Thursday, 11 October 2018

October 11th

Happy Friday...sort least it's a Friday schedule today.

Here is what we did:

Period 1 we started off reading independently, as we had Mrs. Burns come in and do a little coaching for Mr. Cross.
Period 2 the Grade 4's did their final day of 'practise' for the Cognitive Abilities Test (happening next week Tues./Wed./Thurs.).  The Grade 3's were rocking the writer's workshop during this time.

Period 3 we went to the gym, Gwyn led us in some stretches.  We warmed up with Cat and Mouse and finished with a good ol' game of Spud.
Period 4 we went to the library to work with Mrs. Pauls on 'My Blueprint', the online portfolio.

Period 5 we had a whole class discussion about behaving appropriately and responsibly when using technology and while outside at recess.  Then, they got to have the free time I promised them yesterday (but never had time for).

In the chapter of The Tale of Despereaux that we read today, we read all about consequences.  Today's free time was the consequence of a great week so far (lots of terrific collaboration).

Period 6 everyone goes to Mr. Wooley's for French.

*I' s a link to our first recording of Island in the Sun...we're a bit quiet....but we've discussed it, and we'll attempt to improve for our next 'take'.

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...