Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Wednesday November 8th

 Here is the plan for today:

Period 1 reader's workshop - mini lesson focuses on using what we know about words to help us solve unfamiliar words.

Period 2 writer's workshop - Comic's have invaded our 'writing time'...but there is very little writing happening in many of the comics.  So we'll go over how to 'write' and do comics (I don't want to squash their 'writing enthusiasm' but I need a little more writing.)

Period 3 and 4 is math.  We'll looks specifically at 'pattern rules' and how to use them to create patterns.  I have a couple of worksheets for them to practise and show their knowledge of patterns and pattern rules.

Period 5 is music with Mrs. Haynes.

Period 6 we'll either work on proper letter formation and hopefully have some time to practise coding AI to clean up the ocean on

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...