Tuesday 2 April 2024

Tuesday April 2nd

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 and 2 -Desk Swap!  I moved the carpet and re arranged the desks...we'll see how this works...at least for now?  We'll clean and organize our desks and acclimatize to the new set up.  After that we'll read move of The Homework Machine. We'll treat today like a Monday, so the kids will be able to choose to read or write for reader's/writer's workshop today.

Period 3 Wafa the CYC worker will be coming in to do lesson 2 of her 'chill club'.  

Period 4 we'll play a fun 'I Have, Who Has' fraction game.  

Period 5 we'll use the chromebooks to hopefully finish coding our eco systems

Period 6 is Music with Mrs Haynes. 

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