Thursday, 18 January 2018

January 18th 2018

Another good day..almost in the books.

Here is what we did.

Period 1 we did the Problem of the Week for Red Light...Some of the kids had a difficult time 'justifying' their solutions.  It led to a great discussion.
Then we read aloud and had some independent reading.

Period 2 we talked about 'revising' our writing, and we all took a turn at revising a boring sentence.  Unfortunately we didn't have time to write today!

Period 3 we played some Star Wars inspired games in gym.

Period 4 we practised some more elapsed time.  Most of us didn't finish...but this is the sheet we tried:

Period 5 Mrs. Smith is teaching Social Studies.
Period 6 we have the computers and will be doing some time questions on Math prodigy.

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...