Wednesday, 31 January 2018

January 31st

*NOTE - yesterday the class photo's were distributed...also, a permission form for Escarpment Outdoor Adventures (similar to Junglesport in years past) went home...please get it signed and returned ASAP...

A good day so far.

The kids walked in this morning surprised to see the desks in a different arrangement...even though it isn't February yet.  I was just getting a flavour for the new set up...we'll be picking spots tomorrow.

Period 1 and 2 we talked about learning skills and the importance of getting into class each morning quickly, and packing up at the end of the day in a timely manner.

Then we read a little bit of the book "Yellow Submarine".  It was a little 'out there' for most, and I think as a class, we prefer the song to the book.

Then the kids had some independent/guided reading time.

After that we continued to work on our persuasive letter to Mrs. Wigle about starting a coding club.  We used this graphic organizer to help us with our thoughts:

Period 3 we started off writing.  I'm happy to say we've got 3 more students signed up to publish their first stories!
Then we played this game after discussing the difference between similar and congruent.  

Period 4 Mrs. Smith came in to teach science.

Period 5 Mrs. Djonovich will be teaching music.

Period 6 we're going to be doing a massive desk clean out in anticipation for tomorrow's switch. Then we'll spend the rest of the time playing either guitar or finishing up our art work (depending on how bad my headache is!!!).

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...