Friday, 30 September 2022

Friday September 30th

 Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 and 2 we'll do some Orange Shirt day activities and talk about what Orange Shirt Day really means.  We'll look at the CBC website as a class: What is Orange Shirt Day? | Articles | CBC Kids

Period 3 and 4 is math. We'll continue digging into subtraction with regrouping. We'll finish our work from yesterday, then I've got a lot of subtraction activities on Math prodigy and Google Classroom for the early finishers.

Period 5 is gym with Mr. D.

Period 6 will be a finish up/free time period before the weekend.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, 29 September 2022

Thursday September 29th

Here is what we've done (so far) today.

Period 1 we did this fun activity to start the day: After that we had our 2nd practise fire drill.  

Period 2 we read some of Sideways Stories from Wayside School and did some reading on our own.   We spent the last 20 minutes outside to celebrate how well everyone was reading.

Period 3 we worked on subtracting with regrouping so more. We played theses games as a class: -game -game

Then we did this work with dice:

Period 4 they had music with Mrs. Haynes.

Period 5 and 6 we'll look at artist Filippo Brunelleschi, who worked out the 'vanishing point' and we'll do some perspective art from this slideshow:

Remember tonight is Movie night at Aldershot.  Tomorrow is the first 'sub' day and also Orange Shirt Day.  

Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Wednesday September 28th

 In case your children didn't tell you, I wasn't here yesterday (sick daughter) so I didn't get a chance to blog.

Here is the plan for today (it's currently first break).

Period 1 was reader's workshop.  We talked about setting goals.  We read like champions.

Period 2 was writer's workshop.  Our mini lesson focused on making a plan for writing time.  We were so good this morning we went outside 15 minutes early for recess.

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We're going to continue to look at subtraction, with regrouping (borrowing) -how to video -how to video


As a class:


Period 5 is French with Madam O' Neil.

Period 6 we have the library and hopefully we'll be able to jump on the computers and do some of the subtraction problems I put onto Prodigy.

Monday, 26 September 2022

Monday September 26th

 Here is my predictive post on what we'll do today:

Period 1 is read aloud and weekend round up.

Period 2 is reader's/writer's workshop -student choice on Mondays.

Period 3 Mr. D has them for gym.

Period 4 we'll finish up the math from last week (addition with regrouping).  Bonus work for the early finishers.

Period 5 and 6 we'll do some science.  We'll look at the force of gravity and do a little experiment:

Day 4-Gravity -slideshow for science

Friday, 23 September 2022

Friday September 23rd

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1: -We'll continue to work on our OP art from yesterday to start the day.  Then we'll do reader's workshop.  Our mini lesson will focus on 'fixing the fuzziness' (trying to see if we really understand what we're reading.

Period 2: is writer's workshop.  We're continue to work on focus and stamina.  Today's mini lesson is all about keeping our pencil's in our hands.

Period 3 we're going to continue on with addition with regrouping. We never actually got around to yesterday's work, so we'll try it again today.

Period 4 we run for Terry Fox.

Period 5 is gym with Mr. D.

Period 6 I'm leaving open as a finish up/free time period.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, 22 September 2022

Thursday September 22nd

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 we'll do our first fire drill of the year.  From past experience, this will probably take up most of period 1.

Period 2 will be reader's/writer's workshop -student choice.  I'll teach a mini lesson about making 'dot goals' in our writing book to see if we can achieve those goals.

Period 3 is math.  We really made some headway yesterday adding with regrouping.  We'll continue to build on that today playing this game as a class and doing the worksheets afterwards.



Period 4 is Music with Mrs. Haynes.

Period 5 and 6 is art.  We'll most likely stay outside for a bit of extra outside time.  Then we'll look at OP art (optical illusion art) -cool website - website show -lesson.

Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Wednesday September 21st

 No blog yesterday, as I was away yesterday...sorry!

Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 - Reader's workshop:  focusing on strategies to get 'back into' our books.

Period 2 is Writer's workshop: We'll talk about using partners to bounce ideas off of and how to give praise.

Period 3 and 4 Math -it seems like we're sort of struggling on math (regrouping with addition).  We'll continue to practise and work it today.



Period 5 is French with Ms. O'Neil.

Period 6 is Library.  

Monday, 19 September 2022

Monday September 19th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 We'll have our weekly 'Weekend Round Up' sharing highlights from our weekends.

Period 2 is reader's/writer's workshop - student choice.  We'll talk about appropriate partner work.

Period 3 is gym with Mr. D.

Period 4 is math.  We'll continue to look at place value and do this work:

Period 5 we'll do a little science.  Looking again at forces causing movement and hopefully do our first experiment.
Period 6 we'll enjoy a little free time.

Note:  I still need permission forms for our library field trip (blue) from some kids.  
I won't be at school tomorrow, but Ms. Pinnington will be in for me.  I'll be back on Wednesday.

Friday, 16 September 2022

Friday September 16th

 Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 -reader's workshop.  We'll look at setting reading goals using stickies.  

Period 2 -writer's workshop.  We'll look at list of all the different things we can write about (other than stories)

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We'll continue to work on place value.  Hopefully we'll play this game:   Raceto50or100APlaceValueGame.pdf...If I can track down some computers we may even jump on math prodigy.  

Period 5 is gym/health with Mr. D.

Period 6 we'll have a little community circle, talk about our first week then use the rest of the period to 'finish up'. 

Have a terrific weekend everyone!

Thursday, 15 September 2022

Thursday September 15th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 - I had an 'in-school' meeting so Ms. Pinnington covered 'Reader's Workshop'.  The mini lesson focused of finding your 'perfect reading spot'. 

Period 2 - I'll be back in class Period 2 for writer's workshop.  I'll try to inspire them to write by sharing some funny jokes.  Hopefully some of the reluctant writer's can go back and write their own jokes.

Period 3 we'll stay outside for a bit.  When we come in we'll actually do the work I had planned 3 days ago!  Rolling dice and making numbers using base ten blocks.

Period 4 Ms. O'Neil has them for French.

Period 5 we'll stay outside for a little extra time, then we'll do the cubist trees from last week.  We'll talk about what cubism is, then try to attempt this art:

Almost Friday...remember, Toonie for Terry Fox tomorrow.  Cross country forms (yellow) and Library Field trip forms (blue) if you haven't brought them in yet!

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Wednesday September 14th...

 What a busy day...I'm ready for a nap.  

Lots to blog about.

1- Field trip forms are coming home tonight.  The office sort of messed up our forms, so I asked the class to modify them with me....Just to be clear, we're going to Burlington Public Library on October 5th.  We'll be walking there (Aldershot branch).  The forms are BLUE.

2. Friday they're asking the kids to bring a Toonie for Terry.  

3. Sending home a pink 'weekly lunch' form with the youngest or only kids too.

Here is what we did today.

Period 1- We read aloud.  Then we fixed the permission form.  After that, we had reader's workshop, where we talked about 'if you don't know, guess' with unfamiliar words.

Period 2 was writer's workshop.  We continued to build stamina.

Period 3 we stayed outside for a bit.  Then we came in and tried another take of willoughby wallaby woo:  Townsend Ave 2.m4a

Then we made our own base ten creations and counted how many blocks we used.  Check out the photos (we never got to the work)base ten creations

Period 5 is French with Madam O'Neil.

Period 6 we have library with the other Grade 3's. 

Tuesday, 13 September 2022

Tuesday September 13th

So Tuesdays Period 1 they have music...which means this will be my only time to blog today (before I even see them).  

So here is my predictive blog:

Today is going to be great!

Period 1 we have music with Mrs. Haynes.
Period 2 we'll do 'reader's workshop', focusing on building stamina, with a mini lesson on 'going back and rereading' when something doesn't make sense.  

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We'll be talking about place value (looking at the value of each digit in a number...e.g., 1234, the 2 is worth 200).  We'll play this game (you can play at home with cards or dice):

Period 5 is writer's workshop.  We'll look developing stamina.  We'll do a fun little activity where we try to use some of our favourite words in a phrase.  
Period 6 we'll start our first science unit on Forces that cause Movement.  We'll talk about what a force is, and hopefully start work on a title page.  

Cross country forms (yellow)are due to Mrs. Smeaton by tomorrow.  

Monday, 12 September 2022

Monday September 12th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 we did our first 'weekend round up' where we sit in a giant circle and share the highlights (or lowlights) of our weekends.  

Period 2 we sang 'the walking song' before we had reader's/writer's workshop (student choice) while I read with kids at the blue table.

Period 3 (now) Mr. D has the class in the gym.

Period 4 if it stops raining we'll try to get outside for some fresh air.  After that we'll do a little math.  Try and shake the rust off and practise our doubles and near doubles..  Here is the work we'll do:

Period 5 we'll use the computers to log into 'Math Prodigy' for the first time.  We'll practise logging in and figuring out what this program is all about.  

Period 6 we'll put away the computers and hopefully cruise into some free time.  

Friday, 9 September 2022

Friday September 9th

 Friday?  We made it!

What a great week.  Thanks for raising such great kids.

Here is what we did (or we've done).  

Period 1- we read aloud (Sideways Stories From Wayside School).  Then we practised reading with partners (Elbows to Elbows, Knees to Knees). 

Period 2 -we went outside because it was so beautiful.  Then we came inside and practised building our 'writing stamina'.  

Period 3 we did another 'Esti' mystery and played a class game of Sum it Up.

Period 4 we had our first assembly.

Period 5 Mr. DeStephanis is teaching the first gym lesson of the day.

Period 6 we using the computers for the first time.  We'll log into google classroom and join our class.  Then hopefully enjoy a bit of free time!

NOTE:  Some kids will be coming home with Cross Country permission forms. 

Glenview's Terry Fox fundraising link is: Glenview Terry Fox Fundraising Page

Have an amazing weekend everyone!

Thursday, 8 September 2022

Thursday September 8th

 It's only period 4...but already another great day!

Period 1 we did a fun math activity to get our brains ready for the day:

Then we read a chapter of Wayside School.  Then we did reader's workshop, continuing to build stamina.  We broke our record from yesterday, 12:53 seconds. 

Period 2 we attempted Willoughby Wallaby Woo...and I recorded it...but I think we can still do better.  Keep tuning in.  Then we did our first writer's workshop.  We wrote for 10 minutes, trying to develop stamina.

Period 3 We played outside for an extra 10 minutes.  When we came inside we learned a new math game called 'Sum it Up'.  You can play it at home too...just need this paper and a couple of dice:

Period 4 is Music. 

Period 5 and 6 we'll stay outside for a bit of extra time before we start art.  For art we'll be talking about Cubism (Picasso) and we'll attempt our own cubist trees.

Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Wednesday September 7th

 Another great day almost in the books!

Here is what we did today:

Period 1: We played the 'blanket game', reviewed some school and class rules.  We talked about how "fair isn't always equal".  Then we tried to build up our independent reading stamina.  

Period 2 we sang 'Herman the Worm' then did a quick 10 word spelling test to see how the kids spell.  

Period 3 we stayed outside for a bit of extra time.  Then we came in and tried to sing some Raffi songs (it wasn't a big hit).  After that we did an esti(mation) mystery.

Period 4 we worked on warm and cool colour name tags.  

Period 5 Madam O'Neil taught them French. 

Period 6 we had a bit of free time before we went to the library.  

Tuesday, 6 September 2022


 Hi everyone,

Welcome to the blog.  If your kids are anything like my own, your dinnertime conversations go something like this:

Parent:  How was school today?

Child: Fine.

Parent:  What did you do today?

Child: Nothing.

So I'll do this blog each day (hopefully) to post what we've done/we're doing.  Maybe it will even help you probe a little deeper at the dinner table?  Today was a great first day!  It truly was.

Period 1 and 2 we read the book 'First Day Jitters' and talked about how we felt (I was nervous). We drew pictures and wrote about our feelings on the first day of school.  We went over some class and school rules and introduced ourselves (and ate a little popcorn).  Then I wowed them with my version of 'Herman the Worm'.  Addy even said 'Wow, you're awesome at guitar!'.

Period 3 and 4 we came up with our own class rules: 1. Be respectful 2. Respect Others 3. Try your best 4. Have fun.  Then we played outside for a little extra time.  We came in and read the first chapter of 'Sideways Stories from Wayside School' and played with Play d'oh (some of us tried to make an elephant).

Period 5 we'll stay outside for a little more play time.  Then we'll come in and explore the resources around the room and hopefully ease into a little 'free time' practising putting materials back where we got them from.

Period 6 is Music (today only).  Normally we'll have music Period 1 on Tuesdays but for the first day of school Mrs. Haynes was nice enough to move things around for me. 

I'm sending home a quick introduction letter and tenative class well as a 'concrete' HDSB school calendar.  

NOTE:  It would be really helpful if (new)parents could email their contact information...or at least their email would save me a considerable amount of time tracking it down!  I've had a few parents already reach out and let me know some details about their child, please don't hesitate to contact me.

My email address is:

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...