Friday, 30 November 2018

November 30th

What a great day we've had.

Period 1 -we finished our class read aloud, The Nose From Jupiter.  Then we had a huge chunk of time to read or write.

Period 2 we went outside, as we were told the men from the board were going to install a new wall mounted projector.  Unfortunately they had the wrong sort of projector.

Period 3 we went to the gym to play handball.
Period 4 we talked about starting a connect 4 tournament.  The kids were very excited.  We have six boards, but we need 5 more to make this happen.  Just wondering if anyone has any connect 4 games around the house they're looking to donate?  Or perhaps you could just send in your board every Friday and we'll return it with most of it's pieces?
Please let me know!

Period 5 we had Library.
Period 6 Mr. Woolley has both grades for French.

Have an amazing weekend everyone.

Thursday, 29 November 2018

November 29th

Good news:  The stink has dissipated...or at least we're all just used to it.  We're back in the classroom today.

Period 1 Mrs. Coric is teaching health.
Period 2 -I have a meeting with Mrs. Trainor, but I am hoping my supply teacher will teach a quick mini lesson on proofreading our letters in our reader's notebooks.

Period 3 Grade 4's have French with Mr. Woolley.  Grade 3's are going to show our Grade 1 buddies how awesome Google Maps is.
Period 4 we're going to do our writer's workshop.  Today's mini lesson will focus on thinking about questions your readers are likely to ask, and answering them.

Period 5 we're going to do the math from yesterday that we never got around to.  Learning about Mode and Medians.
Period 6 Mrs. Whitehead is coming in and we'll be playing some guitar!  Hopefully reviewing the Em/Am/D and if time we'll learn the G!  Our 2 new guitars came we can have equal groups of 3! 

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

(stinky) November 28th

That's right, it's a stinky day...and I mean stinky.

I walked into my classroom this morning around 8:15 and almost threw up!  The smell was so bad, I could barely breathe.  Mrs. Evers, Mrs. Trainor and Mr. Bayliss and I searched the room high and low looking for the source of disgustingness.

We think we found the old milk spill hidden behind our Lego and ball least we think it was may have been green slime?

New rule:  No more slime at school (and if you spill milk...please tell me about it).

Needless to say, it has thrown our day out of sorts quite a bit.  We couldn't use our room (and still can't at this moment).  We started period 1 by going immediately to Mr. Woolley's room.  I read aloud as the class sketched.

Period 2, I heroically fought through the smell and went into the room to get the kids their reading response books.  Then we went to the Library to read (and write our letters).  That's what we're doing right at this moment...the kids are getting a really nice long chunk of time to read today.

Period 3 The Grade 4's are suppose to go to French ...but I think that no supply teacher picked up Mr. Woolley's job both Grades will probably stay together in the French room (because I just checked, and it still smells bad in our room).  I think we'll try and do social Studies (Grade 4's practising the provinces and capitals and the Grade 3's working on investigating the 3 different landform regions in Canada)

Period 4 I am hoping to teach both Grades about the mode and median of sets of Data.
Reviewing mode:
Grade 4’s introducing median (worksheet)

Period 5 we have gym, we'll be working on more throwing and catching skills.
Period 6 we have Mrs. Haynes for the performing arts. 

Fingers crossed we get access to our room soon!  Your kids are showing terrific resiliency (so far) today.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

November 27th

Happy Tuesday.

Here's what our day looked like (so far)

Period 1 we read aloud a chapter from The Nose From Jupiter.  Then we had some reading time after I shared Evie's awesome reading response.  Today's mini lesson we came up with ideas they could write about to help them with their 'thinking'. 

Period 2 we had writer's workshop.  The mini lesson was all about when (and how) to use periods in our writing because if you don't you end up creating a really, really long run on sentence that nobody wants to read because you never have a moment to even take a breath.

Period 3 we looked at using (and choosing) an appropriate scale on our bar graphs.

Period 4 we worked on finishing up our OP art (while listening to Christmas Music).  We even had time to practise our 2 songs for the upcoming concert.  Please feel free to practise at home too:

Snow and Heat Miser

Santa Clause is Coming to Town

Period 5 we have the computers booked...we're going to do a little social studies.  The Grade 3's are going to continue to research their 'never hear of' city in Ontario and make an 'insta-snap' post of it.  Grade 4's are going to play a quick match up game of the Provinces and Territories and their capital cities...any extra time we might use to play Prodigy.

Period 6 they have music with Mrs. Haynes.

Monday, 26 November 2018

Monday November 26th

Booo!  Another gross, rainy Monday. 

Not a problem for us...because we're going to have fun regardless.

Here is what today should look like.

We just had a quick circle to talk about OP art and complementary colours.  Then I read a chapter from The Nose From Jupiter.

Mrs. Haynes just came to sweep them away to music.

Period 2 we'll actually start work on creating the OP art.

Period 3 we'll do our weekend round up and then Reader's Workshop for whatever time is left.

Period 4 the Grade 4's are off to French and the 3's will stay here to more thoroughly examine a Ontario community.

Period 5 I'm hoping that the kids can 'present' the bar graphs they've been working on.

Period 6 after being inside all day, I think we'll have a little free time to play some board games.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

November 22nd

Here is another one of those predictive blogs:

Period 1 the kids have Health with Mrs. Coric.
Period 2 we're going to continue on with our Reader's Workshop.  I'll share Emma J's letter from yesterday.  All my Thursday (and Friday because of the PD day) people will finish their letters to me.

Period 3 the Grade 4's are off to French.  The Grade 3's are going to be looking at the different Landform regions in Canada.
Period 4 I'm going to allocate to 'finishing up'.  We've got Bar Graphs, Letters, Advertisements and artwork all on the go.

Period 5 we're going to spend cleaning and organizing the classroom and our desks...getting ready for the progress interviews.  I'm also going to take some time to figure out what exactly we're doing for the Christmas Concert...and hopefully get a practise in.
Period 6 we'll start watching a Roald Dahl movie, James and the Giant Peach...with a 'critical lens' on.  We'll look at the images, listen to the sound and talk about the intended audience. 

After that it's interview time!

Enjoy the PD day tomorrow!

Interview times:

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Wednesday November 21

Here's what we did today:

Period 1 we wrote about our thoughts on Bullying for red light.  Then we read aloud a chapter of The Nose From Jupiter.  After that we talked about some awesome reading responses that Carlee and Tennessee wrote.   Then we had some reading time.

Period 2 we went to the book fair to do some shopping.  Thanks to the Moskal family for the generous donation (and to mom for helping out today).

Period 3 The grade 4's went to French while the Grade 3's answered some bar-graph questions on Math Prodigy.

Period 4 the class voted to work on their advertisements (instead of their bar graphs).  They're doing a really good job of inserting implied messages into their ads.

Period 5 we had the anti bullying assembly.

Period 6 Mrs. Haynes took them to music

"Should I bring my kid to the interview?"

I've had a few parents email me, asking whether or not they should bring their children to the interview.

I leave that decision completely in the hands of the parents.

If you would like your child to attend, that is entirely up to you. 

Some parents prefer to talk 'privately' with the teacher, and I also understand that too.

Whatever works best for you and your family....I'll be here regardless!

See you all soon,


Tuesday, 20 November 2018

November 20th

Here is what our busy day looked like:

Period 1 we had a few Grade 6's come in do some 'book talks' to hype some of the featured books at the book fair.  Then we read another chapter from A Nose From Jupiter.  After that we looked at some of the 'reader's letters' from yesterday and what we liked about them.  Then we had our reader's workshop.

Period 2 we had our Writer's workshop.  We looked at using pronouns correctly.

Period 3 we looked closely (and critically)  at some more ads and tried to figure out the implied messages.  Then the kids started thinking about making their own ads...and how they'd send an implied message.

Period 4 we made a birthday bar graph for the class. Then the kids continued working on their own bar graphs from last week.

Period 5 we went to browse at the book fair...coming home with our 'wish lists'.

Period 6 they're off to music with Mrs. Haynes.


Interview schedule:

Also, I believe the office is collecting the order forms for the  Big Box Fundraiser tomorrow!

PINK SHIRT day tomorrow too!

Monday, 19 November 2018

November 19th

I appreciate everyone's support over the last week.  Thank you.  It means a lot.

I'm back...trying to organize myself!

First off...Progress Reports are going home today.    Please return the envelopes when you get a moment.

Here is a copy of my interview schedule...please let me know if you are unable to make your date/time:

Today is suppose to look like this:

Period 1 Mrs. Perks is here to help with art...we're going to be doing Keith Haring inspired art work today.  I'm going to show the kids these websites so they get an idea of who he is, and his style. - cool Website

We have music for 30 minutes

Period 2 we'll continue on with our art.

Period 3 we're going to do reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 4 Grade 4's are off to French, the Grade 3's will be doing some Social Studies...continuing to use google maps to investigate Ontario.

Period 5 I'm going to try and get a handle on where we are in math and our Data Management Unit. 

Period 6 I'll hand out the progress reports, we'll talk about goals and hopefully clean up the room a little.

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

November 13th

I'm just at school now...getting things together for a supply teacher.

I have a family emergency and I will most likely be out of the building for the next couple of days.

I apologize, but I probably won't be able to get back to the blog until I return.

See you soon (remind your kids to stay awesome).

Monday, 12 November 2018

November 12th

Here is what I hope today will look like.

Period 1 we did a real 'head scratcher' of a math problem for RED light.  We had a good conversation about perseverance.   Then Mrs. Haynes came to take them away to music.

Period 2 we're going to be doing some Kadinsky inspired art work.  I'm going to show this video first to introduce the artist:
Period 3 we're going to watch 2 videos...Mason playing drums and Keeley and Tennesse's Cheer Routine.  After that we'll do our weekend round up.

Period 4 Grade 4's have french.  Grade 3's are going to look at the landform regions of Ontario...and hopefully use the chromebooks to investigate google maps and some cool places in Ontario.

Period 5 we'll do a little shared reading about the provinces of Canada:
Then we'll do some math, looking at changing step and growing patterns.

Friday, 9 November 2018

Christmas Ornament Painting Party?

I had a parent forward me this information about a Christmas Ornament Painting Party:

Sounds like it could be neat?

If you have any questions or require any further information, please contact Gennifer Lynch at:

November 9th

Happy weekend.  Here is what I hope today looks like!

Period 1 - We have our remembrance day assembly.
Period 2 - I'm not sure how long the assembly will last.  The rest of Period 2 will be reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 3 - Hopefully we can use the gym to continue on with our soccer unit.
Period 4 -We'll keep working on Patterning with math...looking at changing step, and same step patterns.

Period 5 - We have Library.
Period 6 - Mr. Woolley has both Grades for French.

Have great weekends everyone.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

November 8th

Thursday morning blog time:

Period 1 (now) - Health with Mrs. Coric.
Period 2: We'll do a little read aloud of our new book The Nose From Jupiter.  Then some shared reading: : provinces of Canada.
Reader's/Writer's workshop/ guided reading.

Period 3 the Grade 4's are off to Aldershot for the social networking safety workshop. Grade 3's are helping their Grade 1 buddies make Remembrance Day posters on Google Draw.
Period 4's The Grade 3's are going to start looking at some of the landform regions of Ontario. We'll watch some videos from this website:

Period 5 hopefully the Grade 4's will be back from their workshop and we'll do some more patterning. Looking at input/output tables:
Period 6 Mrs. Whitehead (Sarah) is going to come and help out with the guitars again.  Hopefully we'll learn to use picks and the D chord today!

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

November 7th

It's only first break...but I find it much easier to blog earlier, rather than here we go.

Period 1 and 2 were awesome.

We started off by just finishing up some outstanding work.  We worked on our poppy mosaic art, finished our book vs. movie Desperaux work and also worked on yesterday's math/patterning work.  When we were done all those things we had some time on the chromebooks (if they wished) to read or write.  Everyone was really engaged and worked well this morning.

Period 3 the Grade 4's are off to French...the Grade 3's are writing a very brief quiz on forces.
Period 4 we have the chromebooks again, we'll be using them to finish our Canadian online scavenger hunt.  If there is any extra time, we'll be answering some prodigy patterning questions.

Period 5 we have gym.  We'll do some more 'footwork' drills and hopefully have some time to play a game or two.
Period 6 Mrs. Haynes has them for music.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

November 6th...

Another rainy day!!!

I'll be away this afternoon, so I'm going to blog first thing this morning...Here is what I hope today looks like:

Period 1 we're going to do movie/book comparison for Tale of Despereaux for Red Light.  After that, we'll do a little shared reading by singing this song about the provinces of Canada: -lyrics

Then we're going to do our reader's workshop/guided reading.

Period 2 we'll have our writer's workshop, looking at using a thesaurus to enhance our writing (but not too much).

Period 3 we'll look a little closer at patterning. Specifically growing and shrinking patterns.
Period 4 Mrs. Pinnington will take over, and the kids are going to try to do some work out of their math textbooks (for the first time)

Period 5 is going to be allocated to 'finishing up'. First math, then poppy mosaics.
Period 6 the class has music.

**Grade 3's will have a very quick 'forces quiz' tomorrow...I hope they're familiar with that study sheet that wen home last week!  study sheet.

Monday, 5 November 2018

November 5th

Happy Rainy Monday (again).

Here is what I'm hoping happens today.

Period 1 we'll talk a little about Remembrance Day.  Then Mrs. Perks is going to help us make mosaic poppies tearing and gluing paper.

They'll go to music for a bit during this period and come back Period 2.

I hope to finish the poppies during Period 2.

Period 3 we'll do our 'Weekend Round Up' then do our next lesson on Media messages (implied or overt).

Period 4 the Grade 4's go to French.  The Grade 3's will be working on typing up some of their stories in their literacy folder.

Period 5 we'll have our Literacy period.  The kids will read or write while I'm doing some guided reading.

Period 6 I'm hoping to finish up The Tale of Desperaux movie from Friday.

**November 8th the Grade 4's are walking to Aldershot for the social networking safety presentation.

Friday, 2 November 2018

November 2nd

Good day (so far)

Period 1 the Grade 4's went to do reading buddies.  The Grade 3's stayed here we learned about homonyms.
Period 2 we started looking at overt and implied messages in media.  Looking specifically what ads were trying to tell us.  We also finished presenting our STEM projects.

Period 3 we have gym.  More soccer skills and fun.
Period 4 I'm hoping to show the start of The Tale of Desperaux movie.

Period 5 we have library.
Period 6 French with Mr. Woolley.

*Grade 3's - I'm thinking we'll have our forces quiz next that study sheet.  Also, swim to survive certificates coming home tonight.

**Grade 4's - finish that minerals around the house homework (if you haven't already).  Due Monday.

Thursday, 1 November 2018

November 1st

Happy November!

I hope your children are in better shape then my own kids this morning!  Late night and too much candy made Sophie and Eli a little crusty this morning!

Here is what is planned for today.

Period 1 -Health with Mrs. Coric.
Period 2 - New room arrangement.  We'll use the random number generator to (help) pick spots.  Then we'll do student choice reader's/writer's workshop with whatever time we have left.

Period 3 -Grade 4's to French with Mr. Woolley.  Grade 3's to the pool for our last Swim to Survive lesson.
Period 4- Grade 4's to Mrs. Evers to help her kids navigate the chromebooks (Grade 3's still swimming).

Period 5 -we'll get back and eat a little.  Hopefully we have enough time to start a media lesson.
Period 6 - Mrs. Whitehead is coming in to help us with the guitars again.  Hopefully we master the Am and Em!  

I had a parent email me to confirm interview is the schedule, in case you've forgotten.

Let me know if you need to change your time.  

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...