Friday, 11 May 2018

May 11th

Happy Friday

A good day thus far...but it's only been two periods.

Period 1 we did a 'reflections, rotations and translations' activity for math.  Then we read aloud and did some independent reading.

Period 2 we sang the Hockey song in celebration of Winnipeg's victory last night.  Then we wrote for a bit before Mrs. Markham took us outside 20 minutes early as a reward for raising so much money for the Heart and Stroke fundraiser.

Period 3 we're going to be doing some $ work on math prodigy.
Period 4 we have the gym (just our class!).

Period 5 we're going to put the finishing touches on our Mother's Day gifts.
Period 6 we're going to watch an episode of show I used to watch when I was in school called Read All About's a bit dated, but still a classic!  We're going to do some comprehension questions to go along with it too! -theme song

The Ozobot stories are finally done!  I haven't checked out all the videos yet, but feel free to enjoy our creations.  I'll share the folder with the stories, as well as the success criteria and the videos.  Enjoy!

Lastly....happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers! 

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...