Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Tuesday June 21st

 I've had a couple (1) question about 'tech day'.

The class has been begging for a 'tech day'...so we've (I) decided NEXT Tuesday (the 28th) we'll make our 'Tech Day'.

I've warned the class about the risks of bringing tech (lost/stolen/broken) and I'll leave the decision up to the parents.  I've also asked the class to make sure whatever they bring, it's appropriate for school (no shooting/violent games).  

Enough about boring tech, lets talk about fun-learning!

Period 1 -Mr. Butt for library (and of course tech).

Period 2 -Reader's/Writer's Workshop.

Period 3 -is prep payback (Mrs. Haynes wasn't here yesterday).  

Period 4 -Read All About It Chapter 13 and Connect 4 round 13.

Period 5-Social Studies we'll continue the National Film Board's series on Life in the 1800's.  Looking at how Annie makes her own clothing to get ready for back to school time.

Period 6 -gym We'll warm up with some Ham, Chicken, Cheese.  Then finish with some benchball soccer.

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...