Wednesday, 23 May 2018

May 23rd

Another good day so far today.

We started the day by looking at some old EQAO writing multiple choice questions.
Then we had our reader's/writer's workshop.  After that we looked at some procedural writing samples and made our own.

Period 3 we finished up our writing and started looking a little more closely at Mass.  We'll do these worksheets, just to give you an idea:

Period 4 Mrs. Smith is taking the class to the library to research Pioneers.
Period 5 Mrs. Djonovich is teaching music.
Period 6 we'll watch episode 8 of Read All About It and do the follow up questions. - episode 8

-EQAO starts next Monday - please make sure your child comes prepared with something quiet to do afterwards (e.g., sketch book, word search, colouring book, regular book)'s my experience that many kids finish early and are 'bored' waiting quietly for others around them to finish.
-Swim to Survive dates have changed (see previous posts)
-I've got 15 of 22 RBG field trip forms
-I've got 20 of 22 Swim to Survive field trip forms

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...