Monday, 23 March 2020


I sincerely hope everyone is doing okay.  These are crazy times...let's remember to stick together and take care of each other.

I really have no clue what the future will hold...

Until then, I just wanted to send you all quick message letting you know that my family and I are okay and that I miss you guys.

I'll be checking my email fairly frequently, so feel free to send me an email if you have any questions ( 

I know the ministry of Education has put together a website designed to help families 'learn at home'...feel free to check it out:  
Take care of each other, read lots...practise those math facts (multiplication up to 7 x 7 and division up to 49/7=7...most importantly, be kind to your parents!

Friday, 13 March 2020

March Break

I hope everyone stays safe over the break.  It's very strange having this extended break.  A few parents have reached out and asked what they can do over the next 3 weeks to keep their kids 'sharp'.

My advice is to READ, READ and Read some more.  Any extra math practise would be a bonus.  By the end of Grade 3 we're supposed to be able to multiply up to 7 x 7 and divide up to 49 / 7.  The more practise the better! 

I've set up prodigy to over the next couple of weeks to work on multiplication and division. 

Take care everyone...(wash your hands) and I'll see you soon.

March 13th

Sorry I was away yesterday (no blog)...but apparently it went well!

Crazy days ahead of us.  Here is what the plan is for today:

Period 1 -reader's/writer's workshop, student choice.
Period 2 -french with Mr. Woolley.

Period 3 we're going to finish up the Division work from yesterday.
Period 4 we're going to start the Secret of Nimh part 2.

Period 5 we have the chrome books...we'll build our division skills by playing some of the games on this website:
Period 6 is left to finish up/connect 4!

I hope everyone has a safe March Break...looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

March 10th

Happy Rainy Tuesday.

Period 1 - Red light.  Reader's Worksop.  Mini Lesson - Drawing a map to help us understand the characters movement/help improve visualization.
Period 2 is Writer's workshop.  Mini lesson on how characters use gestures to show traits (e.g., A character is sneaky by looking left and right quickly, or hiding under a mat.

Period 3 is music.
Period 4 is math.  I'm hoping to introduce the concept of division.  Then we'll watch episode 2 of Read All About It.

Period 5 we have the chromebooks, so we'll answer questions based on the episode on google classroom.
Period 6 we'll finish up our art and play some connect 4.

Monday, 9 March 2020

March 9th

Happy week before March Break!

Period 1 - Red Light, Read aloud, Weekend Round Up.
Period 2 Reader's/Writer's workshop (student choice)

Period 3 is Music.
Period 4 we're going to continue to practise multiplication...I'm going to conference with kids at my blue table. 

Period 5 and 6 is art.  We're going to make these 'cubist' clovers.

Friday, 6 March 2020

March 6

Super quick post!

Period 1-Reader's/writer's workshop (student choice)
Period 2 - French with Mr. Woolley.

Period 3 more multiplication practise.
Period 4 - I'm going to introduce the class to a classic from my childhood...Read All About It...

Period 5. we have the chromebooks, we're going to work on answering questions about Read All About It chapter 1 on google classroom.
Period 6 -we'll try to sneak the computers for an extra period to practise some math!

Thursday, 5 March 2020

March 5th

Here is the plan for today.

Period 1-read aloud, reader's workshop.  Mini lesson is about looking ahead to read fluently.
Period 2 is writer's workshop (Mr. Farnand said he'd like to join us).  Mini lesson is about being persuasive, what would you rather be a pencil or an eraser?

Period 3 is math.  I'm going to teach the another multiplication game (you can play at home too):
Period 4 is French.

Period 5 is Gym...we'll play our invented game of Skittles 2.0.
Period 6 we'll continue to develop our Connect 4 strategies!

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

March 4th

Period 1 - Reader's workshop.
Period 2 -writer's workshop (we focused on really capturing our writing voices by 'talking out loud' what we're going to write about.

Period 3 is Math...we're going to play a few other multiplication games to consolidate our learning.   I'll also give them the option to do these multiplication coloured squares:
Period 4 is Library/technology.

Period 5 we're going to use the scoops and balls to practise our targeting and receiving.
Period 6 I'm hoping to teach the kids Connect 4...I'd like to start a tournament soon!

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Tuesday March 3rd

Period 1 -we started reading A Nose From Jupiter.  Then it was reader's workshop.  We focused on using partners to help us improve fluency.
Period 2 -was writer's workshop.  We talked about 'wearing a mask' in order to write from a different perspective.

Period 3 Mrs. Haynes has them for music.
Period 4 is math.  We're going to play multiplication war:

Period 5 is computers...we've got some multiplication questions to answer on prodigy.
Period 6 is finish up time (math work, art work) and maybe free time if we finish everything!

Monday, 2 March 2020

Monday March 2nd

Happy rainy Monday.

Here is the plan for the day.

Period 1 -Weekend Round UP and Seating Swap.
Period 2 was reader's/writer's workshop (student choice)

Period 3 is Music with Mrs. Haynes.
Period 4 we're going to really briefly look at the 9 times tables (I'm going to teach them the finger trick)...just because it's fun.

Period 5 and 6 we're going to do some self portraits and some shadow art:

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...