Thursday, 31 May 2018

May 31st

The last day of May...I can't believe there is only 1 month left of Grade 3!!!!

Just a reminder, tomorrow is a PD day...don't send your children to school.

Here is what we did today.

Period 1 and 2 we started off with a Fantastic Mr. Fox colouring page.  Then we worked on some tinfoil sculptures...sort of like these:

Period 3 had gym and played some ultimate kickball.
Period 4 we started a new read aloud, And Then It Happened.  Then we do some more work on Fractions.

Period 5 Mrs. Smith was finishing up some work with the class.  
Period 6 We'll take it easy...we've been trapped inside all day because of the humidity.  We'll have a cool treat (EQAO leftover treats) and watch Chapter 11 of Read All About It.

I also want to have a quick conversation with the class about 'keeping it together' this last month of school.  I tried to let them pick their own spots and groupings for the month of June...maybe it was the heat, EQAO or the approaching summer?  Regardless, it isn't we're going to go back to Mr. Cross inspired seating plan for June.  

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Wednesday May 30th

Here is what we did (or are doing) today.

Periods 1 and 2 - Finish the Language section of EQAO.

Periods 3 and 4 - Finish the Math sections of EQAO.

Period 5 - Celebrate the completion of EQAO (with some popsicle treats) and enjoy the weather.

Period 6 -Finish the Fantastic Mr. Fox movie and move some furniture around...hopefully enjoy some free time!

Nice Job Grade 3's!

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Tuesday May 29th

Another long EQAO day today.

First 2 periods we did Math, section 1.

Period 3 and 4 we did Language, section C.

Period 5 Mrs. Djonovich is teaching the class music (she needed to switch her usual Wednesday because of EQAO scheduling conflict).
Period 6 we'll finish up The Fantastic Mr. Fox.

The kids have been working very hard...I'm very proud of their effort. We're two-thirds of the way done.  Language section D in the morning tomorrow...followed by Math section 2 to finish things off Period 3 and 4...then we're done!

**I think I still need 3 more permission forms for Crawford Lake (June 8th).
***Reminder, next Wednesday is our first (of 3) Swim to Survive lessons...busy week!

Monday, 28 May 2018

May 28th -

1st day of's eeriely quiet in my room right now. 

Everyone is working hard, and everyone seems engaged. 

We're doing Language section A this morning, and section B this afternoon.

Period 5 and 6 we're going to 'take it easy'.  We have the computers and I've brought in a copy of The Fantastic Mr. Fox!

Friday, 25 May 2018


Final reminder - please bring something keep themselves entertained, quietly and independently!  We just brainstormed as a class and came up with:

-water bottle
-slime/play doh
-books (e reader is okay...), comics, magazines
-sketch pad
-note pad
-fully stocked pencil case

No electronics please or anything that could distract others.

I'm not making an official announcement...but I told the kids, if I don't 'see them chewing gum' and they think that will help them write, then they may bring gum.

I just took a survey asking the class for 1word to describe their feelings toward the test on Monday....the most common response was 'nervous and excited'.

Hopefully there isn't a question that asks for only 1 word  answers....

I've reminded them that this doesn't impact their marks, and the only thing that matters to me is that they try their best.

Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend.

May 25th

**Just one last reminder - Monday is the start of EQAO (we'll be doing language only on Monday) PLEASE have your child bring some quiet independent activities to work on after they've completed EQAO (e.g., colouring book, reading book, word search)

Here is the super quick look at what today should look like:

Period 1 we're going to quickly look at some more EQAO math questions for red light.  Then we'll probably finish our read aloud - Fantastic Mr. Fox.

Period 2 we'll have a bit of time for Reader's/Writer's workshop.  Then we'll take a quick look at fractions.  I might show them this video from Khan Academy.

Period 3 we have the computers, where we'll create some fractions of our own on Google Draw.
Period 4 we have gym.

Period 5 I'm going to have a quick talk and try to relieve some of the EQAO anxiety.  We'll watch the next episode of Read All About It - The Place Of Change -
Period 6 we'll finish up any outstanding work and hopefully enjoy a little free time before the glorious weekend.

**Also, still waiting for about 6 more RBG forms to come in!  No rush.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

May 24th

-EQAO starts next Monday - please make sure your child comes prepared with something quiet to do afterwards (e.g., sketch book, word search, colouring book, regular book)'s my experience that many kids finish early and are 'bored' waiting quietly for others around them to finish.
-Swim to Survive dates have changed (see previous posts)

Today has been great so far!

Period 1 we looked at a 'non continuous text form' (it was a restaurant menu) and answered some EQAO multiple choice questions.
Then we took advantage of the lovely weather and went outside period 1 for our Read aloud and Reader's/Writer's workshop.  
Period 2 we came back inside and watched a video on how to write 'announcements' and we examined the OP Panther Party Announcement (going home today) as a class.

Period 3 we played some fun capture-the-flag-like games in gym.
Period 4 we looked at 'inequalities' and examined a few previous EQAO questions, and marked ourselves (also coming home today).

Period 5 Mrs. Smith is having the kids type out their Pioneer projects.
Period 6 we'll review the first 8 episodes of Read All About It and watch chapter 9 - Rhyme Time and answer some questions afterwards. 

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

May 23rd

Another good day so far today.

We started the day by looking at some old EQAO writing multiple choice questions.
Then we had our reader's/writer's workshop.  After that we looked at some procedural writing samples and made our own.

Period 3 we finished up our writing and started looking a little more closely at Mass.  We'll do these worksheets, just to give you an idea:

Period 4 Mrs. Smith is taking the class to the library to research Pioneers.
Period 5 Mrs. Djonovich is teaching music.
Period 6 we'll watch episode 8 of Read All About It and do the follow up questions. - episode 8

-EQAO starts next Monday - please make sure your child comes prepared with something quiet to do afterwards (e.g., sketch book, word search, colouring book, regular book)'s my experience that many kids finish early and are 'bored' waiting quietly for others around them to finish.
-Swim to Survive dates have changed (see previous posts)
-I've got 15 of 22 RBG field trip forms
-I've got 20 of 22 Swim to Survive field trip forms

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

***URGENT***Swim to Survie Information

I just talked to the organizer for Swim to Survive.

THEY ARE UNABLE TO FIND A BUS for us we are pushing the dates back....



Tuesday May 22nd

Just a quick reminder (before I forget) - Tomorrow we have our first (of 3) Swim to Survive lessons.

Please make sure you pack a change of clothes and a towel!

Here is what the rest of today should look like.

Period 1 we'll do a weekend round up, read aloud and hopefully enough time for a 'reader's writer's workshop.
Period 2 Mrs. Smith will be in to teach science.
Period 3 I think we still have the library with Mrs. Youngblut....not 100% sure.
Period 4 we're review Capacity and Temperature...and hopefully begin 'Mass'.

Period 5 we'll watch episode 7 - Strange Discoveries, and answer questions.
Period 6 I'm hoping to continue work on our pipe cleaner sculptures.

Friday, 18 May 2018

May 18th

Sorry for no blog yesterday...but I wasn't here myself.

Mrs. Sullivan reports a great day.

Here is my super quick Friday post:

Period 1 - Finish up Comics from yesterday
Period 2 -Fire Drill/ Reader's-Writer's workshop

Period 3 -Computer's -Read All About It quiziz
Period 4 Gym

Period 5 - a quick look at 'temperature'.
Period 6 - Read All About It - Chapter 6

***Just a quick note...I'm still missing 2 Swim to Survive Permission Forms

***AND - Permission forms for our LAST field trip of the year, Royal Botanical Gardens coming home today - June 8th

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

May 16th

So far, so good today!

Period 1 we did some more EQAO money questions....I thought that the class did much better with today's work.  If you're looking for some extra practise, here is a link to EQAO's website where they have many older tests along with answers:

After we took up the answers as a class we started our new book, the Fantastic Mr. Fox and took a look at the new Wes Anderson stop motion movie coming out, Isle of Dogs: .  I'm a big Wes Anderson fan.

Period 2 we did an EQAO writing question where the kids had to write a paragraph on how they'd make a new student feel welcome at school.

Period 3 we spent most of the period finishing up that paragraph...and playing seat ball.

Period 4 Mrs. Smith is taking the kids to the library to continue researching their Pioneer projects.

Period 5 and 6 is the 'Spring Concert'.  Hopefully there will be enough time at the end of the day to squeeze in Chapter 4 of Read All About It.

REMEMBER the Swim to Survive Forms...I'm still missing 5!

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

May 15th

So here comes my standard period 2 blog on a Tuesday.

Period 1 we did 3 EQAO $ questions....which ended up taking the entire period...I took a picture of the might want to do similar questions at home if you're looking for extra practise.

Period 2 Mrs. Smith is researching something with the kids on the computers...Pioneers I believe!

Period 3 We're off to the library to do a final screening of the Ozobot movies.
Period 4 we're staying put in the library to help Mme. Adam's class use Ozoblockly.

Period 5 we're going to take up the questions from yesterday's Read All About It, and then watch Episode 3 -The Problem Pit:

Period 6 we might spend of this rainy day enjoying a little bit of free time...Jacob brought in his chess board and many of the kids are curious after our last read aloud, that talked a bit the game.

**Thanks to those that brought in their swim to survive permission forms...I have about a third of the class accounted for...please send them in soon!**

Monday, 14 May 2018

May 14th

***FYI - The city of Burlington got back to me today.  We will be participating in the Swim to Survive Program...Next Wednesday (May 23rd, June 6 and 13th).  Permission Forms going home tonight.  
Trip is FREE for all ability levels!

Today's been a great day.

Here is what is happening today:

We looked at 'their, there and they're' for red light today.
Then we had our weekend round up.

After that the kids voted to finish our read aloud "The Homework Machine".

The rest of that block was dedicated to Reader's/Writer's workshop.

Period 3 we watched this video on how to make change using a number line:
Then we went to the library.

Period 4 Mrs. Smith's supply teacher taught a health lesson (I's happening right now).

Period 5 we're going use the computers and Google Draw to design engaging posters for Read All About It.

Period 6 we'll look at our 'chapter reflections' from last week and watch episode 2.

Friday, 11 May 2018

May 11th

Happy Friday

A good day thus far...but it's only been two periods.

Period 1 we did a 'reflections, rotations and translations' activity for math.  Then we read aloud and did some independent reading.

Period 2 we sang the Hockey song in celebration of Winnipeg's victory last night.  Then we wrote for a bit before Mrs. Markham took us outside 20 minutes early as a reward for raising so much money for the Heart and Stroke fundraiser.

Period 3 we're going to be doing some $ work on math prodigy.
Period 4 we have the gym (just our class!).

Period 5 we're going to put the finishing touches on our Mother's Day gifts.
Period 6 we're going to watch an episode of show I used to watch when I was in school called Read All About's a bit dated, but still a classic!  We're going to do some comprehension questions to go along with it too! -theme song

The Ozobot stories are finally done!  I haven't checked out all the videos yet, but feel free to enjoy our creations.  I'll share the folder with the stories, as well as the success criteria and the videos.  Enjoy!

Lastly....happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers! 

Thursday, 10 May 2018

May 10th stuffed...teacher appreciation lunch was amazing!

I'm lucky I have a preparation period now....I think last period I might have to lay on the floor in a food stuffed!

Aside from the lunch, today was great.

Period 1 and 2 we tried to make change for $2.35 in as many ways as we could.  Then we spent the rest of the first block finishing up our Mother's Day cards and reading/writing.

Period 3 we played some great ball games in physical education.  The kids worked hard and demonstrated great sportsmanship.
Period 4 we took a minute to be mindful during mental health week.  We tried this activity, the kids were amazing.

Then we worked on making change, using this worksheet...many of the kids used the money manipulatives we have in the classroom.  I encourage everyone to keep practising at home (with real money).

Period 5 Mrs. Smith is teaching the kids Science.
Period 6 I'm hoping to finish up our Math/mother's day cards/ozobot stories (finally??)...we might be able to squeak in some time for the kids to continue setting up 'the class store' for those early finishers!

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Another good day almost in the books!

Period 1 we did this money sheet for red light:
Then we had a big talk about the 'highlights' and 'lowlights' from yesterday. 

Then we had a nice long chunk of reading time.

Period 2 we continue to secretly work on our mother's day gifts/writing

Period 3 Mr. Cross got to 'make it rain money' when I handed out $10 bills to everyone and they went shopping at a fast food restaurant...practising totalling money and making change. -menu
Period 4 Mrs. Smith took the kids to the Library (my room is eerily quiet).

Period 5 Mrs. Djonovich has the class for music.

Period 6 I'm hoping to finish up Math and Mother's Day cards and Ozobots - with a bit of free time for those early finishers.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Swim to Survive...

I had one parent ask me about the Panther Press, Swim to Survive field trip the Grade 3's are going on this week.

That is NOT our class.  It's the other Grade 3's.  We're currently scheduled to go over EQAO I have to reschedule.

I haven't heard back from the City of Burlington yet...I'll keep you posted!

May 8th

Here is the Tuesday Blog...period 2!

Period 1 we did this math sheet for Red Light:

Then we had an author visit, Andrew Larson.

Period 3 we're working on our Ozobot stories.

Period 4 we're going to take a closer look at Money and do a little 'shopping'.

Period 5 We'll be writing...hopefully something special for our mothers.

Period 6 I am really hoping to finish our Ozobot stories.

Monday, 7 May 2018

May 7th...

So far, so good today!

Periods 1 & 2 we started off by doing a symmetry activity for Red Light:

Then we had our weekend round up and enough time read or write for the last 25 minutes.   I worked with a small group of kids that needed a little extra help with symmetry.

Period 3 Yousif shared his 5th instalment of his Dogman and Catman comics.  Then we watched a quick video on mindfulness, and had a rich discussion about being present.

Period 4 the Grade 3 girls had to make up for their 'ball throw debacle' while Mrs. Smith took the boys out to watch and cheer.

Period 5 we're going to work on our Ozobot stories. 
Period 6 we're going to teach Mrs. Nicholson's class all about the Ozobots before we have our Child and Youth Councillor come in and talk to the class about Anxiety (as part of our Mental Health Awareness Week)

Friday, 4 May 2018

May 4th

Happy May the 4th Be With You Day.

We had our awesome feildtrip today at Crawford Lake.  We learned all about the Wendat people and a lot about Nature.  It was terrific.  The kids all seemed to have a great time.

The weather held up for us, and actually ended up being quite nice. 

After all that fresh air and excercise we spent the last 30 minutes of the day enjoying a little bit of 'free time' while Lego Star Wars played in the background (in honor of May the 4th)

Have great weekends!

Here is a link to some of the pictures I took...hopefully it works!

Thursday, 3 May 2018

May 3rd

***Reminder...Field Trip Tomorrow - Rain or Shine - Outside most of the day . Crawford Lake!

Here is what I'm hoping to do today:

Period 1 we're going to try a 'thinking activity' off of youcubed:
Then I'll take advantage of having Mrs. Perks in the class and we'll do a little more 3D art.

Period 2 we'll do a reader's writer's workshop.

Period 3 we have gym.

Period 4 we have math...We'll be starting Money today.

Period  5 Mrs. Smith is in.

Period 6 we'll continue working on our Ozobot story maps.

Just an FYI...I've set up the student's 'Prodigy' accounts to really focus on EQAO-esque questions for the next couple of weeks.  If they put in less then 5 minutes a day, they'll get exposed to lots of good stuff (some of it I'm sure we haven't even covered yet) might be worth looking at if you have some free time.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

May 2nd

Just a quick blog to start the day...I was away yesterday at the 'rewired' conference in Peel.

I'm back to the chaos today.

***If anyone is reading this before you send the kids off to school today.....remember, today is 'Track and Field' we will be outside on this gorgeous day, most of the day.

Bring water bottles, hats and sun protection!

Also, another reminder, that in 2 days (Friday) we're going to Crawford Lake for a field trip to learn more about the First Nations people of Canada. 

It looks like it might rain, and a majority of this trip is outside....dress appropriately (rain jackets, boots etc...)...Please check the weather Friday morning...we're going rain or shine.

I think that's it...for now.

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...