Monday, 13 May 2019

May 13th

Happy Rainy Monday.

Here is what today is supposed to look like.

Period 1- we'll continue on with part 2 of our art lesson with Mrs. Perks.  Then the kids will head to music.
Period 2 we'll hopefully finish the second stage of our art.

Period 3 we're going to look at improper fractions and mixed numbers in math:

Period 4 Grade 4's are off to French and the Grade 3's and I will look a little closer at some EQAO stuff (we write next week).

Period 5 will be weekend round up.
Period 6 will be reader's/writer's workshop.  Week B letters due this week.

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...