Tuesday, 20 November 2018

November 20th

Here is what our busy day looked like:

Period 1 we had a few Grade 6's come in do some 'book talks' to hype some of the featured books at the book fair.  Then we read another chapter from A Nose From Jupiter.  After that we looked at some of the 'reader's letters' from yesterday and what we liked about them.  Then we had our reader's workshop.

Period 2 we had our Writer's workshop.  We looked at using pronouns correctly.

Period 3 we looked closely (and critically)  at some more ads and tried to figure out the implied messages.  Then the kids started thinking about making their own ads...and how they'd send an implied message.

Period 4 we made a birthday bar graph for the class. Then the kids continued working on their own bar graphs from last week.

Period 5 we went to browse at the book fair...coming home with our 'wish lists'.

Period 6 they're off to music with Mrs. Haynes.


Interview schedule:

Also, I believe the office is collecting the order forms for the  Big Box Fundraiser tomorrow!

PINK SHIRT day tomorrow too!

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...