Thursday, 11 January 2018

January 11th

Another great day almost in the books!

Here is what we did today:

For a majority of period 1, we finished up the pastel work on our Laurel Busch inspired cats.  Then we finished up A Tale of Desperaux, the book.  So good! 
Period 2 we started off with a little shared reading of 'Yellow Submarine' by the Beatles.  Then the kids went on their own for some 'independent reading'.   After that, we broke our record for 'I have, Who has' time game.  We shaved an entire minute and 3 seconds off yesterday's time!

Period 3 we had gym and did centres/circuits to work on all sorts of locomotion skills. 
Period 4 we finally got around to finishing those worksheets:

Some of the early finishers had some time to play these games:
Period 5 Mrs. Smith is teaching social studies.
Period 6 we're going to do the 'painting step' for our Laurel Busch creations.

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...