Monday, 30 April 2018

April 30th

Happy Earth Day...or at least Blue and Green day here at Orchard Park.

Today was a bit it's a Friday schedule, and I'm away in the afternoon (in School PD).

Here is what today has looks like:

Period 1 we just looked at a sample EQAO Language book.  We didn't really do much other than investigate the book, and what the test will look like.  Then we had our weekend round up.

After that we had a bit of time to read independently, unfortunately we didn't get time to write today. 

Periods 3 and 4 we went into our Panther Packs to celebrate Earth Day activities.

Period 5 and 6 Mrs. Elliot is introducing the class to flips slides and turns.
Introduction to Flips Slides and Turns


**I"m away tomorrow at ANOTHER conference...they'll be in good hands with Mrs. Sullivan.  Hopefully this is the last workshop I have for awhile.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

April 26th

***We have 5 students that haven't brought in their permission forms/paid online for our Crawford Lake field trip next Friday (May 4th)...Please do so ASAP!

Period 1 we made Haiku's for our good friend Maanit today, as it is his last day.  We're sad to see him go, but wish him the best at his new school in Brampton.

Period 2 we ended up 'exploring/experimenting' with some 3D sculptures using Pipe Cleaners.

Period 3 we went outside for Gym to practise Ball throw and Long Jump.  We have our big Track and Field day next Wednesday (May 2nd).

Period 4 we as a class talked about our Ozobot projects...and what's going well...and what's not going well.  The majority of the class voted to continue working on their project as they needed extra time.

Period 5 Mrs. Smith is teaching Science.

Period 6 we'll continue working on our Ozobots...hopefully some people may even finish (fingers crossed).  We'll end the day with a good bye community circle for Maanit.

Have good weekends.  See you next Monday (enjoy your PD tomorrow).

Wednesday, 25 April 2018


No need to respond

April 25th

Yuck..what a gross day outside.

I'm going to try and post before school begins as I'll be doing some more P.D. this afternoon.

Period 1 we're going to do some reading...I'm hoping to pull a small group to focus on calculating Area.
Period 2 we're writing...I'm introducing Limerick's today.

Period 3 we have the math assessment from yesterday I was planning...but those Ozobots got in the way!
Period 4 Mrs. Smith is doing some research with the kids on Social Studies.

Period 5 Mrs. Djonovich is teaching music.
Period 6 we're going to continue our Ozobot stories.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Ozobot Maps

The students are VERY enthusiastic about these Ozobot stories.  This small little seed of an idea Mrs. Youngblut and I has blossomed into quite the endeavour.  Turning my room into a (beautiful)disaster!

Quickly, here is what we're doing.

We're writing descriptive stories on Google Doc's, collaborating with our partners.  In our stories, we choose the setting and have 2 characters.
The main character (Ozobot) will follow the map the kids make with markers and using code.  The secondary character (also an Ozobot) will be programmed on Ozoblockly to follow a simple code the students have programmed. 

Their Ozobots must change direction at least once, change speed at least once and change colour at least once...their stories/scripts should reflect this.

Hopefully we'll start filming next week???

The end product we're hoping will be similar to this:

Hopefully I can figure out how to post them all online when they're finished.

April 24th

Quickest Blog Ever...I need to go out on my prep. period to buy ozobot supplies.

Period 1 -Reader/Writer's workshop
Period 2 -Science -Mrs. Smith
Period 3 -Ozobot -building our stories
Period 4-Math - Area and Perimeter Check In's
Period 5 and 6 - Talent Show.

* Keep bringing in those Permission forms for Crawford Lake - May 4th

**Missing, one pair of Ray Ban prescription glasses**

Monday, 23 April 2018

Monday April 23rd

* Thanks to all the people who've brought in their permission forms for our Crawford Lake Field Trip (May 4th). 

Today was a good day. 

Period 1 and 2 we did a venn diagram comparing and contrasting the book and movie for How To Eat Fried Worms.  Then we did our weekend round up.  We started our new read aloud, The Homework Machine, and had enough time for some student choice reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 3 we went to Library early to listen to the last of the silver birch books, and begin our voting. 
Period 4 the kids were doing some research for Social Studies for Mrs. Smith.

Period 5 we're going to continue to work on our 'Ozobot Stories'.  Writing the script and constructing the sets.  If you have any materials at home that your child might want to use to help them 'build' please send them in.

Period 6 we're going to do a little bit of a 'snuggle up and read' session.  Many of us haven't read all the required books in order to vote for Mrs. Youngblut has lent us the entire Silver Birch collection.  We'll just catch up on all missed books, or read some new ones, just for the sake of it.  Hopefully we can read them all and make an informed vote.

Friday, 20 April 2018

April 20th

Sorry for not posting yesterday.  I was home least today I have a partial voice.

I'm also away this afternoon for some Professional Development.  Mrs. Sullivan will be coming in for me.

Here is what the day should look like.

Period's 1 and 2  we're going to finish up some Area and Perimeter work from yesterday for Red Light.
Then we'll finish our read aloud 'How To Eat Fried Worms'.  Then we'll have some independent reading and some writing time.  If there is still time, we might start the 'How To Eat Fried Worms movie'.

Period 3 we have the computers and we're going to continue to work on writing our descriptive stories that use the Ozobots as the main characters.  We'll practise coding the Ozobots to perform the actions from our story.

Period 4 we have Gym.  I think we're practising our track and field skills.

Period 5 we'll have a little more 'finish up time'...then we'll end the day by watching the rest of the How To Eat Fried Worms movie.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Wednesday April 18th

So far, so great!

Period 1 we finished up some Area and Perimeter work from yesterday.  We had a discussion about The National Geographic and the their 'Photo of the Day'.  Jacob and Lena were able to infer quite a bit about the picture!
Then we read aloud...we're almost done How to Eat Fried Worms.  Then we had some time to do some guided/independent reading. 
Period 2 we closely examined Stomping Tom's, The Hockey Song.  We talked about visualization and learned a little bit about Stomping Tom.
Period 3 we played this really fun game on Area and took most of the period.  Students versus Mr. Cross (I won!).
Period 4 the kids went to the Library with Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Youngblut to do some Social Studies research.
Period 5 we have Music with Mrs. Djonovich.
Period 6 we're going to use as a 'finish up' period.  We have art, math and ozobot writing that we need to finish up.

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Tuesday April 17th

Welcome back!  It was so nice to have an extra day this weekend to stay in my pyjamas.

It's Tuesday, period I'm going to do some 'predicting' for today.

Period 1 was amazing.  We had Mrs. Perks with us, and we looked at and discussed different dances from around the world.

We looked closely at these 5 dances:

The kids were very interested and led to a lot of great discussion.
Period 2 Mrs. Smith taught us science.
Period 3 we're going to the Library to work with Mrs. Youngblut, the Ozobots and literacy.  The goal is to get the kids to write descriptive paragraphs of where the Ozobots will go...then code them to do so!
Period 4 I will introduce the concept of Area in Math.
Period  5 we'll do our weekend round up (a little later than usual) and we'll have our Literacy block (reader's/writer's workshop).
Period 6 I am hoping to do some art where we focus on negative and positive space.

***The cultural dances really seemed to hook the kids.  Please feel free to investigate this further at home with your children.  Any information or links to videos of your family's heritage/cultural 'dance(s)' would be very welcomed***

Friday, 13 April 2018

Friday April 13th

So far, so good today.

Period 1 we had some groups recreate their dances from yesterday.  Then we read a few chapters from How to Eat Fried Worms.  Then we did some guided/independent reading.

Period 2 we did some Writer's workshop.

Period 3 we have the computers.  We're going to do some perimeter questions on Prodigy then work on Google Drawing to design some Ozobot maps.
Period 4 we have gym.

Period 5 we're going to write our names on grid paper and calculate the perimeter of each letter.
Period 6 we're headed to Mrs. Taylor's grade 1 room to show them the Ozobots.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Thursday April 12th

Happy almost Friday.

So far it's been a great day.

Period 1 (and most of 2) we worked in groups to choreograph and perform dances to different pieces of classical music.  It was VERY cool to see what the kids came up with...very impressive.

Period 3 we played a variety of throwing/catching games in gym.
Period 4 we had our Writer's workshop.

Period 5 Mrs. Smith is teaching health.
We'll end the day a perimeter/art activity where we write our names and calculate the perimeter of each letter.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

April 11th

Happy Day of Pink!

Period 1 - Today we talked about the rules for handling Ozobots and the importance of being honest, as we unfortunately had 1 Ozobot break yesterday.  We're still not clear how/who broke it.
Then we read another chapter How To Eat Fried Worms.

Period 2 - Was our Writer's Workshop and did a lesson on Prefix/Suffix's and Root words.   It took us a little longer than I anticipated...but we still had enough time to play a game of seatball.

Period 3 played this game in math all about Perimeter, and did the following 2 worksheets (you may not be able to open them without a membership)

worksheets B

Period 4 is our Panther Packs...

Period 5 Mrs. Djonovich is teaching music...while I cover Mrs. Youngblut in the Library. I have no clue what I'm doing, but I'll assume it's just using the Dewey Decimal System to file books in the Card least that's my interpretation of Librarian)

Period 6 I'm hoping to hand out a lot of work that's been collecting in the corder of my room and give the students some time to actually write today.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Tuesday April 10th

Hey Everyone!

It's only period 2, but here is how the day looks.

Period 1 we did a little 'Dance' to start the morning.  The kids listened to several pieces of classical music, discussed the emotions the music evoked.  Then they moved around the room with movements that captured the music.

Period 2 the kids finished up some science with Mrs. Smith.

Period 3 -We don't have the Library with Mrs. Youngblut, as she's away.  So we're experimenting with the Ozobots in the classroom.  We'll be creating and measuring distances the ozobots travel.

Period 4 we'll do our Reader's/Writer's workshop.

Period 5 I'm going to introduce perimeter and we'll do some activities on the Smartboard.

Period 6 we'll be finish up, and possibly a little 'free time'.

Monday, 9 April 2018

Monday April 9th

Here is what I'm hoping today looks like:

Period 1 we'll practise our estimation skills for Red Light.  Then we'll do our weekend round up.  After that we'll do some independent/guided reading. Period 2 we'll do our Writer's workshop...

Period 3 we'll do a quick number talk looking at making friendly numbers to help us multiply.  Then we have library.
Period 4 Mrs. Smith will teach science.

Period 5 we have the computers and the kids will begin designing their own obstacle course for the Ozobots and measuring the distance it travels.

Period 6 we will continue to estimate and measure various distances within the school

Friday, 6 April 2018

Friday April 6th

It's Friday...which means I have no 'prep' periods to I'm going to try to squeak this in before school starts.

Here is what I 'hope' happens today.

Period 1 -We'll do a little estimating activity for Red Light.  I'll read some Tank and Fiz.  We'll have some reader's/writer's workshop time. 

Period 2 -we're going to move around (inside and possibly outside) the school to make some estimates and measure in meters and centimetres. 

Period 3 we have the computers.  I've designed an obstacle course for the kids to try and solve.  Use their coding skills to get their Ozobots to complete the course.  Afterwards, they'll design their own course.

Period 4 we have gym.

Period 5 and 6 we're going to be looking at the works of Vincent Van Gogh....and hopefully create some beautiful 3D flowers...

Have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, 5 April 2018

April 5th

I just got back from my Technology workshop, and have only taught a period math so far...but it was a great period!  I introduced Linear Measurement.  We discussed what we knew so far, and some of the different units of measurement.  The kids had some time to estimate and measure different body parts afterwards.

Mrs. Sullivan was in for me this morning.  She ran the Reader's/Writer's workshop and took the kids to Gym period 3.

Next period (5) Mrs. Smith is teaching Science.  Period 6 I'm going to finish up some work from earlier in the week and hopefully get a little bit of Ozobot time.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

April 4th

So far so good today!

I've been very impressed with how the kids have handled the 'flexible seating', for the most part.  I've really been stressing 'make a responsible choice that will help you do your best Grade 3 work'.  It's worked out well, for the most part.

Here is what we did today. 

Period 1 we made Zane belated birthday cards for Red Light.  Then we read aloud and had some reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 2 we did a little 'division check in'....sort of like a quiz, so I could see where the kids are at. 

Period 3 we had a 'super music class', with all the Grade 3's in the school singing together in the music room.

Period 4 Mrs. Smith taught some Science.

Period 5 Mrs. Djonovich is teaching some music.

Period 6 we'll be finishing up our 'Division check In' work...if we have any extra time, we might continue to explore the Ozobots...

I'll be away tomorrow morning at a workshop, but I will see everyone in the afternoon. 

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Tuesday April 3rd

Happy April everyone.  Sorry about last week's innocent typo!  I've got a few minutes before the start of school, so I'm going to try to squeak in the blog early (instead of period 2)

Today marks the start of 'flexible seating' month.  It should be interesting.  After our weekend round up, we're going to develop rules around 'flexible seating', like -Mr. Cross has the power to move anyone at anytime...and -make decisions that will help you do your best possible Grade 3 work. 

I'm nervous, but excited.

Period 2 Mrs. Smith is teaching Science.
Period 3 we have the Library for some creative maker-space time.  I think we'll continue to build upon our 'ozobot' work from last week.

Period 4 we'll do our Reader's/Writer's workshop (a little later in the day)

Period 5 we're going to math...we'll practise division with these games:

Period 6 we have the computers. We'll continue to work on our division in Prodigy.

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...