Friday, 17 November 2017

November 17th

Another good day... to finish up a great week!

Good job class getting 14 out of 20 kids dressing in RED!

It's Friday, so this is going to be a super quick post.

The morning we did quiet activities for Red Light.  Then we read a chapter of the The Nose From Jupiter.  After that we did independent reading and guided reading.  Then we had a nice long period to write./conference.

Period 3 -We went onto google classroom and did 2 quizzes on
Period 4 we had gym and played soccer.

Period 5 we read another chapter from The Nose From Jupiter and some Go Noodle.  Then Maanit shared his published piece of writing.  We had a bit of free time before we continued our Geronimo Stilton episode.

A great day. Have a great weekend!

Kudos to Zane on his newest coding art.

*A tiny (very easy to lose) piece of paper is coming home tonight with  a reminder of Parent Teacher conference times and dates. 

I've had parents ask if the students are expected to come... I always leave that to the discretion of the parents.  Students are always welcome, but I also understand if they don't.

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...