Friday, 28 June 2019

Last post!

Thank you!

I just want to say thank you to all the amazing students and their parents for making my first year at Glenview amazing.

Somebody asked me the other day how long I've been teaching at Glenview, and I honestly had to think back and try to remember, before I realized that this is only my first year!

That's how magical this place is.  It just feels like home and that I've been here for years.  Thats mostly because of all of you.

Thank you!

I hope everyone has a relaxing and enjoyable all deserve it.  Stay safe and I'll see you all again in September.

Mr. Cross

Thursday, 27 June 2019

June 27th

Second last day of school!

A great day so far.  Period 1 was health.

Period 2 we finished our read aloud, The Homework Machine.

Period 3 The 4's went to French, and the Grade 3's worked with their buddies, presenting their animal slide show.

Period 4 we played some seat ball, talked about tomorrow and watched 2 episodes of Read All About It.

Period 5 we'll watch a couple more episodes of Read All About It.
Period 6 we'll tidy up the classroom and play some games.

NOTE:  Tomorrow the kids have BEGGED me to allow them to bring their technology to school.  Since it's the last day, why not?  

A few rules:  Games have to be appropriate!  The school is not responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen items (I told them it's just safer not to bring tech. if they're worried).  

Technically we're not allowed to let treats come in...however, if some parents want to break this rule, please remember that we have 3 kids with Peanut Allergies!  Also, bring enough for everyone (18 kids if everyone shows up).  

Monday, 24 June 2019

June 24th

A good day today.

Period 1 - We made birthday cards for our summer birthday friends.  Then they went to music.
Period 2 - we had a goodbye period with Mrs. Perks.

Period 3 and 4 we had our wellness celebration, the Grade 4's went to LaSalle.

Period 5 we had weekend round up and some outside fun time.
Period 6 we watched Read All About It.

NOTE:  I am away tomorrow for my son's Kindergarten graduation...Mrs. Pinnington will be here.  I want to remind everyone that we are ALL going to La Salle Park on Wednesday.  Dress appropriately, bring plenty of water and sun screen.  I've never done this trip before, so I am not totally sure what to expect.  I probably won't get a chance blog this is my reminder!

Friday, 21 June 2019

June 21st

Today we had a GREAT trip to the RBG.  Thanks to all the parents that were able to volunteer.

It might not be a bad idea for parents to give their kids the 'once over' looking for any creepy crawlers that might have hitched a ride.  It is tick season after all.

See you next week.


Thursday, 20 June 2019

June 20th

Happy rainy Thursday.

Here is what today is supposed to look like:

Period 1- Health with Mrs. Coric.
Period 2 - Reader's Writer's workshop.

Period 3- 4's to French - 3's to present Plant slideshows.
Period 4 -we're going to do watch a Bill Nye video on 'Biodiversity'.

Period 5 - is the Talent Show (go Gwyn, Brooklyn, Keeley and Emma)
Period 6 - if there is anytime left we'll watch chapter 12 of Read All About It

REMINDER: tomorrow is our Field Trip to the RBG!  The weather looks good...but today's rain might make it a bit muddy.  I would recommend appropriate shoes/ we do a lot of outside stuff.  Flip flops and sandals might be a little messy (and slippery).  Make sure you bring a lunch, water bottle, hat and sun screen! 


Wednesday, 19 June 2019

June 19th here we go.  It seems like I keep forgetting about something each day...but here are today's tentative plans.

Period 1 and 2 we have the chrome books.  We're going to be writing limericks and haikus and putting them in the correct folders on the Drive.

Period 3 the 4's are off to French and the 3's are going to work on their plant presentations.
Period 4 we're going to watch a Bill Nye video on Rocks and Soils...gearing up for our RBG trip on FRIDAY.

Period 5 I'm going to show the kids this quick video on the rules to Ultimate Frisbee:
Then we'll go outside and try to play.
Period 6 is music with Mrs. Haynes.


Tuesday, 18 June 2019

June 18th

Less then ten days left of school???

Yesterday didn't go as planned (I forgot about the assembly and the Raptors Parade).

Here is what today should look like.

Period 1: Mrs. Burns is coming in for her second last 'mindfulness/flexible thinking' lesson.
Period 2: is Reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 3: I am hoping to have some of the Grade 3's present their plant slideshows and some of the 4's to present their ancient civilization slides shows.
Period 4: We're going to create our own 'carnival games' that have to do with probability.

Period 5: We'll watch chapter 10 -Place of Change of Read All About It.
Period 6: We have music with Mrs. Haynes.

NOTE: This Friday, we're away all day on our RBG field trip! 

Monday, 17 June 2019

June 17th

Here is what today should look like.

Period 1 we brainstormed ideas for a craft for Mrs. Perks...who is coming in next Monday for her last day.  Then the kids had music.

Period 2 we'll continue to work on our 'Goodbye card' for Mrs. Perks.

Period 3 both grades will be working on science.

Period 4 the Grade 4's are off to French.  The Grade 3's will continue on with Science.

Period 5 we'll do weekend round up and reader's/writer's workshop.
Period 6 we'll watch chapter 10 of Read All About It.

Friday, 14 June 2019

June 14th

Here is what today has and hopefully will look like.

Period 1 and 2 was reader's/writer's workshop...while some of us frantically tried to finish up our Father's Days gift.

Period 3 is gym.  I'm going to take them outside for gym...but I'll mostly be working one on one with some kids to put the finishing touches on their Father's Day gifts.
Period 4 we'll watch chapter 6 of Read All About It.

Period 5 we have library...hopefully we can finish up our Father's Day gifts!
Period 6 Mr. Woolley has them for French.

Have a terrific weekend...happy Father's Day to all the dads out there.  I hope you enjoy your presents...your kids worked quite hard on them (so at least pretend you do).

Thursday, 13 June 2019

June 13th

Here is what today will look like...hopefully.

Period 1- Health with Mrs. Coric.
Period 2 - Reader's/Writer's workshop.

Period 3 -Grade 4's to French.  Grade 3's working on a plant slideshow.
Period 4 -a game of PIG, then chapter 6 of Read All About It.

Period 5 and 6 we'll be working on our Father's Day crafts.  I've got a few parent volunteers coming in to help out.  It's an ambitious project....but we can do it...gulp...hopefully

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

June 12

A little bit of a different day when we're missing so many kids.  I think we have 11 kids here.

It's also a Friday schedule today.

Period 1: Reader's/Writer's workshop (most of us chose to write on the Chromebooks)
Period 2: Was math (most of us chose to do math on the Chromebooks)

Period 3 we learned the rules to Ultimate Frisbee and practised outside.  Lots of sweat! 
Period 4 was free time.

Period 5 we have library.  We're going to be working hard to help Mrs. Ever's class finish their animal projects.
Period 6 the kids have French.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

June 11th

Here is what we're doing today.

Period 1 - emotional wellness with Mrs. Burns.
Period 2 -reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 3 we're going to play another probability game called 'PIG'.
Period 4 we'll watch chapter 6 of Read All About It - The Stolen Message

Period 5 we're going to work with Mrs. Ever's class to help them finish their animal slideshows on the chromebooks.
Period 6 we have music with Mrs. Haynes.

Monday, 10 June 2019

June 10th

Happy Rainy Monday...

Here is how today should look.

Period 1-we'll watch this video and talk about working with charcoal.
Then the kids go to music.
Period 2 - we'll actually get our hands dirty (sorry) and work with the charcoal (and Mrs. Perks).

Period 3 we're going to be doing some more probability experiments.
Period 4 the 4's go to French, the Grade 3's will be dissecting a Lima Bean.

Period 5 &6 we'll do weekend round up and Reader's/writer's workshop.  Hopefully we can squeak in in chapter 5 of Read All About It!

Note..still need some Lasalle Permission Forms and the RBG permission Forms.

Go Raptors Go!

Thursday, 6 June 2019

June 6th

Here is what today has and should look like.

Period 1 - Health with Mrs. Coric.
Period 2 - Reader's/Writer's workshop -we tried to finish up our learning skills reflections (and our letters to our future teacher's).

Period 3 - The grade 4's went to French.  The Grade 3's did a little investigation about the functions of stems and leaves.  But, we were interrupted by the cool planes that flew of course we had to go outside and watch them.
Period 4 - Mrs. Fabbri came in while the 4's worked on researching for their ancient civilization projects and the 3's went on google classroom to explore these plant websites:

Period 5-we'll read a little bit of The Homework Machine and watch chapter 4 of Read All About It, then answer the 4 comprehension questions I've put up about today's episode.
Period 6 -The Grade 3's are going to dissect some Lima Beans, and the 4's are going to continue to finish DRA/Research.

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

June 5th

Here is what I am hoping today looks like:

Period 1 we'll do reader's workshop.  I'm working to finish all my end of the year reading assessments (Grade 4's DRA, Grade 3's PM Benchmarks).

Period 2 is writer's workshop.  We're going to be looking at a learning skills reflection sheet...and writing letters to our next year's teachers.

Period 3 the 4's are going to French.  The 3's will watch the correct Magic School bus about plants (I showed them the wrong one on Monday).

Period 4 we'll watch Chapter 3 of Read All About It...but first we'll talk about the quality of answer's we've been producing (or lack thereof).

Period 5 we have the gym...I saw that the Drum Fit kit is still in the gym...we'll try and squeak out one more session with the Kit.

Period 6 is Music with Mrs. Haynes.

NOTE:  I'm still missing 9 permission forms for the RBG trip (June 21) and 6 for the Lasalle Park trip (June 26th).  Please bring those in ASAP if you haven't already!

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

June 4th

Here is what we did today.

Period 1 we made Lylah belated birthday cards.  Then we had Mrs. Burns in for another 'emotional wellness' lesson.

Period 2 was reader's workshop.

Period 3 we did a little work out in the garden.  Our onions have started to sprout, and we planted our watermelons (thanks to the Whiteheads).

Period 4 we played SKUNK and then tried to learn Farkle.  It's a fun one to play at home too:

Period 5 we watched episode 2 of Read All About It and answered some comprehension questions.

Period 6 we got to see Terra Lightfoot perform...she was awesome!

Monday, 3 June 2019

June 3rd!


I can't believe how fast this year has gone.  4 more weeks of school.

Here is what today should look like:

Period 1 - we did a 'Frindle' quiz for red light...then we took it up.  Then the class went to Music with Mrs. Haynes.
Period 2 -we have art..but sadly, no Mrs. Perks today.  We're going to watch this video:
Then attempt to draw our very own 'grumpy cat'.

Period 3 we going to share the results from our Paper, Rock, Scissors tournament from last week.  Then we're going to play a risky dice game called SKUNK. If there's time we might dive into creating our own 'carnival games'.

Period 4 The 4's have French and the 3's are going to continue to work on the parts of a plant.

Periods 5 & 6 we'll do weekend round up and then reader's/writer's workshop. If all goes well, I'm hoping to show them at the end of the day a TV show from my childhood, that I adored, Read All About It (it's always a big hit).

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...