Friday, 29 March 2019

Friday March 29th

Happy Friday everyone!

Here is what today will hopefully look like!

Period 1 is YouTube Friday.  Here are the videos for the morning:

Period 2 is reader's writer's workshop...the mini lesson will look at summarizing stories in 5 sentences.

Period 3 we the gym.  We'll be playing some cat and mouse and some 4 corner benchball soccer.
Period 4 we're going to continue working on our 'perimeter monsters'.

Period 5 we have library, and we'll stop by the grade 2 class to see the 'Invention Convention'.
Period 6 both grades go to Mr. Woolley's class for French.

See you next week!

Thursday, 28 March 2019

Thursday March 28th

Sorry...rushed blog...very busy with basketball season underway.

Period 1 health
Period 2 reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 3 Grade 4's french.  Grade 3's -computer buddies.
Period 4 Finish up perimeter math from yesterday.

Period 5 More perimeter math.
Period 6 free time.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Wednesday March 27th

Here is what today looks like.

Period 1 - we measured the perimeter of our desks for redlight.
Then we had reader's workshop.
Period 2 we had our writer's workshop. We talked a lot about using technology as a tool (not a toy).

Period 3 the Grade 4's went to French.  The Grade 3's got to explore mindomo...the mind mapping program.
Period 4 we're going to play around with some coloured square tiles and look at how even though area stays the same...perimeter's can change.

Period 5 we have the gym.  We're going to play some 4 corner bench ball.
Period 6 is music with Mrs. Haynes.

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

March 26th

Here is what we're doing today, I hope!

Period 1  Reader's workshop...we're going to focus on bumping up the quality of our letters...and talk about getting them done, on time.
Period 2 is Writer's workshop.  Our mini lesson will focus on 'rereading to jump back in' to help with our writing.

Period 3 and 4 we'll start looking at Perimeter.  We've got a simple worksheet, plus a more complex assignment where we see if we can manipulate the perimeter of a sheet of paper.  Here is a website we'll be looking at to help us understand perimeter.

Period 5 we'll spend finishing up our letters and our Jen Stark art from yesterday.
Period 6 Mrs. Haynes has the class for music.

Monday, 25 March 2019

March 25th

Happy Monday.

Here is what today should look like.

Period 1 - Emma and Gwyn will share their youtube Friday videos from last week.
Mrs. Haynes will take the kids for 30 minutes of music.
Period 2- Mrs. Perks is coming in to help us with some Jen Stark inspired artwork: (video)

Period 3 we're going to measure things in mm and cm around the classroom.
Period 4 the 4's are off to French.  The Grade 3's are going to start looking at some EQAO stuff.

Period 5 we'll have our weekend round up.  Then we'll have reader's/writer's workshop.
Period 6 we have the chomebooks...I am hoping to have them complete a 'quizziz' online quiz on Camp X.

Friday, 22 March 2019

March 22nd

Happy Friday everyone.

Here is what today will hopefully look like.

Period 1 we'll start our first week of 'Youtube Friday'.  We'll watch these videos and discuss:

Period 2 will be reader's /writer's workshop.  

Period 3 we have the gym, and we'll hopefully be using the Omnikin balls, before they get shipped back to the board office.
Period 4 we'll play the next round of Connect 4 and finish up any unfinished work.

Period 5 we have the library.
Period 6 both grades go to French.

Thursday, 21 March 2019

March 21st

Here is how today should look!

Period 1 Health with Mrs. Coric.
Period 2 we have reader's/writer's workshop.  I'm hoping we can use the chromebooks to read and or write today!

Period 3 the Grade 4's have French.  The Grade 3's are going to measure their Grade 1 buddies and record the measurements on line.
Period 4 we'll continue on with measurement.  Looking at using cm's and mm's.

Period 5 we'll try to see if anyone can dethrone Jacob's 11 meter paper airplane throw.  Then we'll try the next round of the Connect 4 tournament.
Period 6 will be devoted to finishing up any unfinished work (art, math, writing) and possibly have a bit of free time!

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

March 20th

Here is what today should look like.

Period 1 we'll do our reader's workshop.
Period 2 we're going to have our Paper Airplane competition (and measure the distances)

Period 3 the Grade 3's are going to be exploring several measurement games on the chromebooks.
Period 4 we're going to be using Google Maps to measure the distance from our house to the school.

Period 5 we have the gym.  Hopefully we'll get to use the Omnikin Ball Kit.
Period 6 it's music with Mrs. Haynes.

Measurement games:

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

March 19th

Another great day today.

Here is what we did.

Period 1 we read some BFG then the kids had reader's workshop.
Period 2 we had writer's workshop with a mini lesson focusing on when to start a new paragraph.

Period 3 and 4 we started our next unit on linear measurement.  Then we talked about the paper airplane competition we're going to have tomorrow.  We watched some videos on how to make paper airplanes and practised.

Period 5 we went outside for a little physical activity.
Period 6 the kids have music.

Monday, 18 March 2019

March 18th

Welcome back.

Everyone here seems well rested...maybe even a little sleepy.

Here is what today should look like.

Period 1 we started with an extended version of 'Weekend Round UP'.  The class just left for music.

Period 2 we'll do reader's workshop (week A letters due this week).  I'll do a mini lesson on how to continue to use post-it notes to help us read.

Period 3 we're going to be playing a variety of multiplication games (War/Squares/battlemath).
Period 4 the Grade 4's are off to French.  The Grade 3's are going to start the next unit on Measurement...looking at centimetres and meters.

Period 5 and 6 we're going to keep light with some Saint Patricks Day Cubist Art.  Sort of like this:

Friday, 8 March 2019

March 8th

I was away yesterday, so I wasn't able to apologies.

Here is what today is hopefully going to look like:

Period 1 we discussed our upcoming 'YouTube Friday' assignments.  I showed the kids an example video and how to answer the questions.  Then we did our reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 2 we are going to try something new.  We're going to watch the movie of our next read aloud first (The BFG).  After we read the book we'll watch the original version of the movie and compare the 3 different stories.

Period 3 we have the gym and I am hoping to try using the Omnikin balls.
Period 4 we'll hopefully finish the movie (BFG).

Period 5 we have the library.
Period 6 both grades have French.

I hope everyone enjoys their March Break.   See you on the 18th!

Youtube Friday Instructions:

Youtube Friday Rubric:

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

March 6th

Here is what today is supposed to look like:

Red light - finish up some art from this week, and last week.
Period 1 - Reader's Workshop.  Mini lesson: review using sticky notes to help us jot our thinking.
Period 2 - Writer's workshop.  Mini lesson: Writing down our goals (e.g., number of words) and achieving those goals.

Period 3 -Grade 4's to French.  Grade 3's to consolidate multiplication skills on the computer.
Period 4 - Finish up art - play multiplication games if done: - multiplication war

Period 5: Pink shirt day assembly.
Period 6: Music

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

March 5th

Here is what we did today.

Period 1 we made Jacob belated birthday cards for red light.  Then had a reader's workshop.  Today's mini lesson focused on using sticky notes to help us with our letters.

Period 2 we headed to the gym for some delicious pancakes.  Thanks to all the amazing volunteers!  Stuff like that doesn't happen at most schools.  We're very fortunate.

Period 3 we played a game called 'bizz, buzz' to help us with our 3 times tables.  Then I taught the kids the last of my tricks to help us learn the 3's and 6's times tables.  We've finally conquered the times tables.

Period 4 we worked on these worksheets:
6’s -
Period 5 is devoted to finishing up!  Letters, Art and Math games.

Period 6 Mrs. Haynes has them for music!

Tomorrow is PINK shirt day!

Monday, 4 March 2019

March 4th

Hey everyone.  Sorry I didn't blog last Friday, I was absent.

Here is what we're doing today (hopefully).

Period 1 We're going to come up with ways we can welcome a new student...because today Sahira starts her first day at Glenview.
Then we're going to have a class discussion about appropriate use of the Internet, and sharing what we've found on the Internet (e.g., Youtube) and what is appropriate to share in school.
Then we'll head music.

Period 2 we're going to make some fun 'shadow art' self portraits with Mrs. Perks: -

Period 3 We'll do our Reader's Writer's workshop. We're on to week B for letters.
Period 4 Grade 4's are headed to music. The Grade 3's are going to keep working on their multiplication skills. I'll teach them these games: - multiplication war

Period 5 we'll do our big seating swap. This month, Mr. Cross is picking the seats.
Period 6 we'll just finish up some outstanding work and hopefully play some multiplication games, if we're done.

reminder...tomorrow is PJ day and pancake day!

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...