Monday, 14 May 2018

May 14th

***FYI - The city of Burlington got back to me today.  We will be participating in the Swim to Survive Program...Next Wednesday (May 23rd, June 6 and 13th).  Permission Forms going home tonight.  
Trip is FREE for all ability levels!

Today's been a great day.

Here is what is happening today:

We looked at 'their, there and they're' for red light today.
Then we had our weekend round up.

After that the kids voted to finish our read aloud "The Homework Machine".

The rest of that block was dedicated to Reader's/Writer's workshop.

Period 3 we watched this video on how to make change using a number line:
Then we went to the library.

Period 4 Mrs. Smith's supply teacher taught a health lesson (I's happening right now).

Period 5 we're going use the computers and Google Draw to design engaging posters for Read All About It.

Period 6 we'll look at our 'chapter reflections' from last week and watch episode 2.

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...