Thursday, 30 January 2020

January 30th

Happy Friday...sort of?

Here is what today has (and should) look like.

Period 1 we had 'Youtube Thursday'...with a special video call from Kailyn in the Cayman Islands


Period 2 we spent the rest of the time 'reading or writing'...sort of!

Period 3 I'm going to introduce the concept of Area and Perimeter...what they mean and how to measure.
Period 4 is French with Mr. Woolley.

Period 5 is gym.  I'm hoping to work on some more targeting games (and talk about goo sportsmanship...we need a little reminder on this).
Period 6 I'm leaving as finish up/free time!

NOTE:  Tomorrow is a PA Day (no school for kids)

Have a terrific weekend.

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Wednesday January 29th

Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 -Read aloud
Reader's workshop.  I showed the kids how to record their voices to practise fluency on Raz Kids.  Many of the kids read on Raz Kids.
Period 2 - Writer's workshop...our mini lesson focuses on telling what things are NOT like, in order to show what they ARE like!

Period 3 is math.  The kids were pretty excited measuring things in meters yesterday going up and down the hall.  Period 3 I thought I'd take them outside, armed with meter sticks and clipboards and go investigate some interesting measurements outside (e.g., how long is the soccer field?  Around the climber?)

I have to leave for an appointment in the afternoon, but Mrs. Pinnington will be here to take them to library Period 4.

Period 5 is gym.
Period 6 we have the chromebooks booked again...we'll be investigating some of the measurement games on this website:

Remember:  Tomorrow is sports Jersey day.  Friday is a PD day!

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Tuesday January 28th

Period 1 - we read from our new book "The Secret of NIMH".  Then we did a fun 'partner reading' activity.
Period 2 - Reader's Writer's workshop.

Period 3 is Music.
Period 4 is Social Studies..landform regions job sort (finally).

Period 5 is computers, reader's/writer's workshop (maybe work on their choose your own adventure slideshows)
Period 6 is math, more measurement, looking mostly at meters!

Monday, 27 January 2020

Monday January 27th


Period 1 -Youtube 'Monday' for the kids who missed last week.
Period 2 -reader's writer's workshop.

Period 3 Music
Period 4 Math - measurement...making paper airplanes...hopefully have the competition.

Period 5 and 6 is art.  We're going to look at artist Jim Dine...and try something in his style:

Friday, 24 January 2020

January 24th

Happy Friday.

Here is the plan for today.

Period 1: Youtube Friday:

Kailyn: (will do next week over face-time from the Cayman Islands!)
Period 2: French with Mr. Woolley.

Period 3/4 is math.  We're going to construct our very own paper airplanes and see how far we can throw them (and measure the distance)

Period 5/6 we have the chromebooks.  We'll do a little math on prodigy and then hopefully continue to work on our 'choose your own adventure' slide shows.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Jan. 22nd

Period 1 - Read aloud, reader's lesson on punctuating the middle of a sentence.
Period 2 -Writer's lesson on creating your own 'choose your own adventure'.

Period 3 math - we worked on measuring in CM's.
Period 4 library/technology with Mr. Butt.

Period 5 is gym.  More targeting practise.
Period 6 is the social studies that we never end up getting around to do!

Reminder: No school tomorrow.

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

January 21st

Here what today might look like:

Period 1-Dr. Jamz assembly (I believe this is the 'kick off' to the dance-a-thon fundraiser').
Period 2 is Reader's/Writer's workshop...we're going to look at how to read punctuation in the middle of a sentence (e.g., comma's, dashes and semi colons).

Period 3 is music with Mrs. Haynes.
Period 4 is Math.  We're going to continue to work on measuring things (mostly our body parts).

Period 5 we have the computers...we're going to explore Google Maps.  Hopefully figure out how far we are away from the school.
Period 6 is supposed to be Social studies, landform region job sort...but it seems like that always gets skipped for something else!

Monday, 20 January 2020

January 20th

It's getting a little harder to blog these apologies if I miss one (or two).

Here is what today should look like:
Period 1 we added to our 'Feel Good' board for Red light.  Then we started our next read aloud....The Jewels of Nabooti (a choose your own adventure).  So far so good!
Period 2 is reader's/writer's workshop.  Looking around the room, I'd say have the class is reading and the other half of the class is writing.

Period 3 is music with Mrs. Haynes.
Period 4 is Math...we're going to be starting our next unit on measurement...starting first with length (linear measurement) then moving towards area and perimeter.

Period 5 and 6 we'll continue to build upon our 3D sketches by looking at one point they do in these videos:

Note:  There will be no classes this Thursday as the teachers are out of the building.

Friday, 17 January 2020

January 17th!

Best day ever?  Youtube Fridays and the Wonder Movie?  Possibly!

Here is how it all breaks down:

Period 1: Youtube Friday:
Adelaide B:

Period 2 French with Mr. Woolley.

Period 3 and 4 we'll start Wonder.

Period 5 we have the chromebooks, and we'll do reader's/writer's workshop.
Period 6 we'll finish watching Wonder.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

Thursday, 16 January 2020

January 16th

Here is what today looked like:

Period 1 we read a little more of the 'Julian Chapter' (we're so close to finishing).  Then it was reader's workshop...we focused on using easier texts to help us develop fluency.
Period 2 was writer's workshop.  We worked on using strong verbs to help improve our writing.

Period 3 was math.  It was Tangram challenge time...the kids were pretty into trying to solve the puzzles.
Period 4 is French with Mr. Woolley.

Period 5 we're going to continue to work on 'targeting games'.
Period 6, I was going to do the Social studies I've been putting off for a week...but I think I'll put it off again and continue to challenge the class with some more Tangram puzzles.

Tomorrow, we're watching Wonder!!  Dress like a twin (or wear blue for Wonder).

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

January 15th

Period 1 we read a lot of Wonder, the 'Julian Chapter'.  I'm hoping to show the class the movie on Friday.  I think it would be great if everyone wore blue!
Period 2 we had an Eco-assembly by the city of Burlington.

Period 3 we corrected our edges/faces/vertices work and used platercine to create our own 3D solids and figure out the number of edges, faces and vertices.
Period 4 Mr. Butt had them for library / technology.

Period 5 we are going to work on some 'targeting' skills in gym class.
Period 6 I have a fun Tangram activity planned.

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Tuesday January 14th

Here is what today should look like:

Period 1 read aloud, reader's workshop.  Our mini lesson focused on reading ending punctuation (., ?, !)
Period 2 we had writer's workshop.  Our mini lesson focused on developing how our characters are on the inside (thinking and feeling).

Period 3 is music with Mrs. Haynes.
Period 4 is Math.  We're going to look at the the 2D faces that make up 3D solids.

Period 5 we have the computers, and we'll be answering some questions on Prodigy.
Period 6 I'm planning on doing the social studies activity that I've been talking about since last week...but that last period is always a bit of a mystery...we shall see.

Monday, 13 January 2020

Monday January 13th

I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Here is what today should look like:
Period 1 Red light - Read aloud - Weekend Round UP
Period 2 Reader's/Writer's Workshop

Period 3 Music with Mrs. Haynes
Period 4 Math-we'll continue on with the 3D solids we were working with last week.

Period 5 and 6 is art.  We're going to watch a few Youtube videos that teach us how to sketch and shade 3D objects: -value/shading

Friday, 10 January 2020

Youtube Fridays

Just wanted to send a quick message that we're going to be starting 'Youtube Fridays' next week.

4 kids will be sharing a Youtube video every Friday.  The list is alphabetically by last name.

The kids are bringing home the instructions and the rubric.  In case you loose them (or they don't make it home) here is an electronic version.

Today we watched the first 5 minutes of this video and I modelled for the class how to answer the 4 questions.

Here is an example of our conversation:

1. Mr. Cross:  How many times has this video been viewed?
Adam: Ninety million fifty six thousand one hundred and fifty nine (at the time I wrote this post)

2. Mr. Cross:  Why did you choose this video?
Adam:  I thought the bike stunts were super cool.  I know Eloise and Adelaide take BMX lessons and I thought they might like it too.

3. Mr. Cross:  Who do you think the target audience is and why? 
Adam:  I think the target audience is probably younger people around 18-30 years of age who are into extreme sports.  I think this because the main character is a young male and seems to me like teenagers really like to watch and participate in extreme sports.  I noticed this video was made by 'Redbull' and they make energy drinks.  I saw lots of Redbull logos in the video, like on his helmet and on the race car.  Little kids shouldn't drink Energy Drinks because they're not healthy.  

4. Mr. Cross:  Is there anybody who might not like this video?  Why or Why not?
Adam:  I don't think other Energy Drink companies would like this video, because they want more customers to recognize and buy their products, not Redbull.  I also think that parents might not like this video either, because they don't want their kids drinking Redbull or trying those dangerous stunts.

January 10th

Happy Friday!

Period 1-Read aloud. Reader's/Writer's workshop.
Period 2- French.

Period 3 we're going to talk about 'Youtube Fridays', a new media literacy activity we'll be doing each Friday...information coming home today.
Period 4 we're going to talk briefly about 3D solids and try and name some Pyramids and Prisms.  There's a worksheet to follow where we count the edges, faces and vertices on 3D shapes.

Period 5 we have the computers...we'll do some more 3D solid work.
Period 6 I'm hoping to play some guitar...finally...hopefully!

Thursday, 9 January 2020

January 9th

Here is today's plan.

Period 1 read aloud, reader's workshop.  Mini lesson focuses on building fluency (goodbye robot reading)
Period 2 is writer's workshop.  The mini lesson will focus on writing the 'inside story' now that we've mastered our character's 'outside appearance'. 

Period 3 is math, we'll continue to build different polygons using pattern blocks (2D geometry).
Period 4 Mr. Woolley has them for French.

Period 5 we might do the second rotation of the 4 corner sports circuit from yesterday (swimming, skiing, basketball and skipping).
Period 6 we'll hopefully get to that social studies land regions/job sort that I've been planning to do since Monday!

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

January 8th

Here is the plan for today!

Period 1 read aloud, reader's workshop.
Period 2 writer's workshop...we'll be looking at 'visualizing' our characters, flushing out what they look like on the outside.

Period 3 we have math.  We're going to talk a little more about 2D shapes...and explore all the different shapes we can make using pattern blocks.
Period 4 Mr. Butt has them for library/technology.

Period 5 we have gym...we're going to do some 'fitness circuits'.
Period 6 we'll do the social studies from yesterday we didn't get to...examining the different jobs in Ontario's different landforms(e.g., banking in the Great Lakes/St. Lawerence region).

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

January 7th 2020

Yesterday was great...let's make today even better!

Period 1 -Reader's workshop - we're going to look at 'making the bumpy smooth' (going back and re-reading choppy bits smoothly)
Period 2 is Writer's workshop.

Period 3 is music.
Period 4 we're going to look at all the various 2D shapes and their properties (e.g., number of sides/angles)

Period 5 we have the Chromebooks (hopefully) and I'm assigning prodigy questions for them.
Period 6 we'll continue with social studies looking at some of the various jobs in the different land form regions.

Monday, 6 January 2020

January 6th

Happy New Year, and welcome back!

If your kids are anything like my son, Eli, they were crying because they had to put on clothes today...

Here is what today should look like...key word is 'should' I bet all our brains are a little foggy.

Period 1 -Read aloud / Weekend Round UP
Period 2 -Reader's /Writer's workshop...I want all the kids to write a 'resolution'.

Period 3 is music
Period 4 we'll do the great seating swap followed by a game of SKUNK

Period 5 and 6 we have art and we'll be looking at Dutch artist Piet Mondrian!

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...