Monday, 12 November 2018

November 12th

Here is what I hope today will look like.

Period 1 we did a real 'head scratcher' of a math problem for RED light.  We had a good conversation about perseverance.   Then Mrs. Haynes came to take them away to music.

Period 2 we're going to be doing some Kadinsky inspired art work.  I'm going to show this video first to introduce the artist:
Period 3 we're going to watch 2 videos...Mason playing drums and Keeley and Tennesse's Cheer Routine.  After that we'll do our weekend round up.

Period 4 Grade 4's have french.  Grade 3's are going to look at the landform regions of Ontario...and hopefully use the chromebooks to investigate google maps and some cool places in Ontario.

Period 5 we'll do a little shared reading about the provinces of Canada:
Then we'll do some math, looking at changing step and growing patterns.

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...