Thursday, 30 September 2021


Many of the kids still don't have headphones...I've had a very generous offer from a parent to donate some headphones should we need it...but I'm not certain if we NEED them...or if students are just forgetting to bring them.

Please let me know if your child needs the donation...

Thank you!

Thursday September 30th

 Here is the plan for today...

Period 1 and 2 we're going to discuss 'Orange Shirt Day'...what it's all about and why we're wearing orange. We'll go through some slides on this slide show that a colleague made.  I'll give the kids a chance to go through some of the stories on their Chromebooks as well. The remainder of the time the kids will be able to read (on Spark) or write (Google Drive).

Period 3 and 4 is math.  After our mask break we'll dig a little deeper into 'expanded form' and how we can use it to help us add.  Hopefully we'll get to this work.

What is expanded form:


Period 5 they have Drama and Dance with Mrs. Haynes.

Period 6 we have the gym...hopefully we can continue playing some of the cooperative games from last week...discussing strategies that worked (and didn't work).

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Wednesday September 29th


Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 is reader's workshop.  We'll continue to set reading goals today...using stickies.

Period 2 is French with Mr. Woolley.

Period 3 we're supposed to have an evacuation I'm sure I'm sure that will take most of this period.

Period 4 we'll have the chromebooks to practise expanded form on Math Prodigy.

Period 5 we'll do some more literacy...writer's workshop.  Mini lesson focuses on picking our best tool (pencils, pens).

Period 6 we're going to do a little science experiment.  We'll try dissecting flowers from my house and see if we can identify some of the parts of a flower (e.g., petals, stem, root, sepal etc..)

Remember, tomorrow is orange shirt day...please try to wear an orange shirt if you can!

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Tuesday September 28th

Early Morning Blog...

Period 1 - is Library/Tech with Mr. Butt.

Period 2 is reader's workshop.  We'll focus on setting reading goals with stickies.

Period 3 ad 4 we'll have our standard mask break.  Then it's math time.  I have a game called 'I Have, Who Has'.  Then we'll continue to focus on Place Value.  I'm going to introduce the concept of 'expanded form' (e.g., 256 = 200 + 50 + 6)...hopefully we'll get to this work:

Period 5 we'll do science.  We're going to work on the parts of a plant (e.g., stem, petal, roots etc...)

Period 6 is gym.  The gym looks kind of full with new we might have to modify and go outside!

Monday, 27 September 2021

Monday September 27th

 Here is the plan for today.  I have a meeting on my prep today so I'll have to blog early.

Period 1 - We'll do a little fall activity sheet (word search, maze) for RED light.  Then I'll read a bit from Wayside.  After that we'll share the highlights of our weekends.

Period 2 is literacy.  We'll focus on 'refocusing' our writing energy when we're getting distracted.

Period 3 and 4 is Art.  After a mask break we're going to try some OP (optical illusion) the style of Bridget Riley.

Period 5 we'll have a little mask break and then do some place value activities.

Period 6 is music with Mrs. Haynes.

Friday, 24 September 2021

Friday September 24th

 Here is the plan for today...

Period 1 is reader's workshop - mini lesson focusing on finding our 'perfect reading spot'.

Period 2 is writer's workshop - mini lesson focusing on problem solving (e.g., when we're distracted...what can we do) - the other Grade 3 teachers and I are hoping to squeak in a cross country tryout this period too.

Period 3 and 4, after a health mask break, we'll come inside and use the chromebooks.  I want to show the class a few websites I posted on google classroom (that they can practise with over the weekend) and I will give them some time to play Math Prodigy.

Period 5 Library/Health with Mr. Butt.

Period 6 we'll do a little mindfulness work and get ready for the weekend!

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Thursday September 23rd

 Here is what we did today.

Period 1 was reader's workshop- mini lesson focused on 'what I see and what I think (reading is thinking).  

Period 2 was writer's workshop.  The mini lesson focused on 'reading our writing to a friend, and giving praise'.  

Period 3 and 4 was math.  We had a short mask break, then we did our first 'Esti(mation) Mystery'.  After that, we played a fun game called Race to 50 (or 100).

Period 5 they have music.

Period 6 we have gym and we're going to do a little Cross-Country tryout/practise...and hopefully get in another fun game.

Wednesday, 22 September 2021


 I'm not sure if anyone actually reads my blog or not...but Mr. Farnand asked all the teachers to communicate with parents about the Parent Council Fundraiser:

School Council Fundraiser

Glenview Families, 

Please see this flyer for a fresh take on school fundraising. 

All orders to be placed by October 7th through School Cash Online at 

Thank you

Glenview School Council 

I also want to let you know that Jake in our class (and his family) are sending home some information about a very worthwhile cause they are supporting...please consider donating if you can.

Wednesday September 22nd's going to rain all day...wish me luck!

Here is what I am hoping happens today:

Period 1 -Writer's workshop - we're going to focus on building stamina and trying to 'refocus' when we've lost 'it'.

Period 2 is Mr. Woolley for French.

Period 3 and 4 we're going to use the chromebooks again to dive a little deeper into math prodigy.

Period 5 we'll do our first 'Plants' lesson and work on our title pages.

Period 6 I suspect we'll all need a little R and R and we'll have a little quit 'free time'.

Tuesday, 21 September 2021


A couple of students asked me to remind them to bring headphones to school so they can work on the laptops (peacefully)....

If you have a set of headphones you could let your child keep in their desks...that would be amazing (and save me money on Aspirin).

The dollar store sells them (headphones...and possibly Aspirin?) ...if you're looking for a cheap pair.


Tuesday September 21st

 Happy Rainy Tuesday.

Here is the 'plan' for today...always subject to change...especially with the rain (I will need to 'read' the room).

Period 1 -Mr. Butt - Health/Tech/Library

Period 2 Reader's workshop - focus on revising when things don't make sense.

Period 3 and 4 we're going to use the chromebooks to start playing 'math prodigy'.  A very fun math website. More information coming home today.

Period 5 we'll start discussing Plants for Science.  We'll brainstorm what we know already and work on a title page.

Period 6 is gym.  We'll play a couple of cooperative ball games.

Monday, 20 September 2021

Monday September 20th

 I'm going to try and blog early I'll need to leave right away to vote (and get my daughter to swimming).

Period 1 we'll start off with our weekly 'Weekend Round Up'.  The kids will share 3 highlights from their weekends (if they wish).

Period 2 will be readers'/writer's workshop - students choice.  Our mini lesson will focus on 'going back to revise'.  

Period 3 and 4 we'll have a mask break before we start art.  Then for art will be creating cubist trees.  Sort of like this:

We'll discuss cubism and the cubist master, Picasso.  

Period 5 we'll have a mask break and read a story called 'Thunderboy' and do a quick graphing activity.  

Period 6 the class has Mrs. Haynes for music.

Friday, 17 September 2021

Friday September 17th

 Here is the plan for today!

Period 1 is reader's workshop.  Our mini lesson will focus on 'backing up and revising'.  Which just basically means when you're reading something and it doesn't make sense...go back and retry.

Period 2 is writer's workshop...I'm hoping.  We also have a 'practise fire-drill' too.  The first one of the year usually takes awhile.

Period 3 and 4 we'll have a mask break, then we'll use the chromebooks for the first time this year.  I'm hoping to get all the kids to join our google classroom and introduce them to 'Spark Reading' (it's the new 'raz kids').  A letter will be coming home today with all their login information.  It's a brand new program so we'll all be learning together.

Period 5 they have Mr. Butt for library/tech.

Period 6 we'll ease into the weekend with a little mindfulness activity and some free time!  Woo Hoo!

Have a great weekend...and give your kids a hug.  They did awesome this's been tough transitioning back.  

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Thursday September 16th

 Another good day (almost) in the books!

Here is what we did today:

Period 1 we had reader's workshop.  Our mini lesson focused on expressing emotion when reading.

We had a couple of rounds of 'emotional charades'

Period 2 was writer's workshop.  Our mini lesson was about creating your best writing environment.

Period 3 and 4 we had a mask break.  Then we did some math.  We played the same Base Ten Bingo game from yesterday but just bumped up the difficulty.  Then we played this game (pages 3-9)

We also squeezed in a little Seatball.

Period 5 (now) they have drama/dance with Mrs. Haynes.

Period 6 we have the gym.  We'll continue to work on cooperative games.

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Wednesday September 15th

 Grrr...the dreaded period 2 prep...which means Wednesdays will be predictive posts!

Period 1 was great.  We came in and explored Base Ten blocks to make our own creations for Red-light/quiet work.  Then we read a chapter from Wayside school.  Next we did our reader's workshop and focused on using our 'linger fingers' to slow down.  After that we had a bit of time to write and share our writing.

Period 2 (now) Mr. Woolley is teaching the class French.

Period 3 and 4 I hope to do math.  We're going to focus on using Base Ten Blocks to help us count.  We will explore the this game (online game)

Roll it count it cover it: (pencil and paper game)

and hopefully get to this work: (front) (back)

Period 5 we will have a mask break to start.  Then we'll read a book called Thunderboy Jr.  and we'll talk about names and do a little graphing activity about the number of letters in our own names.

Period 6 I'm hoping to sing a little more Raffi...'Down by the Bay' and hopefully come up with our own silly rhymes.  


We didn't get to most of the math...because we were SO busy building (and counting) some amazing creations...check them out.

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Tuesday September 14th Tuesday's I'm going to have to blog period it's my only time...

Here is the plan (which will probably change!):

Period 1 -Mr. Butt for technology/media.

Period 2 is going to be reader's/writer's workshop.  Right now the only focus is on developing stamina...reading and writing.

Period 3 and 4 We're going to do the math work from yesterday that we didn't get to: -doubles -facts

Early finishers will be able to play either Battlemath or Sum it Up.

Period 5 -We'll have a mask break, do a little mindfulness activity and hopefully get a better 'take' of Willoughby Wallaby.

Period 6 we have the gym and we'll continue to play a variety of cooperative games.

I assume we'll also get some mask breaks, music and seatball somewhere in there as well!

Monday, 13 September 2021

Monday September 13th

 Another great day almost in the books...

Today we did our weekly 'Weekend Round Up'.  It's where we go around the room and share highlights from our weekend.  That took most of first period.

2nd period we went outside to do reader's /writer's workshop (student choice) with friends.

Period 3 and 4 we stayed outside for a little mask break.  Then we came in and I taught them how to play 'Battlemath''s a dice rolling game. They were SOOO amazing....playing the game and staying engaged...even when Mr. Cross picked the partners. It was so nice to see we had to play seatball to celebrate!

Here is link to some of the game boards my friend made so you can play at home too:

Period 5 we played outside for an extra long mask break.  After we came in we watched this video about being imperfect: and had a rich discussion about the video's message.

Period 6 is Music with Mrs. Haynes

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Thursday September 9th

Another great day complete!

Here is what we did.

We did a little memorization game to begin the morning.  Then we had our first 'reader's workshop'...the focus today was on building stamina.  We'll be reading everyday...please feel free to send your child to school with any books from home they're currently reading.

We didn't have enough time for writer's workshop period 2 so we played some more seatball.  Again, the kids were amazing.  Honest, generous, and responsible...lots of fun.

Period 3 we had a nice long mask break before the rain.  Most of the girls enjoyed the climber, while most of the boys enjoyed playing soccer....
Then we came in and did a little mindfulness activity about 'Being the Pond' and being present.  
Then we started working on name tags on our desk using warm and cool this:

Period 5 they have their first Lesson with Mrs. Haynes...I believe Drama or Dance.
Period 6 we have the gym.  We're going to just work on some gym routines (warm up, stretches) and focus on 'sportsmanship'.  


I won't be in tomorrow, I'm taking a personal day.  Mrs. Pinnington, a familiar face, will be supplying for me.  Which means no blog...sorry!
Have a great weekend, see everyone on Monday!

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Wednesday September 8th

 I think Tuesdays and Wednesdays because of my schedule I'll have to blog earlier in the day...and just hope my plans come true?

Period 1 we reviewed some of our class and school rules.  I reiterated to the class...the importance of just 'trying'.  We had a few kids yesterday that gave up before we even started our art lesson! (a picture of yesterdays art is below).  

Then we played a couple of games of 'seatball'.

I will say, in the 16 years of teaching, I've never had such a good/fun first game!  It's a game based on non-verbal communication.   This class was amazing!  They took responsibility, they were was actually heart-warming...and so nice to see kids play together again!

Period 2 (now) Mr. Woolley has them for their first French class.

Period 3 and 4 we'll have a mask break, continue to do some more 'get to know you' activities.  I'm hoping to play a fun 'dice game' called 'Sum it Up'.

I'm also hoping to make some Name tag art based on warm and cool colours.

Period 5 and 6 we'll squeak in another mask break and do a developmental spelling test...just so I can see how kids spell words and hope to play a little more Seatball!

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Tuesday September 7th

 First day of Grade 3 complete!

What a great day.  Although some of us (mainly me) were a little anxious at the start, over the course of the day we got back into the rhythm.  

Period 1 and 2 we spent just really getting to know each other and learning some of the new rules of the school.  We took a tour of the school as well.  

Period 3 and 4 we played some more games to get to know each other.  We sang one of my favourite songs, played outside and did a little 'behind the mask' art.  

Here is our first attempt at Willoughby Wallaby Woo (Raffi) one is quitting their day jobs:

Willoughby .m4a

Period 5 and 6 was more of the same.  We continued to get to know one another.  We came up with some class rules and I introduced them to the game of 'seatball'.  

Class Rules:

1. Be Kind

2. Respect Others (including their property)

3. Try your best.

4. Have fun!


I sent home the screening sheets inside of plastic sleeves...please remember to initial it for the first 10 days of school.

I also sent home a 'welcome letter' and a tentative schedule.  I'm still trying to firm up gym times. letter schedule

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Welcome back....

 Hello everyone!

Welcome back to school.  Here is hoping this year is a little more...consistent?  

I haven't used this blog for a little while...just posting to make sure it still works.

See/talk to you soon,

Adam Cross

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...