Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Wednesday October 10th

Well...although it's technically Wednesday, we're operating on a 'Monday' I'm going to have to blog period only break.

Here is what I hope happens.

Period 1 we finished up some math and did some Tale of Despereaux activities for Red Light.  I read 3 chapters from Despereaux as the kids were working quietly.

Mrs. Haynes just came and took them to music.

Period 2 the Grade 3's are going to do their 'Writer's workshop' (quietly) while the Grade 4's do their second practise session for the Cognitive Abilities Tests.

Period 3 We'll do some independent reading, Mrs. Burns is going to a little 'reading coaching' for Mr. Cross with one of my guided reading groups.

Period 4 The Grade 4's are going to French and the Grade 3's are going to stay here and present their 'Forces' Posters. We'll talk about each of the words.  Then I hope to watch a video on Buoyancy.

Period 5 I'm hoping to introduce subtraction and Period 6 I'd like to continue working on our STEM magnetic race tracks.**

**However, I know sometime this afternoon we'll be having another fire drill practise AND going to the church to practise an Emergency Evacuation...I do not know how long those activities will take.

***I have 10 of 15 Grade 3 Swim to Survive forms...still waiting for 5 more to go on this FREE trip!

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...