Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Wednesday December 15th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 is reader's workshop.  We'll look at taking words apart and putting them back together to help us solve them (e.g., un-der-gr-ou-nd=underground)

Period 2 is French with Mr. Woolley.

Period 3 and 4 is Math on the chromebooks.  We'll stay outside weather permitting for a bit, then come inside and answer some math prodigy questions.  If we have time, I'd like to do a 'game show' on knowledgehook (math website)

Period 5 and 6 we're going to hopefully star working on a little craft, maybe even put on a movie at the end of the day....

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...