Wednesday, 28 November 2018

(stinky) November 28th

That's right, it's a stinky day...and I mean stinky.

I walked into my classroom this morning around 8:15 and almost threw up!  The smell was so bad, I could barely breathe.  Mrs. Evers, Mrs. Trainor and Mr. Bayliss and I searched the room high and low looking for the source of disgustingness.

We think we found the old milk spill hidden behind our Lego and ball least we think it was may have been green slime?

New rule:  No more slime at school (and if you spill milk...please tell me about it).

Needless to say, it has thrown our day out of sorts quite a bit.  We couldn't use our room (and still can't at this moment).  We started period 1 by going immediately to Mr. Woolley's room.  I read aloud as the class sketched.

Period 2, I heroically fought through the smell and went into the room to get the kids their reading response books.  Then we went to the Library to read (and write our letters).  That's what we're doing right at this moment...the kids are getting a really nice long chunk of time to read today.

Period 3 The Grade 4's are suppose to go to French ...but I think that no supply teacher picked up Mr. Woolley's job both Grades will probably stay together in the French room (because I just checked, and it still smells bad in our room).  I think we'll try and do social Studies (Grade 4's practising the provinces and capitals and the Grade 3's working on investigating the 3 different landform regions in Canada)

Period 4 I am hoping to teach both Grades about the mode and median of sets of Data.
Reviewing mode:
Grade 4’s introducing median (worksheet)

Period 5 we have gym, we'll be working on more throwing and catching skills.
Period 6 we have Mrs. Haynes for the performing arts. 

Fingers crossed we get access to our room soon!  Your kids are showing terrific resiliency (so far) today.

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...