Thursday, 25 October 2018

October 25th

I can't believe it's almost November!

I will have to do one of my 1st period predictive blogs again today.

Period 1 the kids have Mrs. Coric for heatlh.
Period 2 we're going to do a reader's/writer's workshop...student choice (after our read aloud)

Period 3 Grade 4's to French...Grade 3's to Swim to Survive!...but first we quickly discussed the 6 types of forces we've been looking at for science (buoyancy, gravity, friction, magnetic, muscle and static electricity.

Period 4 Grade 4's to help Mrs. Evers' Grade 1's use the chromebooks, Grade 3's still swimming.

Our bus ended up being about 15 minutes late...which pushed everything back.

Period 5 we got back, and the Grade 3's needed to eat. (the Grade 4's wanted to stay with Mrs. Evers for a few more minutes)  After we ate, we all went outside for 12 minutes.  After that we came inside for a school wide 'big crunch'. 

Period 6 Mrs. Bovaird came to replace me...I didn't have time to start our art lesson, so she is currently reading a story to the class and they're going to do a quick art activity to go along with it...I am exhausted!

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...