Wednesday, 31 October 2018

October 31st

Happy Halloween!

I'm going to try and do an early post...because this day (and usually the next) are a little chaotic.

A couple of things I want to post before I forget:

GRADE 3'S - Last Swim to Survive lesson is tomorrow!  Bring your swim suit!
GRADE 4'S - Walking permission form going home today (it's yellow) about a field trip to Aldershot High School on November 8th for a Social Networking Safety Presentation.

Period 1 and 2 today is the Halloween Parade/assembly...hopefully we can do some reading and writing at some point?

Period 3 - Grade 4's to French - Grade 3's are going to go over a Science/forces study sheet...quiz next week some time.  Hopefully use the chromebooks afterwards for some prodigy patterning.
Period 4 -We'll finish presenting our STEM projects.

Period 5 -we have the gym.  We'll keep working on our soccer skills.
Period 6 -Mrs. Haynes has them for music.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

October 30th

Another good day (almost in the books)!

Here is what we've done so far.

Period 1 we had a great Halloween discussion...mostly about what we can we're dressing up as.  Then we read some Despereaux and had some independent reading/guided reading.

Period 2 my guided reading took a little longer than planned so we ended up only having a bit of time to write after my mini lesson on creating edge-of-your-seat leads.

Period 3 we started by evaluating 2 more learning skills, Collaboration and Self Regulation.  Then we explored patterns..  The kids had too much fun exploring all the manipulatives we have in the class to make patterns.  They did this for quite some time and made some awesome creations...take a look:
That lasted right until second break (which is now).

Period 5 I'm hoping to keep the amazing 'collaboration' alive by finishing up our magnetic race track...possibly present them.
Period 6 we have music with Mrs. Haynes.

**Tomorrow Halloween parade/assembly first 2 periods.  Come dressed/prepared to go outside.  Also, no masks or weapons.  Remember all costumes go away at first break...

***Thursday is our last Swim to Survive day for the Grade 3's.

Monday, 29 October 2018

October 29th

I'm going to try and blog before school as today should be quite a busy day.

We welcome back Mrs. Perks this morning...she's going to help us with some pumpkin art, like this:
Period 1 the kids go to music.
Period 2 we'll continue to work on our art.

Period 3 we'll have a meeting at the carpet and do our Weekend Round Up.  Then we'll do our reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 4, Mrs. Pinnington is coming in for me, as I'll be 'mentoring a new teacher'.  The Grade 4's are off to French.  The Grade 3's have the chromebooks and are going to practise logging into Raz Kids and making sure their levels are ok.

Period 5 Both Grades are working on an 'All About Ontario' scavenger hunt, using the chromebooks.

Period 6 Mrs. Pinnington is going to decided to either introduce our next math unit on patterning, or possibly let the kids have a little free time!

***This week:
Halloween parade on Wednesday
Last Swim to Survive for the Grade 3's on Thursday!

Friday, 26 October 2018

October 26th

Happy Friday....2 more periods to go!

Period 1 the Grade 4's helped out Mrs. Ever's and their Grade 1 buddies, the Grade 3's watched this Science Max episode I saw last night when I was watching TV with my's about Gravity AND Buoyancy! 

Period 2 we had our reader's/writer's workshop/guided reading.

Period 3 we brushed up on our soccer skills and played some more 'bench ball'.  Evie led us in stretches.

Period 4 we did another page of our learning skills reflection sheet...and had some free time...they deserved it.

Period 5 we have Library...and we'll use the remaining time to finish off our Magnetic Race Tracks.

Period 6 both Grade's have French.

**Photo Day Proofs going home today

***Have an awesome weekend!!!!

Thursday, 25 October 2018

October 25th

I can't believe it's almost November!

I will have to do one of my 1st period predictive blogs again today.

Period 1 the kids have Mrs. Coric for heatlh.
Period 2 we're going to do a reader's/writer's workshop...student choice (after our read aloud)

Period 3 Grade 4's to French...Grade 3's to Swim to Survive!...but first we quickly discussed the 6 types of forces we've been looking at for science (buoyancy, gravity, friction, magnetic, muscle and static electricity.

Period 4 Grade 4's to help Mrs. Evers' Grade 1's use the chromebooks, Grade 3's still swimming.

Our bus ended up being about 15 minutes late...which pushed everything back.

Period 5 we got back, and the Grade 3's needed to eat. (the Grade 4's wanted to stay with Mrs. Evers for a few more minutes)  After we ate, we all went outside for 12 minutes.  After that we came inside for a school wide 'big crunch'. 

Period 6 Mrs. Bovaird came to replace me...I didn't have time to start our art lesson, so she is currently reading a story to the class and they're going to do a quick art activity to go along with it...I am exhausted!

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

October 24th

Another great day...half way done!

Here's what it's looked (and looks) like.

Period 1 for Red Light we answered our classmates addition and subtraction question. Then we read aloud The Tale of Despereaux.
After that I did guided reading while Mrs. Moskal read with a few kids.
Period 2 we did our Writer's workshop.  Today's mini lesson was about zooming in and focusing on one small moment.

Period 3 the Grade 4's went to French. The Grade 3's stayed here and we logged into Raz Kids for the first time.
Period 4 (updated)...we ended up using the chromebooks...both Grades got to familiarize themselves with 'RAZ KIDS'.

Period 5 we're going to the gym.  I'm hoping to start teaching the class some basketball fundamentals.
Period 6 we have music with Mrs. Haynes.

***All students now have access to RAZ KIDS...our teacher Log in is: across9.
Everyone's password is the same 4 letters (lower case) they use to log in to the Halton Cloud.

***Swim to Survive tomorrow for Grade 3's...remember your bathing suit and towels.

Before I Forget...




Tuesday, 23 October 2018

October 23rd

Here is what we did today...

We started the day by coming up with our own addition and subtraction questions for red light (we'll answer them tomorrow).

Then we had a long discussion about conserving paper...and we as a class decided we needed 'sketch books' to help us organize our desks and save the 'fresh paper'.

Then I read a chapter of Despereaux.
Then we had independent reading while I did some guided reading.

Period 2 we had our writer's workshop, today's mini lesson was about 'backwards editing'.

Period 3 and 4 we started a 'learning skills self assessment'.  We looked at Responsibility and Organization.  Then we got to play subtraction games while I worked with a small group at the guided reading table.

Period 5 we packed our bags, emptied out our mailboxes...some subtraction work is coming home (doesn't need to be finished...but might be good to correct!!!).  I'm also sending home their super-amazing self portraits, because our super-amazing cubist trees are decorating our hallway now.

We had a bit of time to work on our STEM magnetic race tracks before they went to music.

Period 6 Mrs. Haynes has them for music. 

***This Thursday Grade 3's are off to the pool again for our second (of three) Swim to Survive lesson***

Monday, 22 October 2018

October 22nd

I wasn't at school on I wasn't able to blog...but Ms. Pinnington left a note saying the class was amazing...which is so nice to hear (although, I already knew that).

I'm here a little early today, so I'm going to try an blog before school...see how that goes.

Period 1 - I'm going to do a little check in, see where we're at with our cubist autumn trees.  If we're done, we'll be moving on to some OP art.  If not, we'll keep on plugging away on our trees.

Mrs. Haynes takes them away for music for 30 minutes.

Period 2 we'll have our 'weekend round up' and share the highlights from our weekends.  Then use what little time we have left to read/or write.

Period 3 we're going to keep practising our subtraction.  I'm hoping the class will write down some of their own questions on big chart paper, and solve each other's questions.

Period 4 the Grade 4's go to French.  The Grade 3's are going to stay here.  We're going to continue to build upon on subtraction skills using the chromebooks

Period 5 we're going to do some Science.  The Grade 4's are going to do a buoyancy experiment and the Grade 4's are going to investigate minerals online.

Period 6 we'll use to finish up any outstanding work.

Thursday, 18 October 2018

October 18th

Here comes another early/predictive blog.

Today should be fun, and quite possibly a little chaotic.

Period 1 Mrs. Coric taught health.
Period 2 The Grade 3's are working with the Grade 5 using Ozobots in the library with Mrs. Pauls.  The Grade 4's writing their last section of the Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test. 

Period 3 The Grade 4's have French.  The Grade 3's are off to the pool for our first Swim to Survive lesson.
Period 4 the Grade 4's are helping out our Grade 1 friends next door with Mrs. Evers. The Grade 3's will be finishing their swimming lesson and heading back to School with me.

Period 5 We'll do a quick read aloud.  Then have some reader's/writer's workshop time.  After that I hope to finish up some subtraction work with the class.
Period 6 Mrs. Whitehead (Lucas' mom) will be coming in to give me a hand teaching the class the A minor chord.  This will be a nice treat for the class, to have someone who actually possesses guitar skills help teach the class.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

October 17th

Here is what today looked like:

Period 1 -Grade 4's wrote part 2 of the CCAT while the 3's did some Prodigy with Mrs. Pauls in the Library.
Period 2 -we had a reader's/writer's got to choose.

Period 3 -Grade 4's went to French, the Grade 3's did 'computer buddies' with their Grade 1 friends.  They made Halloween safety posters.
Period 4 -we looked at the standard algorithm for subtraction and tried some of these sheets from yesterday:
OR Super Challenge

Period 5 we have Quincy Mack (not sure about the spelling) coming in to do a presentation/assembly for the whole school.
Period 6 Mrs. Haynes has them for music.

-I had quite a few kids struggling with subtraction today...might not be a bad idea to do a little extra practise at home to build confidence!



Before I forget to post...remember...tomorrow is SWIM TO SURVIVE for the Grade 3's.  Bring a change of clothes, towel and anything else you might need (e.g., hair brush).

In years past, I've found many kids prefer to wear their swimsuits under their clothes to they can change quickly at the pool. 

Obviously after swimming they change into their dry clothes.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

October 16th *updated*

I got to school a little early today, so I'll attempt to do one of my 'predictive posts' that usually doesn't turn out the way I planned!

We'll start period 1 with a coloured-square subtraction 'red-light' activity.  Then we'll have a quick circle, and read a bit of Despereaux.  We'll have some independent reading time and we're going to discuss 'talking about our reading'.

Period 2 we'll do our 'writer's workshop' and today's mini lesson will focus on using quotation marks when someone is speaking.

Period 3 the Grade 3's are going to go to the library with Mrs. Pauls...I believe they'll be working on their 'my blueprint'.  The Grade 4's are going to do round 1 of the 'Cognitive Abilities Test' with me in our room.

Period 4 we're going to do some math.  We'll be reviewing the 'standard algorithm' for subtracting numbers.  I've put together easy/medium/hard worksheets...

Period 5 we'll try and do the art that we didn't get to yesterday.

Period 6 Mrs. Haynes has them for music.

Here is the second take of Island In the Sun the kids did yesterday...much better we all agree.

AND FINALLY...reminder:  Grade 3's are off to Angela Coughlan Pool on Thursday for our first (of 3) swim to survive lessons!

***UPDATE...picture day took a lot longer than I had planned...most of Period 4.  Mrs. Haynes wasn't able to teach the kids last period, so they stayed here and continued to work on their art!

Monday, 15 October 2018

October 15th-Picture day tomorrow!

It's only period 1 and the kids are at music...but here is what I'm hoping happens today...gulp!

Period 2 -we'll have a community circle and share the highlights from our weekends in 'Weekend Round Up'.  Then I'm hoping to start some autumn cubist art:

Period 3 we'll do some math...we'll play a game, called roll to 0 and do a worksheet to remind us about subtraction:
Game: Roll to 0

Period 4 the Grade 4's are off to French.  The 3's are going to do a buoyancy experiment...or a subtraction task on prodigy.

Period 5 we're going to attempt to re-record our take of Island in the Sun and finish up some math/art.
Period 6...if all things go well, we'll probably have a little free time to end our rainy Monday.

NOTE:!!!!!  PICTURE DAY TOMORROW, that means brush your hair (if you're lucky enough to have some).

Friday, 12 October 2018

October 12th

Happy Friday!

It's been a great day so far.

Here's what we did.

Period 1 we had student choice reader's/writer's workshop.  The Grade 4's went to their first 'reading buddies' with Mrs. Ever's Grade 1's.

Period 2 we looked at subtraction and talked about what it really means and looks like using these websites:
-using a numberline
-hundreds chart

Then we had fun playing subtraction games on this website:

Period 3 we warmed up for gym with Emma J leading some stretches.  Then it was Everybody's It Dodgeball and Dr. Dodgeball afterwards.

Period 4 was all Science, all the time.  The Grade 4's learned all about the rock cycle while the Grade 3's learned about Buoyancy.

Period 5 we went to the Library.
Period 6 the kids are off to Mr. Woolley for French.

Have terrific weekends everyone.

***Note - Picture day is on Tuesday...Grade 4's are doing their CCAT testing next week (Tues/Wed/Thurs)...Grade 3's Swim to Survive next Thursday

Thursday, 11 October 2018

October 11th

Happy Friday...sort least it's a Friday schedule today.

Here is what we did:

Period 1 we started off reading independently, as we had Mrs. Burns come in and do a little coaching for Mr. Cross.
Period 2 the Grade 4's did their final day of 'practise' for the Cognitive Abilities Test (happening next week Tues./Wed./Thurs.).  The Grade 3's were rocking the writer's workshop during this time.

Period 3 we went to the gym, Gwyn led us in some stretches.  We warmed up with Cat and Mouse and finished with a good ol' game of Spud.
Period 4 we went to the library to work with Mrs. Pauls on 'My Blueprint', the online portfolio.

Period 5 we had a whole class discussion about behaving appropriately and responsibly when using technology and while outside at recess.  Then, they got to have the free time I promised them yesterday (but never had time for).

In the chapter of The Tale of Despereaux that we read today, we read all about consequences.  Today's free time was the consequence of a great week so far (lots of terrific collaboration).

Period 6 everyone goes to Mr. Wooley's for French.

*I' s a link to our first recording of Island in the Sun...we're a bit quiet....but we've discussed it, and we'll attempt to improve for our next 'take'.

Wednesday, 10 October 2018


Working on our Magnetic Race Tracks...don't want to stop their eagerness/enthusiasm.  They're really working well as groups.

Hope these pictures work:

Wednesday October 10th

Well...although it's technically Wednesday, we're operating on a 'Monday' I'm going to have to blog period only break.

Here is what I hope happens.

Period 1 we finished up some math and did some Tale of Despereaux activities for Red Light.  I read 3 chapters from Despereaux as the kids were working quietly.

Mrs. Haynes just came and took them to music.

Period 2 the Grade 3's are going to do their 'Writer's workshop' (quietly) while the Grade 4's do their second practise session for the Cognitive Abilities Tests.

Period 3 We'll do some independent reading, Mrs. Burns is going to a little 'reading coaching' for Mr. Cross with one of my guided reading groups.

Period 4 The Grade 4's are going to French and the Grade 3's are going to stay here and present their 'Forces' Posters. We'll talk about each of the words.  Then I hope to watch a video on Buoyancy.

Period 5 I'm hoping to introduce subtraction and Period 6 I'd like to continue working on our STEM magnetic race tracks.**

**However, I know sometime this afternoon we'll be having another fire drill practise AND going to the church to practise an Emergency Evacuation...I do not know how long those activities will take.

***I have 10 of 15 Grade 3 Swim to Survive forms...still waiting for 5 more to go on this FREE trip!

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

October 9th...

Another great day in the books...even if our brains (including mine) are not working at full capacity after all that time off.

Here's what we did.

Period 1we had a circle and shared the highlights from our extended weekend.
Period 2 we read a little bit, and talked about how we choose our books.  Then we wrote for our writer's workshop.

Period 3 I went with the Grade 4's to the library to learn about the CCAT test they'll be writing next week.  We did a few sample questions with all the other Grade 4's.  The 3's stayed with Mrs. Pauls and worked on My Blueprint.

Period 4 we finished up some older math...We're about to begin work on Subtraction.  Keep practicing the addition at home too!

Period 5 we did a bit of a desk clean out and watched a Bill Nye Video on keep us 'geared up' for our STEM projects.
Period 6 Mrs. Haynes took them away for music.

***still need some swim to survive forms from my Grade 3's.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

October 4th

It's Thursday - which means time for my pre-school blog.

We're going to have a bit of a different day, as many of the kids are off to the cross country meet.  We wish them luck.

Period 1 - Mrs. Coric is teaching health.
Period 2 -we'll do a read aloud, some shared reading, and have a nice chunk of time to do some writing.

Period 3 the 4's are off to Mr. Woolley for some French, the Grade 3's are going to create a Google Drawing with the 'chromebook buddies'.
Period 4 we'll continue to build our addition skills with some 2 and 3 digit addition.

Period 5, I suspect some of the kids will be back from Cross Country, and we may be able to continue to work on our STEM magnetic tracks.
Period 6 I'm hoping to teach the class how to properly use the Speed Stacks and at the end of the day practise playing that Em chord and possibly introducing the Am!

*Days like these, where I'm missing a lot of kids are often subject to change-on-the-fly!

**Tomorrow's a PD day...don't send your kids to school.  Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

***Grade 4's are getting the results of the EQAO today in their mailboxes.

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

October 3rd

Alright, a little break from the rain, for once!

Here's what today looked like.

Period 1 we read a little from Despereaux.  I think the kids are enjoying it as much as I am...just for fun, try using the word 'perfidy' at the dinner table tonight.  See if your child can define it!

Then we read, and talked about how good readers think, and use 'thinking marks' when they read.

Period 2 we had a shorter Writer's Workshop...but at least that we wrote (most of us)!

Period 3 the Grade 4's were in French while the 3's continued to work on their Force Vocab Posters.

Period 4 we started work on our STEM magnetic car tracks....everyone was collaborative and seemed enthusiastic!

Period 5 we had gym...we played some 'cat and mouse' and some 'elves, giants and wizards'.   

Period 6 everyone is off to music...and I have to do some of the marking that's piling up on my desk!

NOTE- tomorrow is cross country for some...also, Grade 3's Swim to Survive field trip permission form is coming home today (free trip!).

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

October 2nd

Another Rainy Day...

Here's what we did today.

Red light we tried to remember as many characters as possible from Wayside School...congrats to Tahura for getting about 20 characters.

Then we read and did some shared reading....look for the recording of Island in the Sun to be posted one day soon...we're almost ready to record.

Period 2 we had our Writer's workshop.  Today's mini lesson was about varying sentence structure, just be reordering the words.

Period 3 & 4 we watched the Khan academy's explanation of re-grouping:
Then we played some 'Race to Flat' (see Friday's Post).  The kids did such an awesome job with that today.  I just had to reward them by letting them finish our episode of Wayside 'parent/teacher meetings'.

Period 5 we explored the school's supply of magnets for a long time...discovering all sorts of things.  Then we touched base on our next STEM activity...creating a magnetic car track.

Period 6 we had Music.

NOTE: Tomorrow's the last day to donate money to the Terry Fox Run.

I didn't get a chance today before music to hand them out...but tomorrow there will be a Swim to Survive permission form going home for just the Grade 3's. 

Monday, 1 October 2018

October 1st

Happy Rainy October....

The kids are at music now, but here's what I'm hoping happens today.

When they get back from music, we're hopefully going to start painting our Laural Busch inspired cats.  Mrs. Perks is here to help me with the scary job of giving kids paint!

That should take us close to first nutrition break.

Period 3 we have a quick a shared reading of Island in the Sun again. Then we'll write another letter to Kate Di Camillo.  The kids will then choose to either read, or write for the workshop.

Period 4 the Grade 4's are off to French...The Grade 3's will be working on Google Drawing to make up a poster for our Forces vocabulary.

Period 5 we'll do our monthly seating swap...I've rearranged the desks.  Then we'll continue practising our addition...I think I'll get the Grade 3's to teach the Grade 4's 'Race to 100'..a game we played last Friday.

Period 6 after being trapped inside for the whole day, I think we might need a little break.  We'll finish watching Wayside and hopefully have a little free time.

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...