Thursday, 9 November 2017

November 10th

Another day down!

We started off by looking at our class' favourite foods.  You'll be glad to know Candy, Ice Cream and Goldfish crackers are all very popular.
Then we read from our class novel, The Nose From Jupiter.  After that, we did some independent/guided reading. 

Period 2 we worked on our Writer's workshop.  Today's lesson was all about using 'transition words'.

Period 3 we worked on our soccer skills, and played bench ball...that's where things started to go a little south.

I think the time change, and the competitive nature of some of the kids took this game from fun to un-fun kind of quickly.  There were quite a few upset kids.  Lots of talk of "cheating and not cheating and winning and losing."

Luckily nothing cures upset children like math class! 

Period 4 we continued to work on our graphing activity from yesterday.  Conducting a surveys, collecting data and representing it on a bar graph.  I noticed some of the emotions from gym class carrying over to math class too. 

Period 5 Mrs. Smith is teaching science.

Period 6 I had drama planned, but think I a community circle may be in order.  I'm going to reenforce the importance of being kind.  Go over some of the skills that good partners have.  Then I plan to give them so free time to play a game (e.g., board game) with some friends to practise those skills. 

Wish me luck!

Big thanks for Mrs. Perks for hanging up our awesome art (Matisse and the Leaf men)

1 comment:

  1. Just to make you feel better, Marcus had no idea who was upset about gym or that any incident had even occurred. Just to show that even when a conflict seems big it may not be having a negative impact on all. Or my child is blissfully ignorant of his surroundings - also probable. ;) Nevertheless, reinforcing kindness sounds awesome!


Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...