might want to keep that in mind as your child leaves for school (hopefully not wearing their nicest clothing).

*update* there was some accidental paint splatter today on some of the children...those tiny white dots are washable...apologies!

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...