Friday, 16 September 2022

Friday September 16th

 Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 -reader's workshop.  We'll look at setting reading goals using stickies.  

Period 2 -writer's workshop.  We'll look at list of all the different things we can write about (other than stories)

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We'll continue to work on place value.  Hopefully we'll play this game:   Raceto50or100APlaceValueGame.pdf...If I can track down some computers we may even jump on math prodigy.  

Period 5 is gym/health with Mr. D.

Period 6 we'll have a little community circle, talk about our first week then use the rest of the period to 'finish up'. 

Have a terrific weekend everyone!

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...