Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Wednesday September 23rd

 Another great day almost in the books.

Periods 1 & 2:

We started the day by trying to remember as many characters as possible from Wayside. Then we came up with some class rules.  After that we did a class activity where we used our 5 senses to write a quick story about inside the school.  

Then we went outside, and tried the same thing on our own, observing nature.  We had a long talk about working outside (not being silly)...and the kids were amazing.  Really awesome are I few I can recall.

Autumn:  I hear Mrs. Hayes beautiful voice

Lennon:  I feel the wind blowing on my face

Sam:  I hear the sound of crickets chirping

Kate: I hear the sound of a train bumping down the track

Violet: I feel the sun beating down on me

Period 3 and 4 we had math.  We played the game race to 50 (or race to 100) can play it at home to practise adding and regrouping: (video) (game)

They worked really well during the game that we went outside for a bit of free time before 2nd break.

Period 5 we had a class talk about being 'kinder than is necessary' and how to make this class work like a real community.  Then we did some Go Noodle activities and watched an episode of Wayside before Mr. Woolley came in.

Period 6 was the Mr. Woolley show.

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...