Friday, 3 November 2017

November 3rd

Here is a typical, rushed, Friday post.

Period 1 we did a couple of difficult mazes for Red Light.  Then we started our new read aloud, The Nose From Jupiter.  Then the kids did some independent reading while a few us did some guided reading at the blue table.

Period 2 we started the writer's workshop.  It went great.  We did a mini lesson about using the Thesaurus...ask your kids what the word perambulate means, and why it doesn't sound like 'us'.

Period 3 we're going to use the computers to make graphs on create-a-graph.  We're going to familiarize ourselves with the software, download pdf's and hopefully add them to our class folder on the cloud.

Period 4 Mrs. Chamberlain is coming in for me in the afternoon.  She'll be taking the kids to gym.

Period 5 and 6 Mrs. Chamberlain is going to do some 'leaf rubbing' art with the class.

Have a great weekend...see you Monday!

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...