I think Tuesdays and Wednesdays because of my schedule I'll have to blog earlier in the day...and just hope my plans come true?
Period 1 we reviewed some of our class and school rules. I reiterated to the class...the importance of just 'trying'. We had a few kids yesterday that gave up before we even started our art lesson! (a picture of yesterdays art is below).
Then we played a couple of games of 'seatball'.
I will say, in the 16 years of teaching, I've never had such a good/fun first game! It's a game based on non-verbal communication. This class was amazing! They took responsibility, they were selfless...it was actually heart-warming...and so nice to see kids play together again!
Period 2 (now) Mr. Woolley has them for their first French class.
Period 3 and 4 we'll have a mask break, continue to do some more 'get to know you' activities. I'm hoping to play a fun 'dice game' called 'Sum it Up'.
I'm also hoping to make some Name tag art based on warm and cool colours.
Period 5 and 6 we'll squeak in another mask break and do a developmental spelling test...just so I can see how kids spell words and hope to play a little more Seatball!
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