Wednesday, 8 November 2017

November 8th

A good day so far.

Period 1 we started off with a 'red light' activity where we wrote down our LEAST favourite foods.  It turns out that nobody likes brussels sprouts.  Mushrooms, tuna and sea weed also get honourable mentions.  Then we read from our class novel.  The Norbert character is getting a lot of laughs.  Then we had some independent/guided reading.

Period 2 we did a quick mini-lesson on keeping the perspective (point of view) consistent.  Then we went to our desks to start writing.  Ellene and I started our first conference.

Period 3 we had math, we talked about asking a question, conducting a survey, collecting data in tally charts and displaying that data on a bar graph.  The kids got to work in partners (if they wanted) and find out a question they could collect data and graph.  Hopefully we'll finish up tomorrow.

Period 4 Mrs. Smith started science.

Period 5 Mrs. Djonovich is doing music.

Period 6 I'm hoping to (re)teach the A minor chord.  Then put the chords together to play Island in the Sun.  Hopefully soon we'll have something concrete we can record!!!

update:  here is our very first attempt at playing part of a song on the guitar....we'll get there...eventually

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...