Another great day (almost) in the books!
Here is what we did:
Period 1 & 2: We practised memorizing our Halton Log ins...then we went over our 'kindness rules' from yesterday. We read a book called 'Thunder Boy' and talked about what's in a name. We talked about how being 'imperfect, is actually perfect' and how making mistakes is how we learn. We started making name tags for our desks focusing on warm and cool colours.
Period 3 and 4 we did some math. We focused on Doubles and Making 10. We played these games and did these worksheets:
-Doubles (game) (work)
-Making 10 (game) (work)
We got outside at the end of the period for a giant game of Everybody's It Dodgeball.
Period 5 we're going to do a mindfulness activity from yesterday that we didn't get to, and finish up our name tags.
Period 6 Mr. Woolley has them for French.
**NOTE: Unfortunately, due to our current circumstances, we're unable to use the library (or my own personal classroom library). It would be amazing if your child came with a book (or books) each day to read. I would love to start giving them independent reading time soon...(but we'll need something to read).
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