Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Good bye!

Hey everyone (both of you)!

Thanks for raising such wonderful children.  I loved this class, this year....I couldn't of asked for a better class to transition out of Covid with.  

Last week I had the students fill out a google survey where they got to vote for their friends for various awards.  

I tabulated the results, and here are the big winners.  

End of The Year Awards

Also, way back on the first day of school, I took photos of all the kids.  It's fun to look back and see how much they've changed (or stayed the same)?  

First Day Photos

I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer!  Thanks again for a wonderful year.

Friday, 24 June 2022

Friday June 24th...

 Last Friday of Grade 3...woo hoo!

Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 We'll do a red light activity, and I'll finish reading the Twits.  We'll have a brief discussion about report cards (coming home today).  Hopefully we'll have time to watch the second last video from the National Film Board's series on Life in Early Canada.

Period 2 we will watch chapter 16 of Read All About It and play round 16 of our Connect 4 tournament.

Period 3 and 4 We are going to celebrate our one reading groups completion of Charlotte's Web by checking out the movie.

Period 5 Mr. Butt has them for library/tech.

Period 6 Mrs. Whitehead will come in and we'll see how many guitar chords we can remember and hopefully learn one last chord this year (So far we have Em, G, C, D and A).

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Thursday June 23rd

 Last Thursday of Grade 3!!!!

Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 and 2 is literacy.  I'll read the next chapter of 'The Twits'.  Then we'll look on ABCya's website and play some of the fun 'parts of speech' games:  These were a big hit last year in Grade 3 when we were virtual.

Period 3 and 4 after our mask break we'll come inside and play Round 15 of the connect 4 tournament (only 4 more rounds) and watch chapter 15 of Read All About It and do the follow up questions (only 5 more chapters until the finale).

Period 5 We are supposed to have music...but that's been a little 'hit or miss' this week.

Period 6 is gym, but the gym is being used for Grade 6 graduation set we'll modify and play outside instead.

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Wednesday June 22nd

 1 week left of Grade 3...I can't believe it!

Here is the plan for the day.

Period 1 -read aloud and Reader's/Writer's workshop.

Period 2 -French...with Mr.'s been a long time!

Period 3 and 4 we're going to do a quick end of the year vote for different topics (e.g., Most Likely to Be a Teacher, Class Clown ...etc.  After that we'll use the chromebooks to brush up on our multiplication and division.

Period 5 we'll watch 2 more episodes of the National Film Board's series on Life in Early Canada.  

Period 6 we'll play round 13 of the Connect 4 tournament and we'll watch chapter 13 of Read All About It.

Stay Cool!

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Tuesday June 21st

 I've had a couple (1) question about 'tech day'.

The class has been begging for a 'tech day' we've (I) decided NEXT Tuesday (the 28th) we'll make our 'Tech Day'.

I've warned the class about the risks of bringing tech (lost/stolen/broken) and I'll leave the decision up to the parents.  I've also asked the class to make sure whatever they bring, it's appropriate for school (no shooting/violent games).  

Enough about boring tech, lets talk about fun-learning!

Period 1 -Mr. Butt for library (and of course tech).

Period 2 -Reader's/Writer's Workshop.

Period 3 -is prep payback (Mrs. Haynes wasn't here yesterday).  

Period 4 -Read All About It Chapter 13 and Connect 4 round 13.

Period 5-Social Studies we'll continue the National Film Board's series on Life in the 1800's.  Looking at how Annie makes her own clothing to get ready for back to school time.

Period 6 -gym We'll warm up with some Ham, Chicken, Cheese.  Then finish with some benchball soccer.

Monday, 20 June 2022

Monday June 20th

 I don't think I'll blog the last 3 days of the year next this is final Monday Post of Grade 3.

I just like to take a minute to thank both of my avid readers.  Your support has meant the world to me and given me the strength to continue blogging this whole year.  Thank you.

Period 1 and 2 is literacy.  We will share the highlights of our weekend then have reader's/writer's workshop...with the option to finish our Restaurant advertisements.  

Period 3 and 4 is art.  We learned about Vincent Van Gogh last week...this week we'll attempt to capture his style with our own 'sunflower' pictures.

Period 5 we'll watch the next episode of Read All About It and then play round 12 of Connect 4.

Period 6 is music with Mrs. Haynes.

Thursday, 16 June 2022

Thursday June 16th

 Fun fair....I mean school, and learning!  Lot's of things on our brains today!

Period 1 and 2 We are going to look closely at what makes a good advertisement.  We'll investigate some the of tricks advertisers use to make their products look so good...then we'll begin designing our own advertisements for a famous restaurant.  

Period 3 Mrs. Alvarez is going to come in and help us write our own limerick's.

Period 4 we'll watch the next episode of Read All About It-chapter 11! We won't answer questions today, but we'll hopefully be able to squeak in Round 11 of our Connect 4 tournament.

Period 5 Mrs. Haynes has them for music.

Period 6 The gym is out of use, so we'll use this period to start our father's day crafts.

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Wednesday June 15th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -we'll do a red light activity, then we'll read some more of 'The Twits'.  After that we'll watch episode 10 of Read All About It.

Period 2 is French.

Period 3 and 4 is math.  After a mask break, we'll revisit telling the time, hopefully up to the minute.  I've got some questions posted on Math Prodigy.

Period 5 - Social Studies.  We'll watch a video of early Canada and what sort of chores children had back in the 1800's and compare them to the chores we have to do in 2022.

Period 6 -we'll end the day with Round 10 of Connect 4 and a little free time after that!

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Tuesday June 14th

 Here is the plan for today!

Period 1-tech/library with Mr. Butt.

Period 2 -reader's/writer's workshop.  We'll look a little closer at 'Haiku's'.  Try to create our own.

Period 3 we'll go do some digging in the soil and find out more of the components of soil. After that we'll have a brief mask break. 

Period 4 I have an Estimation Mystery and we'll do rounds 8 and 9 of our Connect 4 tournament.

Period 5 we'll do some social studies.  We'll watch the National Film Board's video on life in Early Canada called 'Emily's Journey'.  

Period 6 we have the gym.  I'm hoping to get the kids to develop their own 'Drum Fit' routine.

Monday, 13 June 2022

Monday June 13th

 2nd last full week of school!  Woo Hoo!

Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 -Red light, weekend round up, read aloud, reader's/writer's workshop

Period 2 -we'll be looking a little deeper at advertisements, looking at what companies are trying to tell us we NEED and why we NEED their products.

Period 3 and 4 -we'll have a mask break then come in and do some art inspired by Van Gogh. - bio

Van Gogh- -lesson

Period 5 we'll do round 7 of the Connect 4 tournament, then finish up the probability spinner math Ms. McHaffie started with us on Thursday.

Period 6 is Music with Mrs. Haynes.

Friday, 10 June 2022

Friday June 10th

 I'm back...and it's Friday!

Today will be a little different in that many of our classmates will be gone for the track and field meet most of the day.  Here is what the rest of us will be doing:

Period 1 -Red light - Read aloud

Period 2 -Reader's/Writer's workshop.

Period 3 -Mask Break/free time

Period 4 -Outside with magnifying glasses to examine more soil for Science.

Period 5 -Mr. Butt for library/tech.

Period 6 -I suspect most track and field kids will be arriving back around this time...we'll have Mrs. Whitehead come in and try our second lesson with the guitars.  See if we can remember the Em and maybe try a modified 'G' chord!  Exciting.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Wednesday June 8th

 Here is the plan for today!

Period 1 -Red light activity, read aloud, reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 2 -French

Period 3 and 4 -mask break.  We'll review probability, and fair and unfair games.  I've got a few questions set up on Math prodigy that we'll use the chromebooks to answer.

Period 5 -Science, we'll discuss the components of soil and hopefully get some samples from outside and see what we can find inside of the soil.  

Period 6 -we'll end the day with the next chapter (8) of Read All About It and answer the follow up questions.

Check out the photos from our science exploration:

Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Tuesday June 7th

 Yuck...happy rainy (indoor recess) Tuesday!

Here is the plan for today...hopefully.

Period 1 -Mr. Butt for library/technology

Period 2 -we'll read A Boy Called Bat and share highlights for Weekend Round Up.  Any extra time will be devoted to reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 3 and 4 we're going to do some research on some famous man made structures for Science.

Period 5 we'll do round 7 of our Connect 4 tournament.

Period 6 we have the gym.  I'm still not well enough to do 'Drum Fit' but we'll adapt and try some other games like 'everybody's it dodgeball' in the gym.  

Thursday, 2 June 2022

Thursday June 2nd

 Day 2 of our new seating far so good.  It's been a long time since we've been sitting in groups.  

Period 1 -we'll finish answering the chapter 6 questions for Read All About It for red light.  Then we'll read a couple of chapters of A Bay Called Bat and answer some chapter summary questions.

Period 2 is reader's/writer's workshop.  The chromebooks are booked, and we'll either read or write online (or not).

Period 3 after our mask break we'll revisit Esti-Mysteries. 

Period 4 we'll do the social studies work from yesterday we never actually ended up getting to.  Learning how Canada got it's name and about the Metis people.

Period 5 is music.

Period 6 is gym.  We have the 'drum fit' kit, which I was planning on using, but I don't think my body will work sufficiently enough to play the 'drums' we might be in for some more silent dodgeball.

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Wednesday June 1st

 We did it...we made it to June!  

Big day today, since it's the first of the month, and our final month, we're going to do our last seating swap.  We are going to TRY to see if we can pick our own might be a disaster and require some Mr. Cross intervention...but we will see what we can come up with.

Period 1 will be our great seating swap/reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 2 is French 

Period 3 and 4 is math.  After our mask break we'll come inside and review the names and properties of 2D shapes.  Then I have about 30 questions set up on prodigy that will test them on this knowledge. 

Period 5 we'll do some social studies.  We'll watch a few moments from Canada's Historical Minutes (How Canada got it's name) and learn a little more about the Metis people. 

Period 6 we'll watch the next episode/chapter of Read All About It, maybe even 2!  

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...