Tuesday, 27 November 2018

November 27th

Happy Tuesday.

Here's what our day looked like (so far)

Period 1 we read aloud a chapter from The Nose From Jupiter.  Then we had some reading time after I shared Evie's awesome reading response.  Today's mini lesson we came up with ideas they could write about to help them with their 'thinking'. 

Period 2 we had writer's workshop.  The mini lesson was all about when (and how) to use periods in our writing because if you don't you end up creating a really, really long run on sentence that nobody wants to read because you never have a moment to even take a breath.

Period 3 we looked at using (and choosing) an appropriate scale on our bar graphs.

Period 4 we worked on finishing up our OP art (while listening to Christmas Music).  We even had time to practise our 2 songs for the upcoming concert.  Please feel free to practise at home too:

Snow and Heat Miser

Santa Clause is Coming to Town

Period 5 we have the computers booked...we're going to do a little social studies.  The Grade 3's are going to continue to research their 'never hear of' city in Ontario and make an 'insta-snap' post of it.  Grade 4's are going to play a quick match up game of the Provinces and Territories and their capital cities...any extra time we might use to play Prodigy.

Period 6 they have music with Mrs. Haynes.

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...