Tuesday, 15 January 2019

January 15th

Im going to try to do a quick post here....I trying to squeeze these in when I can.

Period 1 we're going to do independent reading.
Period 2 we're having our writer's workshop...today's mini lesson is about using synonyms for 'said'.

Period 3 & 4 we have the computers.  I'm hoping to show the kids how to make a table and modify it in google docs.  Hopefully they can start making a 'ideal party' invitation.

Period 5 I'd like to do the next round of Connect 4 (round 10).
Period 6 Music with Mrs. Haynes.

Time for some good old fashioned parent shaming...I'm missing 10 reader's notebooks.  They went home before the holidays.  It's important to bring them back.  

The kids have '2 weeks' to do their 'weekly' letters because so many are missing.  Please return these books ASAP.

Still need a few Junglesport forms returned and Mrs. Haynes is collecting recorder money for the kids that need to buy recorders.

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...