Thursday, 9 September 2021

Thursday September 9th

Another great day complete!

Here is what we did.

We did a little memorization game to begin the morning.  Then we had our first 'reader's workshop'...the focus today was on building stamina.  We'll be reading everyday...please feel free to send your child to school with any books from home they're currently reading.

We didn't have enough time for writer's workshop period 2 so we played some more seatball.  Again, the kids were amazing.  Honest, generous, and responsible...lots of fun.

Period 3 we had a nice long mask break before the rain.  Most of the girls enjoyed the climber, while most of the boys enjoyed playing soccer....
Then we came in and did a little mindfulness activity about 'Being the Pond' and being present.  
Then we started working on name tags on our desk using warm and cool this:

Period 5 they have their first Lesson with Mrs. Haynes...I believe Drama or Dance.
Period 6 we have the gym.  We're going to just work on some gym routines (warm up, stretches) and focus on 'sportsmanship'.  


I won't be in tomorrow, I'm taking a personal day.  Mrs. Pinnington, a familiar face, will be supplying for me.  Which means no blog...sorry!
Have a great weekend, see everyone on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for keeping us updated .Have a wonderful week end .


Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...